6 / 25
Nov 2023

Felix has social anxiety and is generally pretty untrusting of others. He’d probably drive past at first imagining all of the worst possible outcomes of stopping, but after going about 5 minutes up the road his conscience would get the better of him and he’d turn around to see if they need any help.

Monica would hit the gas and keep going. She has better things to do with her time.

At the beginning of my story Daecon would have driven by and laughed at the unfortunate motorist. If there was a puddle he'd probably have tried to splash them. He was a selfish prick.

Unless he could see the person, and it was a hot guy. He was also a horny prick.

At the end, though, he would have stopped to help, and if it turned out to be an axe murderer, it would have been a very unfortunate encounter for that axe murderer. Daecon becomes extremely powerful and gains wisdom and compassion as the story progresses - in fact, that's what the title, Finding Daecon's Way, is all about.

Baul literally wouldn't care. She isn't there to help or hurt the person. Isador would maybe stop if she had no where else to be. Gavin would stop and help.

Kyara would definitely stop and offer to help them. There's no question about it, it's just who she is, how she was raised. Help the people that need help.
And if they turn out ot be 'crazy axe murderers', well, she's skilled and equipped enough to deal with such dangers.

Zack would probably be far more hestitant, though I can hardly see him dricing down a road in the dark all on his own to begin with. If he were to do that, Kyara would also be present. He'd likely rather have her drive on instead of stopping, but when she does stop to help, he'd nervously lend his aid too. In the case of axe murderers, he'd flee as fast as he could, Kyara would protect him.

Marcus would pull over and pick him up. He's more than happy to help someone. However, if it is a murderer, he's got it covered lol

Dante, on the other hand, would keep driving. There's nothing to gain, except maybe a new test subject lol.

My cast are all a little too altruistic for this scenario.
Plus they all have combat experience, so an axe murderer wouldn't be too much of a challenge.

Jackie dosen't belive in heroism, so unless they have something to gain they will not offer help, they would just pass trough it or stop to steal something of value of the victim if there's one,
yuki and kamso would help, yuki out of empaty and kamso out of a belive one must be a good person and also empaty but the major drive is the one of being good.

Elsie and her gang would be fascinated by the car or even freaked out because they are from the 1800s

Automobiles weren’t invented yet.

Context: for the sake of the question, this will be a modern AU of my comic, this AU still has magic, Henry is still a hare.

Scene #1-Forest, Ext.

Henry is driving himself and Larry through a road in the middle of a forest. Going home after being at Henry’s factory for hours.
Larry is very tired, is way past his bedtime, and he’s about to sleep in the back of the car with his head pressing against the window.
Henry notices a car on the side of the road, then decides to stop slowly. Larry notices the car slowing down, and mildly wakes up.

LB: (yawing, still drowsy) are we home, Mr. Hare?

HH: not yet kid, there’s a car outside the road, I’m gonna check what happened.

Henry takes off his seatbelt.
Larry wakes up a little more, worrying about what Henry just said.

LB: what? There was an accident.

HH: I don’t think so, maybe someone had to pee and couldn’t wait until home.

Larry relaxed by this idea and put his head towards the window again.

LB: oh.

HH: yeah just wait here, I’ll be back in a sec. sleep if you want.

Henry gets out of the car and snaps his fingers, activating the safety protocol to protect Larry. The child, meanwhile, ends up falling asleep before Henry even reaches the accident zone.

Outcome #1

Actual accident.

Henry goes back into the car. and grabs his phone, it does get a signal, then proceeds to call the emergency number.
While Henry is talking and telling the operator their location, Larry is waking up again.

LB: (rubbing his eyes) Mr. Hare?

HH: oh, hey kid, (to the operator) excuse me for a moment, look turns out that there was a problem, but everything’s fine, help is coming and we’ll be on our way, ok?

LB: ok.

Larry stays awake this time until the police, an ambulance and a tow truck comes into scene, Larry stays in the car while Henry gives his statement. Once that’s done, Henry and Larry are heading back home, Larry falls asleep on the way again, and once they arrive. Henry uses his light gloves to carry Larry back home.

Outcome #2-

Crazy axe murderer.

Henry loads something into the trunk of the car, Larry is still asleep until Henry starts the car and goes into a new destiny.

LB: (rubbing his eyes) Mr. Hare?

HH: (looks at Larry through the driving mirror) Oh, hey kid, look, I just remembered that I need to make a stop to drop something at Autumn’s.

LB: What about the car?

HH: I was right, the guy couldn’t hold it and had to make an emergency stop.

LB: oh, ok.

Larry falls asleep again. He doesnt wake up when Henry calls Autumn to tell her that he’s “giving her a gift” or when they arrived at her place.

Scene #2- Autumn’s cottage. Int.

Autumn hears the ringbell and opens the door, just to see Henry carrying a corpse. They both stayed silent.

HH: just picked this guy up, tried to kill us, just returned the favour.
Autumn picks up the body with one hand, examining the cut in the man’s throat.

Autumn: will you be demanding a piece for yourself?

HH: maybe for another night. I’d love to chat but I have to get the kid back to bed, and I’ll have to clean up the trunk in the morning.

Autumn: I have people for that. Bring it to me tomorrow and I’ll have it cleaned up.

HH: Thanks.

And so, Henry drives back home, and once they arrive. Henry uses his light gloves to carry Larry back home.

So, what would Lyza do in this situation?

If Lyza sees broke down car and if someone is in need of help, she might pull over or ask Markin to pull over since she doesn't drive and she makes her way cautiously to the car whether it could be something hostile or not. If there is an axe murderer, Lyza can still take him out. She can fight him off and once she neutralize the danger, she can start examining this person or what's inside of the car if there any hostages or people to help out. If all's good, she would jump back to Markin's van and they'd be off. If the axe murderer decides to go after her brother and driver, Lyza would go more aggressive to fight him off since she's always protecting them without killing the guy. If anything else, she could deliver a SAND SUPLEX and slams him on the ground.

Does not stop because she doesn't care and doesn't want to be murdered

Slows down because he does care but doesn't want to be murdered

Full stops because he wants to be murdered?

This was a fun exercise!
Thank you for coming up with it

The Mcs of my webcomics.

would help immediately.

would shit on his windshield and than sleep in a tree.

Orcs are scared to enter the forest at night.

I think audrey would speed past in her fancy car, she couldnt be bothered to help even if it was day time, but especially with no phone service she would already be annoyed, probably just wanting to get to her destination. At least for now, no spoilers but shes got some development in progress throughout the story, of course..
She might let someone know about it when she reaches her destination or gets her phone service back tho..

100% would stop to help. If the car needs fixing, he would be on it and take care of the situation. If the car cant be fixed he would probably give the person a ride to the closest town or whatever. I dont think he would expect it to be anything else than someone with car trouble.
If its a murderer, then he would put up a good fight, and maybe win, but if the guy actually has an axe and is swinging it around… bye bye wyatt, RIP, my dude. Although…i think he could maybe outrun him…

Now becca isn’t a main character but i think she would drive past and if she still remembers it after getting phone service and an internet connection she would dramatically tell everyone how creepy it was to drive and come up with a bunch of scenarios about what could have happened if she pulled over, justifying why she didnt. And she would post on social media about it, but definitely not think to actually call for any help for the person with car trouble.

Emilio (Color green) in my story straight up went to save a police officer, while being held at gunpoint by a police squadron!
He would go help just on principle. A part of him would still be constantly suspicious on the situation, but would ultimately help.

Ulises (Color red) would go see what's going on just out of curiosity because he wouldn't think too much of the situation. It doesn't matter if it is an axe killer, he would just wrestle them.