18 / 26
Sep 2022

I highly doubt outside readers are checking to see if you're subscribed to your own comic, if they can, but, uh, I figured why not? You should use every cheat you can get your hands on when fighting an algorithm.

Lool it'd be a problem if people see it as pathetic or anything xD You see I subbed on my previous comic and will sub on my next one because that's the only way I can have a quick access on my phone to the comic (since I can't edit anything from my phone) I'd have to be looking for the comic over and over, and if I sub to it, it just makes life easier :sweat_02:

So, if you want to sub to your story go right ahead, no need to worry about what people think cause this is just necessary with the current format Tapas has. If I didn't need this to be able to access my story from my phone then I wouldn't do it but since that's not the case... I'd rather have readers that pay no mind to it or don't judge me from such a minor thing that I'm sure a lot of people do here.

Oh just to add here that, even though you know when you update, subbing to your story makes it easier for you to just open your phone and read your own story. One extra sub will do nothing for you, but there's reasons beyond what's 'obvious' and well, if people find that 'pathetic' then so be it XD Maybe they like searching for their comics over and over on the app lol

So, subbing on Tapas isn't the same as liking your own comment which would look weird indeed XD

Not really, you can feel free to sub to your own work and as many people say, its only 1 sub. However, if you start liking every episode, that, in my opinion, is a bit of cheating. I don't think that liking the episodes that you felt were your best work is bad, but if you just like every episode and take credit for the amount of likes in your summary, then it's cheating.

It's like supporting yourself, in my opinion. It doesn't count as cheating, either. I suppose it doesn't matter whether you subscribe to your work.
It's easier to keep track of chapter updates if you have some chapters scheduled. Due to my various schedules throughout the day, it's kinda helpful. :smile:

No big deal in my opinion, not even worth thinking about it.

It´s hard for creators. Social media, the internet is hard, the market in general is hard and creators will
use every way to get seen and get popular. There are many ways to cheat every algorithm and people
will cheat or use every possible way to get successful no matter what I think about it.
My tactic is to just focus on positive things and that is supporting creators and to focus on my
own work with a positive mental attitude

Oh noooooo one of my 2360 subs is me, that's a whole 0.04% of my readerbase, I'm cheating so hard. :sip:

I just added it because it helped me track things were working. I'm not sure it's necessary any more after some changes in the 3 years since I started, but I left it there because... why not? Like it's not doing any harm. I guess I could remove it if it pissed people off, but one sub is kind of irrelevent when you get over 1k and your counter doesn't even display individual subs any more.

I subscribe and like every thing I post on the internet because I can xD Nothing too deep about it :grin:

I did it on webtoon so I could easily find my comic haha

On tapas it was easier to find your comic under your profile, so it wasn't necessary there

Nah it's not a problem at all, actually. I've seen many other creators do that for the same reason Joannekwan said and there are probably others who do that for different reasons. In any case, it's all up to your choice and it doesn't count as cheating, since it's only 1 sub (that being yourself).

I do follow all my own work and hit the likes too, The same way I eat my own cooking. :joy:

Basically it's so I can get to 69 subs faster and everything I get a new sub I unsub an alt account to stay on 69 subs for longer - so if you have more than 69 subs and it's not a technical thing then why bother man?

The thing about it making easier to check your own updates is true. For example, Tapas resist on having episodes being scheduled in EST time 12-hours clock and let me tell you it's infuriating lol.
After one point or another this one sub of your own doesn't mean anything :smile: how many subscribers do you think one should get before it stops being self-validation or cheating? Does Neil Gaiman getting a Netflix subscription after they aired Sandman counts as cheating? You can't cheat the algorithm with 1 sub and as for self-validation... is it even really bad to be "your own fan"? :wink:

you are looking at it through the lens of a reader. its just another tool for creators to make sure their content is good. also, no one can see who is subbed except you, as far as i am aware. and lastly, who cares. if you care that much about it then dont do it. silly really.

I remember asking on the Discord once since I thought about unsubscribing from myself and this girl once said "there's nothing wrong with loving yourself". If that sounds goofy... it isn't when you think about it. I think the fact that they even allow you to do it in the first place shows that you're proud of the work you make.

Also you have to keep in mind for collab efforts. It's as if the creator is giving props to the team with the heart/subscribe. Like "If this were made by someone else, I'd follow it".

That's my perspective on it lol.

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closed Oct 16, '22

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