1 / 18
Mar 4

For me, I love drawing unique hair, cool designed outfits🧥 and some action scenes :punch:

While I hate to draw backgrounds and crowds of NPCs :expressionless:
Especially, if the backgrounds are complex and NPC have more than 2 panels

Eh, but I can't make a good story with singular characters, so, I'm also doing what I can to get better at drawing.
There's a loot of things to learn again :sweat_smile:

Backgrounds, NPCs, MOTORCYCLES. The first one takes a lot of time, second one takes more time if there's a lot and I have to come up with new designs, and third is just HARD which sucks for me because the country its set in mostly uses motorcycles :sob:

Forgot to say what I love - for backgrounds, I do enjoy drawing the sky the most! I like drawing clouds. And I enjoy drawing characters otherwise when there isn't a ton. I enjoy designing characters a lot

It’s a good thing my comic is set on a rural island with no technology because vehicles and large buildings are my nemeses :sob: usually the only house we see from the outside is Mev’s, which is just a grass hut.

I like drawing drawing people doing stuff… this is why I like making comics.

I love to draw birds/chickens in my evolved style, and love rendering light/shadows. I also love doing illustrations outside my comic that look more polished and detailed.

I'm kinda 'meh' with bgs, considering I do minimalist work for more panels, but some detailed scenes come out nice on occasion.
I'm okay with drawing humans, though I can still improve on posing them. I'm also proud with how far I improved since ep 1. Still gotta practice a lot before I'm 100% happy with them.

I HATE drawing hands, cars and bgs with "accurate" perspective. I usually just get as close I can and say "eff it".

Love just about everything but the coloring part. I would leave it black and white if people actually read black and white comics on tapas.

When it comes to backgrounds, I really enjoy drawing natural landscapes, such as mountains, forests, and the sea. However, I hate drawing man-made structures.

They are tedious and time-consuming, and even the slightest mistake becomes glaringly obvious. With natural scenery, small perspective errors are much harder to notice.

As for characters, I don’t like drawing those with overly complex outfits. Sometimes, I find myself thinking, “Why did I design such a complicated outfit just to torture myself?!”
In other words, I usually prefer drawing sexy characters who wear minimal clothing.:kissing_closed_eyes:

That said, when I work with ink painting, I enjoy drawing characters with loose, flowing garments because it fits well with the expressive style of ink wash art.

And… the thing I hate the most is drawing crowds. Just kill me.

Why did I choose a zombie-themed story, of all things? There’s no way to avoid scenes with hordes of the undead. I’m definitely going to hate myself for picking this theme later.:joy:

backgrounds and cleaning up line art. I HATE cleaning up my line art and it always burns me out quickly. I can usually only do it in short bursts

Agreed! Cleaning up line art really tests my patience. Nowadays, I always start coloring directly from this rough state.

to this:

Backgrounds, multiple objects in a panel. Perspective consistency.

I love flat coloring. That is the fastest part, and it is visual. I hate the sketching part. I always feel that I'm not enough creative, and can't draw well things/poses :sweat:

Don't worry, I'm sure you'll get better in the future.
In fact, I'm still haven't satisfied with my art, I'm planning to learn again once I finished this story

Yeah, perspective is hell.. :sweat_smile:
I hate it especially if it's city in perspective
Whoa, what a pain in the neck

Making comics including Elven Crusader is what I enjoy doing. There's a pros and cons when making my comic.

- Drawing my characters.
- Drawing sprawling shots.
- Drawing expressions
- Coloring
- Drawing action sequences

- Long time needed to finish page which took me 3-4 days on each.
- Complex backgrounds including a city or even village.
- Drawing crowds and lots of characters