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Mar 2021

Hi y'all! I wanted to ask something... What's your favorite food? Or ooh, what's your least favorite food? And why!?

I love sushi! :smiley: But I've been told not to look at what it looks like under a microscope LOL
My fave dessert is ice cream!!! Particularly chocolate chip cookie dough :9

Can't wait to hear y'alls answers!!!

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    May '23
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I love love love food in general, but my favorite is probably paella.

This??? This looks DELICIOUS

What do you like to put in yours?

This, they are called Banana Dohnuts and are the Guam style of em, they are my favorite because the elders would always make them if we had the bananas (which we all ways had em lol) and as well the other ingredients. The ones that taste better are the ones that grew on my grandparents land, or just the Bananas on the island than that of the long bananas you commonly see in the stores and on tv or somthin

This is what the Bananas look like if ye wondering lol

Lol I can't think of whats my favorite food (not including desserts) so anything that tastes good to me???

WOAH! You're making me hungry!! :flushed: Are these like, fried!?
Also are these like more salty, or sweet?

and I gettchuuuuu
Food is food, I don't discriminate LOL :yum:

It IS delicious!!! I like it pretty much as seen there, though I prefer clams to mussels, as they're less likely to wreak havoc on my stomach.

Hahaha, looking at food in general makes meh hungry UoU

Yeah they're fried lol, how they fry them is like somethin what you wouldn't imagine a dohnut would look like, I remember trying out a Banana dohnut from a store, tasted nasty, thats why I prefer home made than that of the store lol, doesn't taste the same UnU

hmmm, I would like to think they are pretty sweet , but with that right amount of sweetness in em with probably an easy amount of salt in em as well fufufu lol

I love omelette/omlet??? is this how you spell it?
I'm pretty boring but you can put a lot of things in omelettes! Like mushrooms, onions, cheese...
I really like omurice as well, it's just so yummy... and it has omelette lol
as for desert I like chocolate mousse cakes

Omelettes have a special place in my heart as something my dad taught me how to cook (and one of the only things he can cook without following a recipe to the letter). Mushrooms are a favorite filling, but I have made omurice a few times as well!

Yessss Omulettes/Omurice...

Have you ever written your name on to of the omurice with ketchup XD
It's always been a tradition for me to spell my name or draw a heart. lol

Cheese is so gouda!

Do you have a particular kind you like? Cheddar? Goat? Parmesan?

This bad boy

Also, I love ice cream too! But tbh I prefer chocolate. Or, well, chocolate ice cream.

Yes, all of those. :joy: fried Halloumi yum!

I LOVE chicken momo, or Nepalese dumplings. They’re so good omg

EGGPLANT! In South Indian style curries, mutabal, imam bayıldı, caviar d'aubergine, in tempura etc etc.
I really love eggplant!
Cheese too. It's my main source of animal protein so I eat a lot. I have rather eclectic preferences, I enjoy both mild and very strong ones. My favorite one is the super mild Nabulsi cheese, but I also eat a lot of stinky French blue cheeses. I also love the melting cheeses such as reblochon or raclette.

My favorites fruits are mango and fresh figs