16 / 33
Oct 2024

Currently, my updating schedule is consistently irregular. Meaning I always announce when my next episode is being released rather than having a fixed schedule. :blush: I do this sort of scheduling to ensure the quality of each and every episode. After all, every one of my readers deserves the absolute best. :heart:

Whenever I panic...
(trying for Wednesdays and Saturdays, every 10 days, but let's just say I'm not used to it yet.)

Mine's every Wednesdays and Fridays, 12:00p.m PST. Here's to hoping it stays consistent (FOREVER) At least for four/six months. It's been about two months-ish? since I started so 🤞

(P.S Today's Wednesday and it's dropping at the usual time. ) @ljchisholm cover looks cool, art more so. subbed

CrimiNET updates with a page every Wednesday and Saturday!

Read new page here!

My updating schedule is guaranteed to be once every week. Mostly, it's on Sundays, although you can also see me uploading a comic Saturdays. Occasionally, I will change it up, but that's what my uploading schedule looks like.

Hidden worlds, alien worlds, worlds of the future and the past. Fairies, aliens, monsters, and gods.

My schedule is that i drop two chapters a week but it can be on any day of the week so it's kinda random

I can choose Monday & Wednesday as release dates for this week and pick Tuesday & Saturday for the next week

It allows me to work on the story and proof read it before I pick dates for its release

Check out Shadow Bug on Tapas https://tapas.io/series/Shadow-Bug