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Dec 2020

So, in my comic2's world, every mythological deity ever created is real (and some are main characters). While doing research, I've found some pretty interesting things:

  • Marassa Jumeaux are divine twins in Haitian Vodou. Despite being two people, they are counted as three, and they are simultaneously male and female and both male and female. They represent contradictory ideals.

  • In the Huichol culture, corn itself is a deity. In fact, corn is part of a lot of Mesoamerican myth and religion.

  • According to Scottish mythology, Loch Ness was created when the Queen of Winter turned her lazy maid into a river. The maid's name was Nessa, so that's where the name comes from.

I'd love to hear everyone else's weird myths or off-the-wall deities! Mythology's super interesting to me.

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My favourite obscure deity was Hoar from DnD, the god of retribution and poetic Justice. I had a short unfinished fan-fiction many years ago, about the young priest of this deity who fell in love with a Tiefling thief... it was so long ago, lol.

I like Inanna/Ishtar (Easter). :blush:

She was the Sumerian goddess of love, beauty, desire, sex, fertility, war, combat, justice, and political power. Her symbols were an egg and rabbit (which is why we have these at Easter time).

She was adapted into lots of other religions too (inc.
Paganism) which I think is really interesting.

And she had wings. :grin:

Ishtar is one of my faves (and also will be appearing in the comic!). Any goddess that rules over both love and war is awesome.

Fun fact: Some of Aphrodite's early myths are based on Ishtar's. Aphrodite was a war/love goddess before she shifted to beauty/love. Ironically, in the later myths she's shown as near useless in battle...

That's interesting! I wonder if there's a real-life equivalent; a god of poetic justice sounds epic.

Hesat is the god of milk but also beer :wink: im just a fan of her design and the fact most people don't know about this Egyptian god

now my FAVORITE mythos story is a story involving Horus and Set and why set hates cabbages (mostly cause watching peoples reactions to the story is hilarious) but its not very SFW so ill let you look that one up on your own :blank:

I know that cabbage story lol. My poor, poor history prof read it to us in class once. It was a hilarious class.

I've never heard of Hesat, but that design is awesome.


He's a Hopi fertility deity and also a trickster. I love the simple silhouette he is often depicted as.

Dionysus. Chaotic yet unnerving down to generally glamoring others to do the torturing and murdering.

My favorite obscure god is Tlaloc the Aztec rain god. He feeds on the tears of children to create rain for crops. So the priesthood would find an orphan in the street and give them a life of complete luxury for a few years before they sacrificed them to Tlaloc. They believed that a child that had been spoiled like a king would cry the hardest when told they would be sacrificed and would bring the best rains for the crops by providing Tlaloc with a big meal of tears. It’s disturbing, kinda metal and a great set up for an anime protagonist backstory as the kid that got away.

All Egyptian gods, because i like the their designs.

Not really that obscure, but I like the Norse goddess Freya, because a chariot pulled by cats is the way to travel in style!

I forgot about that xD I love myths, they're all just so...extreme, wild, creative...just awesome in my opinion :smiley:

I feel guilty now. I should read more on Aztec and Mayan myths...I've always been interested in mythologies of the world and I have yet to delve deeper into reading the myths of the indigenous people of my family's mother country >.>

I'll come with the one from my ancestor's beliefs.
Dewi Sri, the goddess of rice and fertility.
She's worshipped in ancient Java, pre-Hinduism.

... ok I have to look this up now.

Edit: :joy: well.