12 / 20
Oct 2022

For me, I had a dream that someone stole my kneecaps, and my knees could bend forward. I tried to chase the guy in my old school and did parkour around the buildings to do so, but one of my knees bent forward and I fell. Then I woke up to find my kneecaps still here....

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I once had a dream which started as Goku walking around a Minecraft city me and by brother had built. Then Goku turned into me (the real life me, not my Minecraft character) robbing a bank in that city. I jumped out of a window, ran into the fire station, wound up in my Grandparents (real life) basement, which for some reason looked like this absolutely gorgeous indoor garden, with several creatures resembling Nessie, happily swimming about. Then, for some reason, I threw a rock at one of the creatures. (For some reason, the garden disappeared in the next shot) Upon hitting the creature, its face morphed into one, giant black eye, followed by all the other creatures doing the same, and me running out of the basement in fear.

The end.

A woman payed me a visit on a vast sea with no waves. Hundreds of sun's big and small scattered across the void of sky we stood under. As she spoke her very voice sparked her skin aflame- and with every unrecognizable syllable, the flames grew higher. The words, although foreign to any tongue I've heard, tasted familiar as I tried to repeat them. Shortly after I realized she was not talking, she was singing, and her vibrations rippled the water and reflected lands I have never seen. The last thing I remember before being woken up, is her uttering something towards me, a call or a beckon, that sounded like a slightly off tune piano playing a chord that I could hear through my eyes.

I was woken up shortly after by my dog, mid sentence, as I was talking in my sleep.

i've probably had weirder but the one at the front of my mind right now is going to either a walmart, a corner store or the mall with sonic the hedgehog and a few other characters from the series and like hanging out and chilling

if we're talking weird unsettling then it'd be the like..."backrooms"-esque nightmares walking around in endless hallways, half flooded labyrinths, breathing walls of flesh and the passing sound of the screams of the damned or wails of tormented souls and as much as i wish it were an exaggeration they're not. Like no matter how much i try to put them out of my mind it's really hard to forget the recurring nightmares with the maze like structures and increasingly eerie settings (the only "good" thing to come out of these was an ability to parkour through these seemingly endless structures so they were spooky but navigable in one way or another)

the hanging out with fictional characters ones have been preferred tho especially instances with faves/kins

otherwise it's ones that would end in death either from a first person perspective or weird omnipresent third (like those awkward video game camera angles or if you were a ghost lingering and watching nearby) and i think those were recurring for a bit too. the most unsettling were ones that took place in familiar places in my neighborhood so for days after i'd avoid those areas or navigate them with extreme caution and heightened awareness after just to make sure those dreams didn't become reality

the subconscious mind is...strange :disappointed_relieved:

I had one where me and my boyfriend were walking around London, but the Thames was made of hot chocolate. We then went to a market, where they were selling Bjork inspired tea. We went through a room full of clothes made of yellow dusters (all the clothes were modelled by Peter Griffin in drag) and came to a bit of the market that was behind an arcade. He led me to a secret door behind a stall selling pens, and took me up some stairs behind the door. Then, he revealed that there was a secret room there, which was up in the attic space, where the Pillar Men lived, and they made a living by making and selling jewellery on Etsy.

My boyfriend then revealed that he was plotting to help them take over the world, and for some reason I wanted to help. So we went to his bedroom, where he had been helping the pillar men since childhood, and it was decorated like a big hippy glamping tent, but there were loads of windows and blue typewriters. We sat on the bed to discuss world domination, but the bed was small and round, and had a dinosaur duvet. Then, Wamuu (one of the pillar men) stuck his head through the window and told us that the pillar men were in hiding because they hadn't paid their taxes since the stone age. Then he parkoured away across the rooftops.

This one I had recently. I was hired as a referee for a big soccer game taking place. I told the guy who hired me that I knew nothing about the game's rules, but he said it'll be fine. Game starts. All goes well for a couple of minutes. Then this player got the ball, rushed to the other side, stopped, and kicked the ball with a sharp turn to the left right into my face full force. I heard my nose breaking and smashing my glasses while falling back. The guy who hired me rushed to me and checked if I was alright. Blood rushed through my nose, and while he was whipping the blood off me, he said, "Uuuh, I think your nose is broken." to which I replied, "No shit, sherlock. It is broken!" And then I woke up. End of story. : P

I had a dream once as a preteen where I was a Peter Pan/ Lucky Charms Leprechaun hybrid, definitely wearing green. I had a magical bus and I was telling kids to get on the bus so we can have magical adventures. The bus had no seats. The bus could fly but the only way to make it do so was to use a swing set that just magically appeared in the middle. The kids swung on the swings and the bus started to fly but the whole thing started to fall apart until the only thing left was the wheels, the floor, and the poor kids on the swing set. I was part Peter Pan so I just flew away and let the kids fall to their doom.

I dreamt I was a higher dimensional being with no physical body that limits me. I can listen to a million conversations in many many galaxies. Like a god who can hear but not really intervene.

I had a dream I could control the earth, I pointed forward and the whole world spun in that direction until I stopped at the spot I wanted to be in. It was like I was in creative mode, flying around and doing whatever I wanted. So cool.

Another dream I had where I went down to the living room at night with all of the lights off. It was full of all of these people but when I sat down on a sofa they all suddenly disappeared, I thought they were ghosts. Well I hope it was a dream...

I had a dream when I was holding a transparent plastic jar, inside the jar, there were dried fish crumbs like dried sardines, I looked down and I stood on the edge of... idk maybe like a pool, there was a pool of water and the water was muddy, I dumped the crumbs into the water and then koi fishes start scrambling to get the crumbs I've thrown, they had unusual color patterns like green, blue, yellow. The weird thing started when I notice there was a white cat within the koi fishes that also trying to get the crumbs. So I grab the cat out, she was wet, after that, I don't know, it's just blank. Because it's already daylight, I woke up, lol.

Dreams are made to be weird, so I will list the ones I can remember.

  1. ) My skin was made out of tiny white spiders.

2.) Fighting off ninjas to protect the last tub of ice cream with my tiger sidekick.

3.) Trapped in a mirror world with faceless monsters.

4.) A tall, pale lady followed me everywhere I went while I was in the Backrooms.

5.) A room with a million doors that led to nowhere

I could turn them into a short story if I wanted to.

Almost all my dreams are weird, stupid and don´t make sense but these dreams oh boy they made me want to go back to sleep and continue the dream lol :hohoho:

So these one was about some prince who got murdered by his brother (yeah yeah lion king reference) ok so the prince died drown because they were traveling on a ship and the brother pushed him off the ship and pretended that he couldn´t rescue him so he could take the crown, soo then the prince came back as some sort of water spirit and took revenge creating a flood in the kingdom and well I´m thinking of turning this into some story tale with some twists like a fictional story inside another fictional story :sweat_02:

The second dream isn´t that big but it was about some misterious man wandering around some kind of island (which was a little similar to liyue from genshin impact xd) and everyone was like "yo who´s that" always talking about him and well the man probably was just minding his own bussiness but he was still a mistery maybe some kind of traveler

I dreamt my cousin turned into a Jetskee and then i began to drive it on the park.

I haven't had any dreams that I can remember for a while, but the last one left me with an uneasy feeling. I dreamed that I was watching a documentary about a Canadian man who had to wear a blindfold at all times BUT:

1) He had been hypnotized into thinking that he was not wearing a blindfold and could, in fact, see normally.
2) He was never allowed to leave his house because his brain knew enough to fill in details from his own house with the blindfold on to trick him into thinking he could see, but not necessarily other places (he had been given other reasons why he couldn't leave)
3)It was super important that he never learned he was wearing a blindfold, because then he might try to take it off.
4) It was even more important that he never take the blindfold off because he would see something so terrible, it would drive him insane.

I never learned what that terrible thing might be, but I don't want to know :sweat_smile:

Oh boy. I remember once having this very very weird dream. Basically, I was at school and the bizarre part is that we (the students) had like, a secret place in the toilets. Yep, you've heard right. The toilets basically consisted of a large and very long corridor, with different doors along the way. Beyond each door there was a restaurant/bar or shop and it felt like a shopping centre inside the school :sweat_smile:.
Anyway, if you think this is weird already, wait til the end of the whole story. In the meantime, I was in the actual "bathroom" portion of the toilet and I discovered a secret passage which led to this hidden shopping center. I started walking along the corridor, while looking around and seeing different students. All of us were basically skipping class :sweat_smile:. Anyway, during my walk I met a friend of mine (a friend I still talk to, btw) and he was like, waiting for me. At the end of the story, we both decided to go to a bar called PATRICK BATEMAN'S, which had an image of the protagonist of American Psycho holding an axe on the outside. We went there to grab a drink, and that's where my memories end. Why Bateman? Probably cuz both me and this friend watched American Psycho the same day and discussed it lol.

I can't say it was the weirdest, I probably don't remember the weirdest one, but I do remember one that was pretty weird. It was years ago, too, but I still recall it as if it was yesterday.

I dreamt that I was on Mars, in an armoured rover, an all-terrain kind of vehicle with like 4 or 5 other astronauts. We were cruising along some Martian plain, looking to recover some satellite that crashed nearby. Suddenly, an elderly African man dressed in all white (and with no spacesuit on, too) stopped our rover and tried to tell us some cryptic warnings through the window (which could be lowered like a car window, because it's a dream and it doesn't have to follow engineering conventions...). We kinda laughed it off (but didn't question his existence at all) and continued onward with our mission. We could already see the crater where the satellite crashed and were almost there.
Then, everything started shaking, and the ground began to break up and rise, like during an earthquake (or rather, marsquake?). I was lucky and got thrown out of the rover somehow through the still-lowered window, as the vehicle fell down into the abyss to be crushed by shifting rocks.
I found myself on a huge tilted slab of... well, the ground. Everything was still shaking, and a huge volcano arose in the distance. And that's the weirdest part - three enormous... snake heads came out of the volcano on long serpentine necks and started devouring the world around them. I realized, somehow, that this absurd spectacle was the end of the world, and I envied my colleagues who were likely already dead. So I started walking away from the volcano, only to eventually arrive at a Martian beach on the coast of a Martian sea - the beach was made out of the same red sand, with rocky outcrops stretching into the water. There were dozens of people there, just chilling in swimwear and waiting for the end.
I sat on the beach with my helmet off, when I saw a gigantic three-headed serpent similar to the first one rise up from the water on the horizon and start to slurp the ocean up. That's when I woke up.

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closed Nov 9, '22

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