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Jul 2023

Originally I had an idea for a name for a race of genetically modified super soldiers called Biodroids but while double checking online to make that it wasn't taken by someone else or a big name studio like DC or Marvel, I found out that the word Biodroid would mean android with bio material and the things is that the alien race I was working on aren't really androids or robots.

So I was wondering what would make a good name for an alien race that are artificially designed warriors? Or am I reading too into this and just keep the name Biodroid? (I had an idea to use Daemonites instead but I found out that it was being used by DC comics)

  • created

    Jul '23
  • last reply

    Jul '23
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Maybe this is the conlanger in me speaking, but why not make up a word in the aliens' language and then that can be what they're called?

Stuff ending in "-oid" usually means "shaped like", like "humanoid" or "spheroid", so you can combine it with other words to make a name, like "Arachnoids" for spider-shaped things, which is one option. A number of series mash together scientific-ish Latin or Greek terms like this, like the Xenomorph from Alien (Xeno - alien, Morph - shape/form) or the Biovore in Warhammer (Bio - biological, Vore - to eat).

Some series use the name of the planet they come from, like "Martians" (from mars), "Jovians" (from Jupiter- Jove is another name for the Roman god Jupiter), or the Warhammer "Tyranids" (from
a planet called Tyran).

Finally there's the option that the word is from the alien's own language. Creators often make it sound subconsciously like words from our languages, or have sounds that when spoken sound hard, soft etc. Like the Turians in Mass Effect evoke the word "Centurian", getting across their highly honourable militaristic culture, or the Skrulls from marvel have an intimidating-sounding name, because it sounds a bit like "skull" and it's a word you have to kind of grimace to say.