84 / 87
Nov 2020

I don't even think about things that have been done already. I just work on what I'm doing. In Bright Morn he adopts a kid but at one point the impression is given to people around him that the kid might be his lover. If something works with what I'm doing... I use it otherwise I don't give it a second thought.

Rules are meant to be broken. But understanding of the rules is a must so that they are broken well.

About writing.. I'd say I'm one that goes with the flow, but only under certain conditions?? I have outlines I wanna follow with major story beats, everything else in between is free to write and develop how I see fit. Considering how long I've been working on script for the short series, it might be bordering on perfectionism to some.. But really, it's just me refining my writing skills overall with a side of patience and procrastinating. Any potential future stories shouldn't take this long to write lol

Far as tropes go.. I'm just under the assumption that if something's been written, there's probably a trope for it, whether it's the exact same thing or whether it's been subverted in some way. If what I'm writing has already fallen into one of them, then whatever. I expect that to happen lol there's no point in trying to rewrite it for complete originality because once I do that, it'd then go against what I wanted to write in the first place so yea.

Just write what you want, don't make it complicated for yourself, have fun expressing yourself and all that

Has anyone noticed with their writing when writing this way that they put incredibly subtle things in their stories that sometimes they don't even know they're there until someone points them out?

Totally agreed! I really respect comic makers. I wish I could draw, because I can visualize a lot of my stories and I want other people to be able to see them the way I do. Sadly though, I'm just not good with using my hands in an artistic manner.

Sorry, this bit was supposed to be for @journeysbreeze
I wish you luck and also pray for you to keep fighting!

Your turn. I think you meant to answer someone else... or have I been in a fight?

For a second there I thought that you're looking for writers that have blood and organs inside of them.

Well, you can't escape tropes when writing. Everything's a trope, and I do mean everything.

So my head's kind of getting distracted and not wanting to write. I decided instead (out of curiosity since I was thinking about it) to count up my current number of stories finished or not (61 btw HOLY FRACK!).
Is anyone else like me currently trying to write at this very moment?
Like, my brain is sort of paying attention, but the character talking to me keeps going on this tangent and I keep getting sidetracked by the smallest thing because I just want them to stop talking but they're kind of the boss in this relationship. :sob:
I can't be confident or assertive even to my own characters! Doormat for life, sometimes. :sweat:

laundry and writing at the same time.

no dormat, someone who just recognizes that you need to step back sometimes

Oh, dear. My laundry battle was earlier this morning. My only day off before the holiday and I worked in retail (I love my life).
Also, thank you for the vote of confidence. Lol, it sounds a lot better when you word it so nicely. :joy:

I love talking to them specially my villains. We have massive conversation about other options. and then suddenly we are talking about feelings and the condition of the planet. And how I am wasting my time presenting all the characters when only himself and MC actually matter. The guy is super intense!

I dont get it either. Humans have been telling stories before we had farming figured out, some plot elements just work theres no harm in using what works?

Oh, yes, villains are fun!
I have one particular one, called 'Sir' to keep his identity hidden from my readers until the reveal.
Sir is, ahem, quite a twisted piece of work and I always feel like I've been tied to a chair and forced to watch a 'Bloody Carnival'.
:fearful: Gore is everywhere!
But he has such a silky smooth voice, so it's a "keep talking, but also please stop the torturing of people too, thanks" kinda situation any time we have a chat. :sweat:

My villain is DEATH himself and he has to be sure that Chaos Ascend. and I made him look like Keanu Reeves.

Some drawings for your thirth:

My story is a novel illustrated... that is why the drawings. And in hope that someday this would be a TV show or a movie and Keanu will be Klaus. He never played a villain I am preparing the role of his life.

DREAM BIG or go home, but I am at home dreaming...

I do this, because it's the only way I can really feel like I'm producing something. I'm not overly concerned with avoiding tropes. In fact I play to them somewhat, but I don't use them to decide how my story's going. If it doesn't unfold naturally, then it loses what makes it special.

Yup. I try, sometimes, to explain this to people who have gone on and on about craft and rules and all but for me it's like the difference of being an online gardener in a gardening game and a real gardener with their hands in the dirt brushing the bugs away.

Yeah, I ain't trying to impress shakespeare or anything. I just want to invest my imagination into a canvas, and see it come to life.