9 / 18
Mar 2024

What's up folks? I'm about to embark on writing the 5th chapter of my novel Uncle Howard and Paul, and I want to hear from you guys on what you would do if you were put into Paul's situation.

Let's say you're walking home from a tiring day at work/school, and suddenly you found a box in the middle of the sidewalk. You were about to pass by it, but suddenly you hear a meowing inside. You pick it up and see a little kitten curled inside, cold and hungry. What would you do in that situation?

I want to hear your opinions, especially if you are a cat-owner/lover. Who knows, I might even integrate your idea into my story!

  • created

    Mar '24
  • last reply

    Mar '24
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If I was Paul, I would try to take the kitten home. I would also check the surrounding area to make sure there were not anymore lonely kittens. If there was some sort of issue at home like whoever they live with not liking cats or the home not allowing pets I would sneakily bring the cat into my room leading to many hijinks with the cat and trying to keep him/her a secret until I could finally convince the cohabitator/homeowner that this little friend would never be a problem.

Take it home wash it, feed it, name it.
Next day get it checked at the vet.
The cat is my new roomie now

Safe it according to what I'm capable of doing, then put it for adoption. I cannot adopt a cat with my current situation, though that might change. I can also ask neighbours who have cats to help and give advice.

All things considered, the kitten might still die for one reason or another despite your effort, been there.

I would bring the kitten to this lady I know that rescues cats (I adopted my cat from her), because she would be fully prepared to take care of the kitten, if it’s very small it might need milk or other special things and she would already have all that :3 Also my cat would hate having another kitten in the house lol.

Secret roommate is not a bad idea! Imagine all that meowing a little kitten would do. And imagine Paul having to stash cat food and milk in his pockets inconspicuously into his room. Things would get messy instantly!

I'm all for the vet visit. You'll never know what a kitty has been exposed to while on the street. Maybe a few rounds of vaccination will also be good

Wish there were more cat ladies (and gentlemen) who are kind enough to rescue strays like the lady you know. Maybe I might consider being one once I retired in my old age! (For now though, I'm focusing on taking care of my indoor cat and stray cat).

It might be a cool idea to introduce a cat lady into my novel, though. Like a trusted neighbor who is a cat-sitter. Maybe she can even be something of a detective!

I would probably take them to the animal shelter and tell them about finding them abandoned on the sidewalk.

I own a cat, I know the effect it takes to care for one. I don’t think I could properly care for a bunch of kittens on top of that.

I was doing it all the time while being a child :slight_smile: My parents had enough of me always bringing up new cats.

I would take the kitten home, feed, check to vet. And tried to not let other cats and dog get to it, until it is familar with everything and checked. With other animals, one never know, especially is kitten has parasites, which I dealed a lot with my pets.

Take care of it. Assuming, its not affected, evil, something like that

It does take a lot of effort to take care of a cat, especially a kitten. I raised my current cat since he was 2 months old, and boy is he a handful.

Along the same thread of thought as BlueJourney121, maybe the cat's got some special powers? It doesn't necessarily have to be cursed, just a little special. Either way though, you've got to take the poor baby in

Hmmm, maybe not born with it, but I may consider giving the kitty some sort of special abilities. No saying what it would be, but they would definitely not be powerless. (One thing's for sure, cuteness is gonna be one of this kitty's strength)