34 / 49
Oct 2020

A pun connoisseur? I love puns. They're getting more and more abundant in my comic xD Sometimes the audience can tell a bit more than we can. Perhaps a commentor has mentioned something that they feel is unique to your work?

I think my signature thing is how cheesy or sentimental my episodes and characters are because I tend to get the cheesiest ideas and just run with them. I feel like I am getting more and more cheesy as I continue to make episodes xD Another thing is probably the O-surprised eyes, I make those a lot, like more than the daily recommended amount on the prescription bottle kind of a lot xD

I like you. I think we'll get along just fine :wink:

Whether it's my comic or fanfics I've written I've noticed that my protagonists are always a little dumb and oblivious :weary: i guess that's the only way i know how to create 'humor"...

Pastels and rainbows. No, I'm not kidding, I use lots of pastels and rainbows in my work. Needless to say, my novel and comic both are tragedies and I sure love to not show that part in my art. XD

Hmmmmmmm I dunno really xD I've heard some people point out that they like the photoshop brush I use for sketching and inking, which is just a hard round brush that I fiddled with a little bit to add some slight variation/texture. Mostly because I don't like the perfectly hard edge of the regular hard round brush and wanted a look closer to traditional inks with my digital line work.

It's kinda hard to see at the scale most of my comic characters are at, but you can kinda see the effect on the panel outlines which I stroke with the same brush:

Other than that... maybe just a slightly higher than average amount of backgrounds? I don't think it's that uncommon for action/adventure comics, but for example in the pair of 20-ish panel each episodes that i'm working on right now, I think only like 5/40ish panels don't have bgs drawn in. So yey, backgrounds lol

Black goo, and at least one character who wears a scarf and overcoat. Those appear in basically everything I make now hahaha.

If you make 1 mistake you call it blues.
If you make 2 mistakes, you call it jazz. :grin:

I'm down with that approach. I, of course do the same, but I've made "scribbly mess" my main style, and fellas, lemme tell you, it saves some SERIOUS time XD

I like putting in bits of lyrics to obscure songs (like Shpadoinkle Day), make visual references to bands/musicians I like (did a little mash-up of Meatloaf's Bat Outta Hell and Bat Outta Hell II: Back Into Hell album covers), or giving places and things really stupid names. Like, I named the place my comic is set in 'La Ciudad', which is just 'The City' in Spanish. Or have places like 'Strontville', which 'stront' is supposed to be 'shit' in Dutch, so it's 'Shitville'.

No one really notices any of them, but it's fun for me and that's all that matters. It's funny because my comic is really Super Serious™, but then I have some dumb stuff sprinkled in there for personal entertainment.

So this is a long con for me, but I have a like 6 graphic novels written out for my current on going series: "Carpenter" and I'm currently in the middle of drawing the second one, but a phrase in each book is "In due time." It's just a subtle little thing that makes it my own.

All my stories have a main character or very major character that is a strong (physical and/or magical) aggressive woman with issues of some kind. I also love having relationships between more aggressive/assertive/masculine women and charming/gentle/feminine men. Not sure why.

I tried to write hard and write true but then I got a cease-and-desist

My signature is...
:waxing_crescent_moon::heart:making things simultaneously cheerful and dark. :heart::waxing_crescent_moon:

  • I have very colorful art but always balance it with black.

-I make goofy light hearted jokes while on tragic events.

-My scary characters look tender and cute.

-I also like coloring the noses.

I have different styles for my manga-like comic, my sculptures and my ilustrations but I like to think they show my aesthetic. :sweat_smile:

An interesting topic, to be sure.
I'm not so sure because I'd consider a "Signature Thing" to be what makes your work clearly identifiable in the eyes of others. "Oh, that must be Liam's work because it has that dumb thing he won't stop doing." That kind of thing.
I could list a crap load of things I know I do but maybe others don't really notice. Like frequent tilty panels and panels that go the length of the page and parallel lines and the fact that I use a lot of little "V's" when drawing the folds in clothing but that may be standard enough stuff. I wouldn't know, I don't get out much.

I think I have two signature things:

my bright flat colors. I used to work all traditional until I got a weekly gig that made it difficult to do so just doing flats was more of a means to save money and time and fulfill the color requirements of the job but then I saw how much people responded to it and how quickly the audience grew so I stuck with it ever since.

The other thing is probably uhhhh fashion??? Most of my work has little interstitials of an ~outfit~ image so clothing features pretty heavily in a lot of my work. I’m trying to tone it down though. Tbh if I didn’t go into comics and illustration I would’ve tried to pursue a career in the fashion industry.