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Aug 2024

Hey everyone! I'm super curious about where we all draw our inspiration from for our webcomics. For me, it's often the little moments in life that is dark - I fight with my depression working creativley.

I love hearing how other creators find their muse! Do you have a specific person in your life whose quirks you’ve turned into a character? Or maybe there was a significant event that made you want to tell a certain story?

I think those personal touches really make our comics relatable and unique. Let’s share some of our inspirations! How have your experiences shaped the stories you tell? I can’t wait to hear your thoughts!

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    Aug '24
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    Sep '24
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For MK's Jekyll & Hyde, it was two things if you count my sequel. When I was a girl, I used to have a black and white view of the world, but in reality, that's false. There are different kinds of good and bad people. Moreover, it's easy to see the person who looks out for you as annoying until you become the person who has to look out for someone. Parenthood taught me that.

For Cupcake War Machine, it was the realization that my life did not turn out how I thought it would, but that's not a bad thing. In fact, it was a good thing it didn't.

For Psychoborg, it was when I watching a lot of 80s cartoons as an adult and realized that the heroes were not so nice or heroic. Also, I began to find it strange that in He-Man, Skeletor's 'country' is in fact poor and has nothing yet is vilified just because in the 80s.

For Frankenstein, it was experiencing being given a chance. When you give people a chance to do good, they can do good.

That´s a great question.

One of my main villains is influenced by a grumpy lady that I met on the bus from Berlin
to my hometown 8 years ago. She was rude to a kid on the bus and I decided to turn
her into a villain. She now appears in my many of my stories and I kind of take revenge
on her every time. She changed her look over the last 8 years :smiley:

I´m writing a longer adult / humour story right now and most of the stories and characters
are from experiences I had in real life

This stuff definitely affects my novels more than my comics, but as my comic is about the journey of a girl trying to become an artist, it's inspired by me in a lot of ways. Both the tough love and encouragement I've received from people in my life and helpful advice to the feelings of frustration and defeat like I don't have enough time to develop the skill, there's too much to learn and I can't do it fast enough.

Also, my experience growing up seeing very little representation of girls like me in the media inspires the almost completely poc cast of the story, all with different hair textures, complexions, body types, eye shapes, etc.

I think the people who inspire my story the most are my family. My siblings are always helping and encouraging me in my writing so bits and pieces of their ideas often make their way into my story. For instance, it was my siblings' idea to give the male lead red hair, to name the villainess "Miss Nosy" which I changed to "McNozie" and many other aspects of the character designs as well for the MCS.