37 / 54
Nov 2018

I wasn't drawing comics, only when I was like 8 years old. My parents were positive about my art, I think. I was going to art classes in elementary school, but didn't like that as we were doing a lot of similar things and those that I didn't enjoy very much. I just had a different style than the teacher, so everyweek, I was pretending I had a headache, therefore can't go :smiley: On the other hand I still liked the teacher and I did learn a lot of useful basics, I would say.

I loved to draw animals and dragons, later birds and generally liked to practise drawing wings, so I would start drawing all kind of animals with wings just for fun and practise when I was just doodling, which ws in my later teens. I am not sure why, maybe just that I was shy about it, I tended to hide those from my parents. My mum discovered my sketches and looked like she thought we need to have a talk and that she things it is not normal and she has a problem that I draw that many things with wings. She must have thought I am weird because of that. Well, I tended to lock myself in my room when I was drawing and hid everything as well as I could.

My friends and teachers always praised me, though and were very supportive of my artwork, sometimes telling me they are sure I will do that as a job one day or asked if I was planning to. I didn't really dare have such dreams as I imagined it was difficult. And here I am today, working as a full time artist for a company abroad ^^ Couldn't be happier about that.

My family has always been really good about being supportive of any endeavor, but I really didn't have the confidence to share much when I was younger. I didn't want them to read it and hate it because I thought I would be crushed. Once I finally matured out of that, they became my best supporters. I usually have a family member edit for me since I know they'll be honest, and I know that can trust their opinions.

The range of experience here is interesting though! I'm glad to see that there's a lot of supportive family members out there. But credit to the people who kept at it no matter what their family said. That takes serious determination.

My mother used to paint with us as a kid. I'd help decorate costumes she'd make for her halloween parties at the RAAF base, she helped me make space dioramas for school and one time we made an "aquarium" where my dad built the frame out of wood and we painted glittery fish that we hung from the lid. I used to show her my stuff all the time and she'd give a critique saying something was wrong. I'd change it and bring it back until I get 100% approval. One time however she said "You're 13 now this is childish, I don't want to see your art anymore." So I stopped drawing around everyone and would come home, lock myself in my room and draw. Then it just went downhill from there because now there's complaints I'm not spending enough time with the family and yadda yadda yadda. (Family had split by this point and her new boyfriend is an asshole to the point where extended family members and co-workers did not like him.)

This actually all culminated to where I was kicked out of home at 16 because I wanted to be an artist as career and as they say it's "not a real job", people like me are just leeches on society. Keep in mind the only career that qualifies as a real job to her was being a secretary for a government position. It had to be /her/ job. Anything else I applied to I was told to get a new job within 2 weeks or I was out, even if it had a legitimate career track. Long story short she went from super supportive to completely against, her new partner got her a new personality and I honestly think he was enforcing a lot of this behind the scenes given one time he even confiscated my art supplies for no reason. I don't talk to them anymore, and I don't think I ever will. For me this went beyond not liking someone's hobby to completely destroying their life over it. It's beyond forgiveness.

I think it comes down to my mother actually wanted to be an artist once upon a time in highschool, but her dreams were crushed by a teacher grading her picture with a lot of perspective focus (room full of people sitting down) an F while he graded a random abstract piece an A. She honed her skill till she was 18 and then stopped because the world told her no, so my guess is that she expected me to do the same. Sometimes I wonder if the pressure against my art was so hardcore because she'd have to face the fact that she gave up when she could've just continued.

I'm currently at an awkward moment in my life; Currently in junior year of high school and happens to be anti-college, my mom, like she has to my brothers, is pressuring me to go to college and or not pursuit art and do something else.
While I understand that when push goes to shove, I wouldn't mind taking on a job not art orientated if it means affording to life, I can balance art and work like I do with school, but my issue is where my mom glorifies my artwork in public yet has done nothing to support or encourage it. She treats it like a token, my dad likewise.

My older brothers, though concerned, are and were always supportive of my artwork and showed genuine interest in it.

The range of support does not limit my abilities to make art, but if I do gain publicity from it, I intend to be honest on the scheme of things since people need to stop treating art like a poor man's profession, it's just a different field that happens to be under rrated.

I'm very lucky in that my parents were (and continue to be) hugely supportive. For that I am always immensely grateful.

My parents used to tell me to stop a lot. It made me feel bad for even liking art..I totally understand how you feel

My family and friends have only reacted to my creative work when I present it to them. The same thing goes on still today. They would never say anything negative. Even though they say positive things to this day, I view the things as negative. The following is why I view it as negative: If I have to always present my work to them, even though they don't enquire about my latest work, it doesn't matter if they react negatively or positively. They are obviously not interested in my work, since they don't ask me about my work without me presenting it to them first. I've always been intrigued about their talents and will occasionally ask for updates about how they are using their talents. Some of these updates that I ask them about include playing video games, writing, farming, art work, blogging, rapping, and teaching. Even though I view their noninterest in my creative work as negative, I don't hate/dislike them for it. They are entitled to like what they like. I don't share my work with them any more. I talk to them about other things. Now I do use the treatment as motivation to get better.

I consider myself very lucky to have a pair of parents that support me in the way that they do. It's basically, "Do/Believe whatever you want, but I draw the line at demonic rituals in my house. We don't do that shit.".

I was also lucky to have parents who were willing to help. Whenever I told them I was interested in anything, they would go on and on about the many different opportunities and ways that I could harness it and make a living from it. They always told me that it never matters what you do, it's how you do it and why you do it.

My mother, being bit of an artist/writer herself, is very supportive of what I do and doesn't discourage what I create. Despite this, I always feel nervous about actually showing her my work. I know she would never hate or discourage me for anything that I do, but I still can't shake the feeling that I might disappoint her, and that can kind of apply to anything that I do. I don't know why that is, but it exists and I don't like it. ヽ(ill゚д゚)ノ

Wow, I always complain to myself about how my mom always wants to see my art and always says it's beautiful instead of critiquing it, but now it seems really petty compared to your story. I'm sorry you had to go through that, never stop doin whatchu love, I beiweeeve in you!

I was born into a nerdy family and married into a family of writers and artists. I think it's safe to say that I've been blessed with abundant support.

My family was generally ok with me drawing and actually would push me to get into arts, though they thought me drawing comics and cartoons was a phase and I would go back to realism since that's what they wanted me to be drawing and what I was drawing before I 'upgraded' to comics and cartoons. They're still in general supportive, but they're still disappointed that I continued down this road and didn't do something more fine arts or portrait related, as they were ALWAYS unsubtle hints about how I should go back to that.

My writing I got absolutely no support for, and I love writing more than drawing. I would try to get my mom to read my books and she would refuse, constantly telling me to just stick to drawing because that's what I'm good at, even though she'd never read my writing to know if I was good at it, she just assumed that I couldn't do it because I could already draw. She'd even tell me stuff like "Leave writing to your sister, she's a good writer, you just stick to drawing."

It was honestly really demoralizing, and I felt bad being upset about it cause most parents of my friends that liked art didn't get support from their parents at all, but it also felt like I was being forced into art even under the misunderstanding of 'you just have to sell a few paintings for couple million dollars and then you can retire for life!!', even though I really didn't want to be an artist... I was just good at it for my age... I wanted to be a writer and liked writing better.

I was so shy that I really tried to hide stuff I did or just painted flowers or landscapes while I was at home with my family.
They always encouraged me but just as a hobby, my grandma was a elementary school teacher but also a handicrafts one so she always pointed out my mistakes lol, I suppose that's why I never really intended to follow art as a career.

Sorry about that situation with your mom. Hope she solves her issues and hope she realizes how toxic is her partner. That sudden change of attitude from your mom is extremely weird.

And sorry you got kicked out of your home. That must have been hard at a such a young age.

Wish you the best, and hope you get to make a living doing what you love (if you are not already doing it)

My mom was pretty supportive of whatever I did, but definitely pushed for it once she saw I was able to make money off of doing something I love. She wants me to be successful, but successful my way which I always appreciated from her. She regularly shows off my work to the people she works with.
My dad calls me his little Stan Lee XD I don't think I'm deserving of that title, but he's proud of me. Granted he isn't as invested in my work as my mom is, but he likes that I'm happy.

I've had my share of this xD as mentioned in my original reply, they've always been supportive of art as a hobby (although I don't think they would have necessarily approved of it as a full out career.... I never entertained that thought so it never came up) but recently now that I've started getting some commissions and stuff on the side they're like "ooooo keep doing that. Can you like print out your comics and sell them too??? maybe someone will pick your story up and publish it!" LOL it's like "not likely.... but I do plan on self publshing some copies when it's completed :sweat_smile:"

Yeah that sounds a lot like my mom. She desperately wants me to succeed more than she has, but wants me to be happy with what I'm doing at the same time. Once she saw I had no interest in going to college, she never really fought me about it and wanted me to go into something that can make me a living and keep me happy at the same time. Thankfully one of those things is sewing which I do well and get a good amount of money from, because the comics aren't exactly a viable income with my pittance of 645 subs XD

My parents supported my creative skills, but they encouraged me to keep good grades in school. My teachers were fascinated by the fact I was "that kid that draws well"

1 month later

I can relate to that on a fundamental level, but maybe if their so crazy about you going to college, maybe you can just go to a Lib-Art college certain ones actually have more stuff that caters to graphic novels and illustration.

My family has always been very supportive of my creative endeavors and my dad has kept pretty much all the drawings I've made since childhood in boxes. He's probably one of the biggest supporters I have (not that my mom doesn't tho lol).
My parents has always been okay with me wanting to live being an artist but where my dad is a bit more on the "i'm sure you can get somewhere without an art school degree" my mother is a biiiit worried cause I don't want to go to art school :joy: (asian parent at her finest)
nonetheless though they still support me and I couldn't be happier.