4 / 9
Jun 2022

For Tapas, the one with the face on and the higher contrast is definitely the one you should pick. Covers are displayed quite small here, and if it doesn't pop and engage the reader, you'll struggle to grab attention.

Both of these the title font is way too small and not high contrast enough though, I'd really advise fixing that. Always keep in mind that for most readers on mobile devices, they won't see the covers at this size, they'll see them at roughly the size of a postage stamp. Readability is key!

Seconding what @darthmongoose said, I think the second one would work best for Tapas and I also think that the title needs to be bigger and brighter. I also suggest using a bolder font in general, kinda like the one you used for "Crimson Stars" :grin:

Thanks for the feedback! Here's the version with a higher contrast in the title.

The postage-stamp size problem is an issue, but that would probably require to work the title into the composition of the cover, otherwise it would simply overtake the art in terms of attention and space. Maybe we'll get to that a bit later.

I agree with what everyone else said. The second one is much better. I would just make the red for "Chains of Command" even lighter. The red from the character's jacked could work maybe. I'd also maybe try to split it into 2 lines like this:


So that it's bigger and more readable on small size of Tapas preview even on desktop lists. But that's up to you in the end! :smile_01:

I like the first one better I'm drawn to the title more since it's centered with the shown character

The Face one. The other should be for a movie adapation of your comic/novel

1 month later

closed Jul 17, '22

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