67 / 115
Mar 2021
  1. Introducing a character in the first issue, and then killing them off in the second issue.
  2. Spending 20 issues on one battle or catastrophe (similar to how the original Dragon Ball Z run portrayed the Cell Games Saga).

  3. When characters act as the Deus Ex Machina for every situation thus giving them limitless power and few, if any vulnerabilities.

Those are what make for some fantastic comics :+1:.

Actually, that could be good if you have a solid supporting cast. A story about the chosen one getting killed and people realizing that they have to make their own fate could be interesting.....

(whistling suspiciously because i did that......as a parody)

Only post one or two pages.

If you do not get a lot of followers based on this, complain on the forums that you are a failure.

If you do get a lot of followers, randomly delete your comic.

Eyyo I love when it's been going on for years and years and just when it got really good the author takes a hiatus that lasts twenty bajillion years because they got bored with the comic

(honestly I can't fault them, alot of people start making comics sometime during their teens and as time passes they start to like different things and will get less invested in working on the comic they started 5 years ago, hope that doesn't happen with me someday :confused: )

14 days later

Do anything even vaguely resembling this.

  • Fart Jokes!!!!
  • Characters tell what they're doing in a very obvious matter.
  • Overused cliches as the twist "It's always the butler!!!"
  • Overuse of lecturing and messaging in your work.

okay. So this is not related to comics but in the danganronpa series, they introduced 15 characters, and 3 died LOL

I am LOVING reading this... so many good laughs... thank you for making me feel included as I feel the same... there are so many things I agree with...

Starting a comic, then doing two pages, then quitting and starting a new one! And quitting that one again. And so on.
Variety is the spice of life, after all!

Rapey romances. Really butters my toast when you force another person in the name of 'love'.