61 / 92
Aug 2023

my main villain apocolys has very ornate armor so but then again all the knight forms are hard yo do sometimes

24 days later

@ThunderChicken Yeah feathers can be hard to draw.
@morganicfoods Sometimes the little details can give you the most trouble especially if it's slightly off.
@Scarlet_Cryptid I'm curious what medium did you use?
@llobucervallince Your art style kinda reminds me of the ukiyo-e style from Japan.
@Headypigeon4180 Woah valkor is larger than life.
@DanielRKM Shape-shifting dragon that's interesting.
@kishyie Love the detail on the clothes.
@GodbreakerComic Your style kinda reminds me of dragon ball Z.

@maskscomic Making a character cute is a skill on its own and it's much harder than people expect it to be.
@YS_og You did a good job in my opinion she looks gorgeous.
@N1ghtm4r3 Giving me Thanos vibes.

for me it's Rang.

It's difficult trying to draw her dreads in a way that flow naturally but also not covering her face during action scenes (when they're not tied up). I also have a very particular image of a face for her that I can't really get consistently right. The image above is my best drawing of her, but it's a cover. When I have to draw her faster for the panels, it's hit or miss.

This absolute biatch. I'm super proud of her as a monster design, but I hate drawing ALL THOSE DAMN MOUTHS.

15 days later

@pjuieng Looks intimidating, wouldn't want to see that in my nightmares.

@river121693 Hair motion is difficult, especially with scenes with dynamic movement.

@Lonker Drawing all the wrappings of the mummy can be tedious.

12 days later
9 days later

Ironically, is the most simple character design, Larry.

you see larry is all spheres, which makes him very easy to sketch.

but when lineart comes to scene...

I have to make vector circles and then use masks to make him perfectly round.

I guess is not exactly "hard" but out of every character, he's the most tedious to make so far.

21 days later
22 days later