64 / 83
Jan 2021

OOH, i thought of another good one.
I want someone to recognize all the obscure music references in my comic. :slight_smile:

I have... lots of dreams lol. I really want people to cosplay my characters, draw fanart, create fanfics, etc. I want people to like what I create, and I want my characters and stories to inspire people to create their own!

I've got a couple dreams hahaha.

The biggest one: I'd like to be able to create my comics full time!

It would be amazing if I could devote the majority of my time to creating stories and worlds, and sharing them with people. How realistic is that? Who knows. But one step at a time I guess, hahaha.

The other dreams are pretty standard to most creators. Know that I've had an impact and created something memorable, build a fanbase, maybe get some fanart and see how much fun people are having with my ideas. Who knows, though.

I want a home, if only that becomes real I would be the happiest luckiest person in the world.

I want to work in television, so maybe my goal (tho not 100% realistic), is to create something that gets my foot in the door.

Tho for a more down to earth goal is just creating something that someone enjoys reading. It would also be cool to create merch one day.

I am not a big spender so I don’t care about getting rich. Having livable income would be fine by me.

I probably sound shallow, but I wish to be financially stable so that I could live alone and just spend full time on drawing. I can work on multiple projects and draw more without work stealing my energy.

I wish I had fans too, but my social awkwardness transcends into cyberspace so I still struggle with interacting with others. I haven’t thought of fan letters until now. I kinda miss letters. I haven’t gotten mail like that since the penpal days of elementary school.

Pay my parents bills so that they can live without having to worry about money, but also without us (thir kids) having to live at home in their house to be able to pay the bills. (right now we all split the bills since no one can afford to move out on their own but also if we leave how are our parents going to pay the bills??)

I'd like to be a storyteller, although I don't know how it will be yet. Dunno if it's comics or books or something else. Figure I'll try em all and see what sticks. I do want to have that fame, and I don't think it's bad to want that, especially since the amount you need to make money from online income is (checks notes) a lot? It's a lot. I don't want to be crazy famous, but I do need to make the living thresh-hold. It's just a slowly but surely process and again I've been around the block so...eventually I'll make something that sticks, right?

Also, I just want to be able to make my style and my stories without it being so...ignored? If that makes sense? Like I want to be the person people copy instead of hiding how I draw and how I paint all the time. Kinda tired of emulating other people's IP or other people's styles to garner interest. Kinda tired of feeling like if I post any original content I'll lose followers. Like I see artists who draw one OC and they'll have people in the comments just begging for the rest and it's like...that's what I'm looking for.

My dream is to do art full-time, maybe do the part-time work that I'm doing now because I love doing it, and to finish fanfic stories that I have in my head. To actually finish a complicated fanfic like in the television shows with character development and a good storyline would be AMAZING.

Loved reading all these and seeing all the range there is~

My current goal is to make a livable wage off my art through a combination of my comic, merchandise, and freelance. I'm 7 years in to building my career and I'm "full time", but scraping by really... I'd need to at least double my income before I'm any semblance of comfortable. So that's priority #1.

My life long goal is more lofty: I want to make a studio for independent creators where you can get hired on full time (with benefits) to work on your projects as long as you're cool assisting people in theirs, too. The company would act like a publisher and have several in house teams for different projects: just one big collaboration effort that plays to everyone's strengths and creates stability for an industry that usually doesn't get any.

Ultimately, I want to give people something I never had. I've struggled so much to carve out my own path that, if I do somehow "make it", I want to make it easier for anyone that comes after me. I wouldn't wish this uncertainty on anyone.

I see all of this as attainable, but I have no idea if I'll be able to do it. I'll just have to stay on track for the next 20-30 years and see where I end up.

2 months later

I have a few aspirations, but mainly, my dream is to inspire someone. It'd be amazing if I heard someone say that I inspired them to write a story or begin to get into art because of my work. I'm like everyone else, when people like my work I'm motivated to do more of it, and generally doing art makes me happy (when I feel like it's good, of course).
I guess ultimately I want other people to feel like my work has an impact, and motivate them to pursue their own dreams.

I always find myself daydreaming, thinking about becoming a huge renowed author, and people calling my pen name casually on a conversation at work or something... I also phantasize a lot about receiving an award for some reason.
Those are delusions of grandure, I don't actually expect to get to that point it's just fun to imagine a country guy like me from the 'middle of nowhere - brazil' stepping up on a stage with a portly fit suit, all nervous and trying not to embarass himself too much.
Also... I don't think i need to go in detail about dreaming to want to live off my writing, it's every artists dream to be able to sustain themvselves only doing what they love.

My real dream?
I want a small community of dedicated fans,
People that ask me questions i never thought about my characters, that read my chapters and can't wait to tell me about their feelings and thoughts, and how they are excited for the next one and what they hope will happen.
The real epitome of this for me would be Fan-art, or even a fanfic. That would be the thing that to me tells me i succeded more than anything... Perhaps even a casual meme about my boys being throw out there would suffice ^^
I am very much a fan of my own work, I guess my dream is have other people to geek out with and fanboy along.

I always imagined how awesome it would be if my comic could become a Netflix series or something like that. Hopefully someday the opportunity will come if I keep going at it and try to get my work discovered more. For now its just the webcomic which I'm fine with. I also would like to try getting my comic published into an actual book to sell. Someday I also plan on making a video game with a friend of mine.

I'd die if I see someone cosplaying my characters or making fanart/fanfics.

It would also be great if Stargazer was picked up by some TV network and made into a crappy inaccurate show or weirdly 3D animated Netflix original anime.

For me, it's to be able to quit my day job and write/draw full time. I've never enjoyed just going and clocking in and clocking out day in, day out - it drives me nuts. I want to be able to work on my own terms, and more than that, I want to have a job where I don't even feel like I'm working.

Also: I want a historic house with a bay window that I've turned into a reading nook. And a library... and enough money/a job that'll let me just pick up and live in a foreign country every summer, like my uncle who works entirely on his own time online.

To draw landscapes and trees half as well as Bill Watterson...

But seriously [although the above is also serious] the same as most comics artists: to make it the day job.

My dream is simply to become a professional comic artist. I want to create comics that people will enjoy reading and can be emotionally invested in. I would probably go the full independent route, but maybe do some freelance work for some publishers if I get a chance.

Everyone has their own personal goals for art success. Some want to make it a job, others want to just be heard, etc. I'm more of the second. "Red Shift" has always been about bringing the idea I saw so,so much potential in to life. The story deals with a lot of personal elements through science fiction ie politics, discrimination, and mental health. It also features heavy worldbuilding as that's also important to me. Tapas has allowed my dream of being heard to happen. I have an actual readerbase here which is just... incredible. (Some of them have even come up with theories? I just :pray:) As my socials grow, I will keep working hard to entertain and educate everyone with my creations! And I've been making lots of friends along the way which is also a great bonus! :sparkling_heart:

(A super big dream would be having my work published on DC Comics!)

Awesome dreams you have! Well, my dream is to my series to be seen as a reference, doesn't matter if it becomes a blockbuster famous thing or something more cult, nice-directed. I want to shine light to myths and cultures that are often overlooked or portrayed in unflattering stereotypes, and use them to talk about timeless, essencial topics. And I LOVE when my comic, Menmar, receives feedback. It means I'm on the right track.

In my career, I want to be recognized as a great comic book artist and, especially, as a great storyteller. Of course, I want to be able to fully support myself from my art. I have been working as a professional illustrator for a while, but I still don't have enough income influx to support myself (in this economy???).

I also dream on living on a motorhome, on the road, like I always wanted. My heart is kind of vagrant, and I don't see myself rooted somewhere. I currently live with my parents because I have to (I love them, but I wish to go off the beaten path by myself). I don't need to be rich, but I don't want to starve either. Achieving those things would make my purpose in this life fulfilled I think xD