@KevinReijnders although I don't agree with you, I think what I said to you yesterday was quite rude and I want to apologize. No one in the world wins alone and, although I don't depend on you for anything, I know that I depend on other people to be able to do certain things that I need, and if I wouldn't give those people the treatment I gave you yesterday, neither should give it to you, since no one knows tomorrow. I'm sorry and stay at peace.
My specific target audience for my story "Ein UFO kommt selten allein" (Where there's one UFO, there are usually more)
was kids between 10 and 14 who like funny european comics in a certain european, funny cartoon/comic style and who are not
into violent or superhero action comics and not into romance comics. Younger kids wouldn´t understand the comic, older kids
would think the comic is boring. It convinced the jury and that was my second target audience
because I wanted to win the contest.
I believe that the more precise you know and name your audience the more likely you have success.
At least when you work for a specific target audience
I don´t think about my target audience when I create something all the time,
because most of the time I am my own target audience. The best things that I created where things
that I created for myself and then other people just happened to like it too.
@Lensing I sent you a private message, look there
Who is my target audience:
Anyone without shit taste.
how do I reach them:
Despite the bowing and scraping to the almighty algorithm, there has only ever been a single path to glory: The audience.
They have friends to recommend the comic to. They have links to share, images to right click and post on their socials, and names to drop. The algorithm depends upon how they act as well. So if your audience isn't paying you cash, they need to be paying you in P.R. otherwise they're failing to live up to their side of the deal and you are dead in the water.
My target audience is young women, especially those who like magic/occult/tarot/astrology and so forth. I find it helps to focus my writing to have a specific audience in mind. It helps keep me from going ham on elements that they don't necessarily find interesting.
Of course, I'm not against people outside the target demographic liking it, too. It's just easier to communicate if there's an intended someone to listen.
I am especially writing for my wife and daughters - if they're not interested in the story, there's no point to it!
My target audience is anyone who loves fantasy, adventure, ttrpg, and rom-coms. There's so much serious fantasy (that's amazing) out there, but sometimes you just need a fun little story to get through the day. So I wanted to make something with similar energy to old pulp fantasy and situations that happen in Dungeons and Dragons games. Also, some slow burn romance
In regards to how I hope to reach them - I'm just going to throw things to the wall and see what sticks. So, posting on socials and smoke signals.
My target audience is...
Well, I write for myself so I can't say I really have one. But if I were to take a stab at guessing a target audience;
For my swashbuckler,
Those who like seafaring pirate adventures, mermaids, action, and something that is more story than romance (but still romance). Hopefully an adult crowd, but I could see it falling into older YA reader's interests I suppose... 18-25 year olds, I'd guess?
For my gothic horror,
Adults. Probably adult women, in particular. It's a horror story with all the monster horror goodness but the REAL horror of it is the abuse that takes place. Exploring the mind of the abused and the abuser while showcasing the "fawn" reaction to such as a way victims might keep themselves safe... but also how they might view future abuse as "their fault" because of said fawn reaction. So, it's definitely a bit heavy. Def meant for adults.
How do I reach them?
I don't. Plain and simple. I throw my crap out there and whoever wishes to read can. I don't write for anyone but myself, after all.
Honestly... my target audience is me. But really, I never have a specific audience in mind; its meant to be for most people (not so much kids haha) who'd be interested. Definitely people who like fantasy though, and I do hope to appeal to queer/disabled/etc people, especially due to being that myself. I've just got the one comic, but do want to write others in the future. No idea for how to reach them; I'm not really good at that stuff haha.
Here's my tapas profile!
My comic Skull Force Agents has a few different “reader types” who might enjoy it:
General fans of action comedy who want a good laugh
Readers who like an overweight main character that’s shamelessly herself.
Readers who enjoy a subtle bit of role reversal in a relationship.
Readers looking for a story that challenges toxic masculinity from a heterosexual perspective. (Nothing wrong with LGBT perspective, of course. Don’t get me wrong. But there doesn’t seem to be a lot of comics that do so from a heterosexual viewpoint.)
fans of guns and girls
I think that about covers it
I write for new adults. The series often includes a lot of strong language and intense violence or themes I would consider too much for young people. There is also light sexual content from time to time, but only when it feels appropriate
My genres are Fantasy-action, Drama, and LGBTQ+. I enjoy a heavy amount of epic action and psychological trauma. There are a lot of queer characters as well.
I reach them them by constantly going around to different threats and posting my synopsis, genres, sub genres, and inspirations.
Its fairly well so far.
Speaking of which:
Let me tell you a tale.
From the Dead Oceans, Kumamoto Setsune reawakens after thirty hundred years. Without a home, with who knows how much time left, and with her life the target of many an Aeternum, Disaster Beast, and more, she travels towards her old home. In the Great City of Rem, she seeks to find something for herself.
Welcome to the Recycling Theatre, enjoy your stay
Genres: Action-Fantasy, Drama, LGBTQ
Sub genres: psychological, Slow Burn, Sci Fi
Inspirations: Gintama, Symphogear, Castlevania
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