12 / 12
Apr 2021

Is it something small, like "Ah-ha, her earring now has 6 beads, but on the previous page she appeared on there were only 4!"
Or is it closer to the other extreme of "His hair color changed from redhead to black? Really? I didn't notice."

And regardless of when you notice them, what is an acceptable inconsistency level for you? Which mistakes are you be willing to forgive?

  • created

    Apr '21
  • last reply

    Apr '21
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I basically never notice when it comes to comics because there's like length between updates. In movies and TV, I'll notice. Rarely comics.

I take it for granted in indie comics, even the very proficient ones, that characters will change a little and drift from their original model sheets as the artist refines their style and skill throughout the project. Small changes, like 'this character had a rounder facial structure and now he has a longer one' is perfectly fine and expected.

I changed the shoes my guy was wearing, but I do intend to go back and change the earlier episodes where his old boots were seen.

As long as i can recognize the character I don’t even think about it when reading other people’s comics so i play it pretty loose with my own. I’m dangerous :sunglasses:

Ditto to the above! On a first/casual read through, the change has to be pretty drastic before I'll notice... like "thing was one color before, and now it's a completely different one" or "character was 3 feet tall before and now they're 6 feet tall".

So I also allow myself a huge margin of error in my comics, for better or worse :sweat_smile: For example, my knight character's armor changes a little bit almost every episode, and sometimes even panel to panel. But it all looks similar so I just... leave it and vow to do better in the future LOL

Although I tend to notice the changes in details, It is acceptable as long as I can still recognize the characters, or if it is just a minor change because I know that the artist refine their skills as time goes by. so i'm pretty lenient to it. What makes it bothering is when the character/s is completely unrecognizable like all of the original features were changed unnecessarily or when they are starting to look like the other characters to the point that you can't distinguish them from the rest ^^.

If I notice, it'll be because the artist drew a character in a way I liked in one panel, only to suddenly draw them in a way I really really don't like in another. >_<

Character consistency is important, but if you have to drop the ball every once in a while, at least make it look good.

Sometimes i'm just lazy to whip out my character reference, therefore I can get my character's stripes misplaced. :smirk: But this is not major mistakes so i am chilled about it.

i'm honestly way more likely to find inconsistencies in my own work as opposed to that of others unless it's like..a major character detail. small stuffs easy to ignore or forget but when there's like big bold details that are either completely missing or have drastically changed then it's like "whoa hey what's goin on here?!"

still like someone else had mentioned there's more gaps in updates with comics then stuff like movies or tv so the standards are not as high for production quality

Mostly never 🤣 that's why my own characters change from frame to frame.

I'm more likely to notice the overall change of style. Like the changes in lineart way to draw the eyes, hair, expression etc.

I don't tend to notice small errors like "oh the artist forgot to draw the patch on the arm of his jacket!" if I'm absorbed in the story. Sometimes Andrew Hussie forgot to draw the horns on Aradia in Homestuck and I didn't even notice! :sweat_02:

What I do notice though... When the artist doesn't seem to know what their character looks like apart from their clothes and accessories. When just the general body proportions, posture and faces of characters change drastically from panel to panel because every panel is referenced from a different comic or illo, or they're using stock photos for reference that aren't all of the same person or even particularly similar looking people. I can really tell when somebody's mental image of their character isn't, "I imagine she has a heart-shaped, elfin face, you know, like Audrey Hepburn, with a very defined little nose and a high browline." but "IDK, I imagine she looks hot. Like just any hot lady." Sure, most artists settle into how they draw a character over time, but when there's no consistency within the same page (and it's not a clearly deliberate style shift for comic or dramatic effect) it's like... this feels weird, as if the character keeps changing to a new actor in the same costume every time there's a new camera shot of them.

I don’t tend to notice it, or if I do it’s usually not that big of a deal.

For my own comic I am so bad with character consistency - especially my older pages. Just learning as I go. :sweat_02:

Sometimes I forget to draw my characters weapons too. Shhhh. :laughing: