6 / 21
Jan 2017

pinned globally Jan 10, '17

My comic has only been on the tipping feature and I can say, I love seeing the tips come in even after a long hiatus and revamp of my comic14. I can tell fans value my work and want me to continue. Before the feature I had been worried my revamp would make people not want to read my comic any more. It's a boost in confidence. I'm excited to get more pages out!

I've been watching the ads a bit here an there just to send some tips to my favorite comics. I love being able to support them!! Seriously this feature is the best!

I would love to do this, tipping would mean a lot to me if it works out for me, however I've had tipping for a short time so nothing new has happened...yet. But once I notice the tippingning making an effect I shall inform the media hastily smile

I love the tipping feature! It's actually seriously helping me out financially. I'll definitely try and spread the word! <3

What does tipping means to me...? Well, I finally have some income and that's something that makes me feel great so I always try to tip everytime I get some coins from ads. I can also show you graphically how much does this means and how thankful I am for this new feature:

And it's precisely because of that, that I'm constantly promoting the tipping feature (and not only for my own benefits). I'm sure that the smaller creators will love this as much as I'm doing. So, thank you so much <3

I'm glad this feature/campaign has been made. It was like pulling teeth to get funds via ad-revenue, and now this feature is helping me generate funds pretty quickly. I know right now a lot of said tipping funds are coming from fellow creators, but I hope that I can start getting funds from readers that arent creators as well. I know I have to be patient, coz this is gonna take some time...

Whoa! What a great story. If you have a chance make sure to let the people listed above know.

If enough people contact them they may do a story and really break tipping wide open.


Is there a way to activate this feature? It's not on my comic and it's not available to me for other people either. I sent an email on the original post about it but haven't heard anything. open_mouth

Ahh I'm sorry if you're already aware of the fact, but Tipping is a mobile app only feature.

If you do know (I'm sorry! Have to cover bases >.<;;), have you tried updating the app? qwq

I'd rather wait a bit before sending any review because :
1) I want to see what it means on a monthly basis (I had a lot of tips when I uploaded my "hey guy you can tip me" episode which is normal but not very representative)
2) I'll be the booster shot for these companies if I send a email way after everyone else =)

I'm still new here and tomorrow is only our third Episode but for the life of me, I couldn't figure out the tipping thing. When he had those trial coins for a lil while, I didn't even see where I could tip people. I'm also not sure how to activate it on our series either yet. If someone could clear up how I can tip and sign up to be tipped, that would be huge for the Skeeters. Thanks.

I've scoured through that thread. I sent emails to whatever email addresses I thought might be correct I could find but heard nothing back. Guess that means they passed on Skeeters for a tipping feature? I really wish they would have sent an email if that was the case so we could plan for the future of our series. Very frustrating to hear how wonderful this feature is for everyone else when I can't seem to reach anyone about it. rough start.

There should been only one email address; that person is responsible for thousands of tipping activations, so you may have to wait a minute. Just be patient...

unpinned Feb 1, '17