3 / 16
Sep 2020

Honestly that's understandable. A lot is going on right now, and even if one particular thing doesn't get to you, a lot of smaller things can add up. Sometimes it's just good to get it all out. Personally, I don't feel like crying at this particular moment, but random crying is definitely a thing I do sometimes!

the only reason why i wanna cry is because of my gayness -_-

but i hope you're ok!! D:

I'm feeling real bad today, a few of my friends too. Not sure what's up with that, but if you can't find a way to channel that stress into something else, crying is absolutely valid.

Was on a rough emotional spiral yesterday and felt really anxious for what seemed like no reason but after listening to some asmr//voice acting vids and sleeping i feel better, just drowsy :sleepy:

I have been crying on and off the last week. But I don't think it was without reason (maybe other people would go through the things without crying, but I was very stressed and if I don't express it I often get physical pain)

Yes, sadly for the past few months I've been doing this cute thing where I break out into tears for no apparent reason. I mean, I know the there are reasons gestures at the state of the world but I'll just be doing something random/normal and then ~wham~ it's all 'hello darkness my old friend'.

Glad I'm not the only one. I mean, I'm sad everyone else is also sad, but at least there's strength in numbers? Or something like that?

Not for no reason but still is petty to say : ((( I hope you'll feel better soon tho! :hugging:

With everything going on, stress really can strike at the wildest times. I'm better now, but I did have a bit of a spiral last week.

Letting it out can definitely help!!!

Not really, I guess? I often think about wanting to cry in terms of something along the lines of "it's good to let everything out" but I tend to let this stuff out through other means. That's just my normal daily habits. Music and writing are already my biggest outlets to get my emotions out of my system, so much that there's barely anything left by the time I wanna be able to cry about whatever