11 / 18
Feb 2023

I typed MBTI on the search here and this topic haven't been discussed in a bit. I also figured there might be new members who might have input in this.

Near the end of last year, I watched a video that brought this up and it seemed kinda interesting. I found the website and took the personality test out of curiosity. I got INTJ-T The Archetect.

The details of the type was accurate enough to warrent some self reflection. Pretty neat. I then searched for the type on Youtube and got even more interesting results. This lead to me getting all my friends to do the test so I can study their types.

What's yours? and how does it effect your creativity?

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    Feb '23
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    Mar '23
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I do that test from time to time when I'm reminded that it exists and my results usually vary xD Sometimes I get Mediator and others I get Logician (I got that again this time). Both descriptions match lol

I'm something between INFJ and ENFJ :smiley: Usually I get INFJ, but I'm in the middle on I/E scale and sometimes I get ENFJ because of it. Most of the time it's 51% (I / E) - 49 % (E / I) :smiley:
I have no idea how that affects my creativity, as I'm not that into MBTI. I have a friend who could correctly guess my characters types after reading my series, while I myself guessed them incorrectly before taking the test for them.
But as for creating comics, I feel like my 'J' part plays a big role? I mean, I have to have everything planned and organised, with multiple to-do lists and so on :smiley:

I love the sketch of the dude...fascinating...
I'm INFP-T...but also typed as INFJ which imo is wrong

I'm INTJ-A, and I guess it kind of makes sense because I think a LOT, like my brain is constantly in overdrive.
However, I'm not sure if it hinders my creativity or helps it :sweat_02:

My mc's MBTI type is ISFJ (Protector). But I am more of INTP (Thinker).

The Myers-Briggs test is generally seen as a bit pseudosciencey2 these days. :sweat_02: It kinda relies a lot on the Barnum Effect4.

I remember when I did it back in my twenties, I had a tendency to consistently come out really close to the border on everything except Intuition vs Sensing (where I came out as strongly intuitive). My result was ENFP (Campaigner), but when I redo it, there's generally a high chance of something different each time and very borderline results. The flattering "explanation" people give for this is that I must have a balanced personality.... Yeah, that'd be nice if it was true! :rofl:

It can be a fun tool for self reflection and thinking about how you think, but I don't think it's sensible to get too attached to the result it gives you. Perhaps my approach to questioning the results and veracity of the test itself is what's really telling about the root of my creativity. I always like to look for the reasons why things are as they are, the deeper motivations and the less obvious solutions to problems, and I'm very interested in how people come to think in certain ways, and how they can be manipulated or drawn into believing things based on emotional reasoning.

I always hated how binary this test is. Like how some people are ambiverts. Or how thinking and feeling are not opposites.

I guess it’s a fun thing to do similar to zodiacs, but there is no deeper meaning to it.

I got INFP this time. I've taken similar tests on other websites a bunch of times in the past, although I think its been a few years since the previous time. I almost always get INTP or INTJ. INteresting that the T has switched to F this time. I don't know that it means much, some people doubt that usefulness of these tests. I do think think the I for introvert is spot on.

I see a hoard of architects here... I'm one of those too :joy:

INFP-T gang, rise up-

I'm a Mediator, but there's an emphasis throughout the descriptions on the site in regards to daydreaming and being idealistic. I think this relates to my creativity in that.. I can come up with loads of ideas but they oftentimes don't live up to what I expect from myself. It's an uphill battle trying to get that right idea that's good enough to use, but it also means that there's constant improvement of my skills. I think it balances out nicely :relieved:

I've gotten different results every time I've taken the test, so I can see the pseudoscience behind it. I think the better test of your personality is realizing that personality is fluid and learning about the different sides of yourself. A fancy personality type label can't teach you how to communicate with people or that sometimes you have to put on a "dominate" persona to get things done.

I did the test about a year or so ago and got INFJ Advocate as a result.
Did it again just for shits and giggles and got INFJ Advocate again.:joy:

I tested a long time ago. I'm most definitely still the same INFP.

1 month later

closed Mar 22, '23

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