109 / 156
Aug 2021

I'm interested to know how Joo-hyuk justifies hiding behind Clara. As for Hyuk, I'd imagine being someone with multiple past lives, ghosts are not really something that would faze him.

Haha this is such a fun thread! :smiley:

At this point of my team's story:

  • Master would rejoice in having a legit excuse to not work on his thesis.
    After ensuring he has evidence of having been kidnapped and trapped in a (haunted) house, maybe he'll take a nice, long nap.

  • Bomeo would just go "Oh BO!!" from any noise & pretend it's some inanimate object.
    Some ghost or trapped victim would later pick it up as toy or blanket :joy:

My main character; Mukhtar, being still a kid would most likely explore the house out of curiosity over caution thanks to his stubbornness. Once he explore some paranormal activities, he would run away far from the house and warn the Sheik to advice others never to enter that house. He's not yet in the comic but he is born at the near end of the prologue, The next chapter will be about him and it will be released this year.

I see, I had a look through your comic and I really like it, Bomeo is cute whatever it is :grin:. I subbed. Feel free to check out my novel if you're interested, and subscribe if you like it:

Aww thanks!! :grin:

Ooh your novel looks exciting! Will binge it when I got time~

my main heroes would each mostly disregard any ghosts, they have seen much worse and if the ghosts want to do something each of the knights can basically trash the house and maybe some of the surrounding area, and the main villain ... he would enslave any and all ghosts there

Okay this was fun for the last one so I'm going to do the Gods of Our Mothers next. There's a lot of side characters, so for this, I'm just going to focus on the main public facing team.

Clemency would just be freaked out and annoyed in equal measure. She fights HUMANS, not ghosts, and this is way above her pay grade. My girl would be all bravado while quietly and internally having a goddamn meltdown. It would only show with how jumpy she is, and the entire scene would end with her having one too many jumpscares and accidentally blowing out multiple walls and making an exit. RIP that house. Lilian would be calm, cool, and collected, focused on keeping track of everyone and not letting anyone get separated while figuring out how to appease the ghost enough to let them out. She's definitely the mediator in this situation. Deliverance...... Deliverance would be insufferable. Just flat out nightmare purposefully antagonizing the ghost for kicks. Since she can somewhat make herself intangible by breaking down herself into a telekinetic wave of flowers, she'd literally be playing chicken with the ghost. My girl has no regard for her personal wellbeing, and will leaving the ghost wishing they died with a fucking flamethrower.

Lilian deserves so much better than this disaster duo. Poor thing.

I see, well I guess if you've fought worse than ghosts then a haunted house doesn't even count as a regular Tuesday right?

:joy: so basically, you're saying that Deliverance would in essence end up haunting the ghosts? I see, well that's a reversal of the situation. Basically she won't be locked in there with the ghosts, the ghosts will be locked in there with her?

Thanks for all the replies, just so you know, since so many of you seem to have enjoyed this thread, I've created a new one called What would your character do? [Ancient Treasure Edition]. Check it out if you have the time.

Fuchsia will use her smarts to get everyone out of the haunted house.
Sina will pulverize anything of a corporeal nature with her cybernetic hands or use her techy stuff to learn more about the haunted house.
Bren is an ex-cop and the calm one of the bunch. He will try to keep everyone out of danger but will probably be distracted by Jax.
Jax will be freaking out since his hypersenses will be in overload and he most likely will be crying a bunch while clinging to Bren.
Nix will be chill because its a black cat and feels right at home.

Fun topic!
Luona: Pull his gun out of reflex at every jump scare and corner.
Ava: Meander slowly through, look at her phone, use her phone flashlight.
Lonny: Wave and smile at the actors.
Ranen: Honestly get really spooked and would probably chicken out early on.
Brycen: Actually enjoy it, secretly.
Akira: Hide behind someone the whole time.
Thorn: The same thing as Luona.
Kendra: She would work there.
Dema: Be more relaxed, say things like, "That wasn't scary at all!"

Probably not. Still would try a brute force method though before deciding the ghost isn't worth the effort and just busting down the place. It would be a funny scenario to see though. Here you have this guy who has above human physical strength and agility, can morph metal around his body to make armor and weapons, and can literally hack any system in the world by linking his mind to it yet he struggles with ghost.

Nice, I was about say that from the descriptions of your characters you may be interested in my novel, but then I noticed you already subscribed. Thanks, and hope you enjoy reading.

Kendra seems like an interesting person. Is she just into these kind of spooky things or is there any other reason why she would work at a haunted house?