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Nov 2020

Just thought it'd be cool to talk about good manga, and maybe find some cool recommendations. Just drop the title of your favorite series (or one-shot) and give a description of what you like.

I'll start off:
My favorite manga has to be Yoshitoki Ooima's A Silent Voice, hands down (second place goes to Witch Hat Atelier). Most stories focusing on the disabled tend to be lacking in the storytelling department--but A Silent Voice bucks that trend hard with some of the best character development and storytelling I've encountered.
I really respect Ooima's writing approach and artwork.

I could rave all day, but it's your turn now.

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The Kagerou Daze manga series based on the songs by Jin but I have no deep reason other than I think it's cool

If i had to elaborate it was something I fixated on during high school and I got super attached to the characters and the story and something about quirky but also melancholic kids getting stuck in an insane time loop with powers was just really cool. Each character has unique conflicts with themselves and their abilities and as more in the story is unraveled about the time loops and backstory is given to how each ones ability is awakened you get really sucked in. also the main antagonist's reveal in the first loop broke me so after that i had to see that things got better for the cast (it didn't but...:upside_down:)


I've been following it since the 90's and the attention to detail in every panel.. The solid character development and world building has been nothing but superb for me and I don't believe any other manga could top the story being told in the dark fantasy setting. It's iconic, and a classic at this point.

Kareshi Kanojo no Jijou (His and Her Circumstances) or Karekano for short.

I'll say Karekano is high up even among my favorites. It's a shoujo manga that ran from '96 to 2005. I read all of it this year and it's amazing.
While a lot of shoujo stories depend on misunderstandings and other dull things to dramatize things, Karekano uses inner conflict awesomely and it has one of the greatest buildups and endings I've seen in romance stories so far. And the comedy is really funny too. Going beyond the main couple getting together, it becomes a genuine story about finding oneself. From the journey to the conclusion, it resonated with me greatly.

I'd recommend this, hands down.

My all time favorite is Mushishi by Yuki Urushibara sensei.

There’s just this feeling of calmness(?) whenever I read/watch the series. Unfortunately it was never translated in my country.

I have not read many mangas so I will go with the ones I want to re-read!

Uzumaki by Junji Ito
an abselut marvel in the horror genre. It gets so weird and conceptual and it is great!

I grew up on this one, and have read it twice and will read it again!

The Kagerou Daze manga series
Each character has unique conflicts with themselves and their abilities and as more in the story is unraveled about the time loops and backstory is given to how each ones ability is awakened you get really sucked in.

Sounds like I might want to check it out!

Kareshi Kanojo no Jijou (His and Her Circumstances) or Karekano for short.

While a lot of shoujo stories depend on misunderstandings and other dull things to dramatize things, Karekano uses inner conflict awesomely and it has one of the greatest buildups and endings I've seen in romance stories so far.
From the journey to the conclusion, it resonated with me greatly.

I'm generally not a fan of the romance genre, but have on occasion read the occasionally shoujo, so I know it can be done well and be an interesting read.
I think I'll probably have to check this one out :slight_smile:

20th-century boys by Naoki Urasawa.

There are others I like, but they may never be finished lol, like Berserk or Vagabond.

Black Clover/kingdom (tied)
2nd would be berserk, mostly cause the dude doesnt upload frequently

Hunter x Hunter is definitely my favorite, although the current (and long hiatus) is making all of us (fans) desperate and sad for a continuation, as there are still many things we want to see and many unanswered mysteries :cry_02:

I actually don't read, much manga(I was brought up on American comics) but of the few times I did dip my toe into the pool of manga Battle Royale was my favorite. I just had to put down everything else I was reading to finish this series, and it just stuck with me.

My favorite now is Attack on Titan. I’m excited for the anime when the final season starts soon

Definitely Berserk. As dark as it is, there's something comforting about it. Guts is such a tragic character yet his persistence through hellish situations and nightmare scenarios is honestly very satisfying to watch.

Fruits Basket
The Wallflower (alternate english title: Perfect Girl Evolution)
A Bouquet For An Ugly Girl
Death Note

I read a lot of manga online lol but these are my absolute favorites that I'll read over and over!

Full Metal Alchemist, Jojo, Hunter x hunter, Komi san, Anjou san, nagatoro~ I love Romance with Action~ <3

Well I've gone through a fair few, in my teens Inuyasha, YuGiOh, YuYuHakasho were major titles for me that got me into Manga as a whole.

Later moving onto JJBA, The Girl From The Otherside, Berserk, Dororo, Black Jack and Junji Ito works.

Claymore is my favorite.

It's the only one I've read three times.