96 / 134
Jun 2021

Lucifer comes from latin and means exactly the same as Lucas but as a verb, "light bringing" or else as a name "morning star" (referring to venus). That is because the association of light to knowledge, as he was told to be the wisest of all angels, and also to beauty, he was also told to be the prettiest angel of heaven.
I had to look for the meaning of Amèlia cause I only choosed it as it's a common name among old catalan women. Looks like it comes from german: amal means work, or also from greek: amále means sweet, delicate. The work one would have a lot of meaning in my comic, but the sweet............ she is delicate, yes, but not sweet hahahahah

Lucifer Amèlia

Callis Nomene is roughly translated from Viani (The language of the Kingdom) as "A nameless road"

Novus Igneus is roughly translated as "New Fire"

Ryvan is literally a spelling mistake of the name Ryan. He's even aware of it himself

My main character's name is Yosimetea.
She was born near Yosemite national park and her mom doesn't know how to spell (oops).
Yosimetea is also a heavily-fictionalized version of my childhood-self and my name is Tea. The misspelling of her name also includes my name, so win-win I guess lol

Georgia is the main main character of To the Touch. Her name is English in origin and means farmer. But within the story, she was named after Georgia O'Keefe (she has arty parents).

But I'd be amiss not to mention Bevin! It's an Irish name, the anglicised version of 'Bébhinn'. It means fair lady or white lady. I chose this name for Bevin because she is based on the bare bones of the character from the myth 'Pygmalion and Galatea' - Galatea herself. Galatea means she who is milk-white, as the character was known to be very pale. I wanted to keep the meaning of the name while giving it an Irish twist.

Haven't started posting yet but my main character's name is Luona (罗纳), "luo" which can mean "net", and "na" which can mean accept.

My main character's name is Eva Benjamin, and her pilot callsign is Freya

Her real name represents womanhood and ingenuity (Biblical Eve + Benjamin Franklin).
Freya meanwhile is the Norse goddess of wealth, beauty, and fertility.

Genres: Sci fi (Space Opera), Action/Adventure, Romance, Drama

My character Brock is a lead singer in a band, so he has rock as part of his name)) His makeup also was based on badger fur pattern)) as its Celtic meaning is 'badger-like.

Hey, love this thread idea!
I chose Riley's name because I like unisex/kinda masculine names for a girl, it adds a little bit of :sparkles: spice :sparkles:
I chose Violet's name because violets are a sapphic symbol. I've heard women used to give a bouquet of violets to the woman they loved as a kind of secret code and I think that's lovely.

My novel used to be a comic I made with my uncle when we were young. The main character, Shinichi, is actually his OC. The name was mostly inspired by Detective Conan, which he liked watching when we were kids.

Technically, Shinichi means "Shin's first son" :thinking: and it can also mean "One truth" though I don't think my uncle considered the meaning when he created him xD Going by the second menaing could kind of actually play into the novel which is an interesting coincidence!

Joe Flamingo, common name with an animal that sorta kinda (not really) rhymes. I came up with the Flamingo part after the fact I wanted to make his hair pink. I thought of the first pink thing that popped into my mind, which was a Flamingo, and just went with that.

My character name is Khairul.Its arabic word means kind.I dont know why i name him with this name.I think thats name is good for superhero character like him

Kioshi - Japanese....
The super in depth explanation and meaning behind the name is....get ready....I just... liked it.
Google says it means quiet.....It's not all that accurate lol. I mean no one names their baby a name knowing what they grow up to be, it doesn't have to be super meaningful to their character I believe lol.

My main character's name use to be Pablo and when I changed it to Valan, Ash who was co-writer for the script made a bet that when ever I wrote or referred to Valan as Pablo, I would owe him a dollar :sweat_smile: ...think it eventually added up to $20 in the end.

Anyway - Valan was a name that evolved from Vaelyn. I liked the name Vaelyn, because I found it to be an old name and I like names that begin with 'V'. Problem was it was too similar to another pre-existing character's name. So... I decided to go with Valan because my fathers name was Alan and I just added the letter 'V' in front.

Cozmata's name comes from a sailor's slang to refer to a starry sky. They normally say stuff like "The cozmata today is quite beautiful".
The meaning itself of the word comes from a mix of Tarrian words: Cozmos and Mata - which means eye. Her name literally translates to "Eyes of the Cosmos".

Hello, already subbed :slight_smile:
My m c name is Ara
Meaning is beautiful, cute :grin:
Check mine, here's mine :slight_smile:
Let's support each other and also sub4sub too :grin:

8 days later

My main character's full name, if written "Earth style", is Iris Cylian Maoridom Lazuli. Iris Cylian is the Given Name, Maoridom is the (usually the) mother's surname/mother's maiden surname that will become the Middle Name, and Lazuli is the Surname.
If written in their own language, the MC's name would be Iris Cyllian Maoridom y Lazuli. If stated or verbalized, she is Iris Cylian of blood Maoridom and Lazuli.

Iris is for hope and "eyes". Because Iris is the hope of the kingdom and is the "eyes" of Kismet (the main god) in the mortal world.
Cylian is the name of Kismet's castle. The word cylian is a play to another word that could be interpreted as "house of god" or something.
Maoridom... there's no meaning behind it. It just flowed well in my tongue... mouth?... anyways, I don't even know what this means and never heard of this word. I just like how it flows.
Lazuli comes from lapis lazuli which is deep blue that looks like purple metamorphic rock. Hence, the cover of the book and the kingdom's official color.

Title: Talipandas
Genre: Fantasy, Slice of Life, Romance
Status: On-going
Description: When spoiled rich girl Ari's life ends, she finds herself reborn as Princess Iris in a fantasy world created by her childhood imaginary friend! But being a princess comes with being the last hope to remove an evil curse from the royal bloodline, which would be a lot easier if she hadn't inherited the most useless kind of magic in the world.
Latest Chapter: Chapter 51
Chapter Link: https://tapas.io/episode/2203979