13 / 33
Oct 2024

I don't have an update schedule yet because I'm still in the planning stages of my book, but for my book planning schedule, I sit down to write twice a week for 2-3 hours a day.

Currently, my updating schedule is consistently irregular. Meaning I always announce when my next episode is being released rather than having a fixed schedule. :blush: I do this sort of scheduling to ensure the quality of each and every episode. After all, every one of my readers deserves the absolute best. :heart:

Whenever I panic...
(trying for Wednesdays and Saturdays, every 10 days, but let's just say I'm not used to it yet.)

Mine's every Wednesdays and Fridays, 12:00p.m PST. Here's to hoping it stays consistent (FOREVER) At least for four/six months. It's been about two months-ish? since I started so 🤞

(P.S Today's Wednesday and it's dropping at the usual time. ) @ljchisholm cover looks cool, art more so. subbed

CrimiNET updates with a page every Wednesday and Saturday!

Read new page here!

My updating schedule is guaranteed to be once every week. Mostly, it's on Sundays, although you can also see me uploading a comic Saturdays. Occasionally, I will change it up, but that's what my uploading schedule looks like.

Hidden worlds, alien worlds, worlds of the future and the past. Fairies, aliens, monsters, and gods.