9 / 48
Sep 2018

Dexter, Breaking Bad, Hemlock Grove, Game of Thrones and Hannibals are among my top favorite.


(though honestly even that show wasn't perfect, but it's still a show I really enjoy re-watching even to this day)

I know. It was heart breaking. Supposedly there are/will be talks with netflix for picking it up, but it's hard to say if it'll ever happen even though much of the creators/actors have said they're interested. I can't help but hold out hope..

100% yes.

Ah, perfect is so hard to pick. There's plenty people have mentioned that I love though I'm not sure I call them perfect.

For perfect I'd say....

True Detective (season 1 only)
Over The Garden Wall
Westworld (Season 1)
Better Call Saul (Sorry, I like it so much better than Breaking Bad TwT)

The new Youtube original 'Impulse' has about as close to perfect a season as I've ever seen. I cannot recommend it enough. Seriously, drop what you're doing and go watch it now. On just about every level, everything you watch directly afterwards will feel strangely contrived by comparison.

Other notable mentions are Game of Thrones, Westworld, Better Call Saul, Breaking Bad and Sons of Anarchy.

For Marvel I think Daredevil and Jessica Jones are standouts.

And for trashy teen sci-fi I love The 100. It's about as far from perfect as you can get, but it's hands down the bravest series of any of them. Way braver than even Game of Thrones or the first few seasons of The Walking Dead. The way the writers fearlessly re-invent the show every season is commendable.

My sister watched the 100 and she, too, said it was a trashy teeny-bopper show, but a good one. XD

I'll have to add Impulse on my to watch list!

(sees the link)
Sometimes you just gotta throw logic out of the window

The ones i think are close to perfection are classic simpsons (not the newer seasons, it lost it`s magic there) and gravity falls.

why didn't they just use the laser on the door in the first place

Agreed, Gravity Falls is a great, compelling show with quirky humor :smiley: I think the only downside to it is the weeeeeeeird BillDip fanart, but that's just Tumblr being Tumblr.

My favorite TV shows have always been Breaking Bad, Hannibal, Mindhunter, and American Crime Story: The People V O.J Simpson. All of them really kept me on the edge of my seat and pulled me in to the point where I just couldn't stop watching. Hannibal was exceptionally artsy, something that I always love in what I watch or read. Mindhunter was just an extremely well acted and told drama about the conception about the conception of certain F.B.I ideals. Breaking Bad doesn't need to be explained, masterpiece. The People V O.J Simpson told a true story in a very unique and thrilling way, even though I obviously knew exactly what was going to happen the show still had be thrilled to watch every episode and find out exactly how it happened.

Sooo I'm a big anime person so I gotta include some of those

Violent Evergarden (oh the feels)
Sherlock (LOVE IT)
Mindhunter (SO AMAZING)
The Seven Deadly Sins (another anime that I really just love, the characters are so great to me)
Penny Dreadful (underrated in my opinion)
Black Mirror (I can't binge that one though, too heavy)
EDIT: I can't believe I almost forgot Firefly

The Leftovers. I didn't even like it at the start. But dat series finale man. I cannot get it out of my head, even a year later.

EDIT: Oh! And for comedy shows, I am absolutely loving The Good Place. I can't recommend it enough. And I think BoJack Horseman is damn near perfect, even counting those less than stellar first couple episodes.

final space has to be one of the most well put together shows i've watched. it really captures the sense of dread you get when you hear that countdown at the beginning of every episode get closer to 0 and you know how it's probably going to end. it gives the whole series a really melancholy vibe even when the characters are being goofy on screen or there's a good action scene going on. and it plays you until the very last second of the final episode.

the characters are really well developed and it handles the dramatic scenes with them super well. i also appreciated that they showed how the villain's powers are slowly killing him the more he uses them by showing him more decayed every episode. i just really love the attention to detail in general it has. the soundtrack is awesome too.

another i never get sick of watching is brooklyn 99, it's not the most perfect but it has a lot of rewatchability, i've binged it about 3 times.

Yo, props for mentioning Mindhunter! It is excellent. Also, I need to finish Penny Dreadful. I didn't even realize it was finished already after 3 seasons?! Time flies.

It was really short but if I recall correctly, about everyone involved in the project felt the story was done despite only three seasons. Mindhunters sucked me in and kept me from beginning to end.

Probably for the same reason They use mirrors to reflect lasers :laughing:

My reaction to said fanart:

Hannibal was physically painful to watch at times, the sheer sadistic depravity of it. Then there was the tension. But I never for a second wasn't 100% behind putting myself through it. The acting, the writing, the cinematography, the casting. I don't think masterpiece is too overblown a word when it comes to that show.