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Jun 2024

Authors, I'm curious about who your favorite character is in your novel! (Please do link as well so we can meet the character too).

I'm writing a villainess rofan story called "The Villainess Wants Her Prince to Live" and while my answer is basic... my favorite character is absolutely my main character, Regina the villianess.

I crack up writing her because she's such a hilariously pragmatic character who is hell-bent on doing whatever she can to survive the absolute tidal wave of assassination attempts that keep coming her way.

Does she need to marry some dude that prances arounds in the flowers while having no particular ambitions in life?

Does she need to hide in the bushes to get rid of her enemies?

Does she need to make a complete fool of herself while she's trying to figure out where her assassin might have hidden some poison?

If she does, she'll do it - because while she's not particularly evil or selfish or even mean, she'll do whatever she needs to to save herself -- and I just find that refreshingly hilarious to write.

So who's your favorite character in your own story?

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    Jun '24
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    Oct '24
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My favorite is Tetsu. He's probably my favorite of all time. He's a traditional Japanese dancer who dresses in female kimono looks, often appearing as an "oiran" on stage, which is the highest class of courtesan that existed in Japan. The story is in modern day, however. Tetsu is questioning his gender and exploring being nonbinary. His husband is a trans man and is 100% supportive of his journey. Tetsu also takes care of him lovingly, as his husband has a chronic illness. Tetsu is so gentle, and presents to the world pretty much as a very effeminate queer man at the moment. He's adorable, smart, kind. He's very complex. He wants to be a jazz singer like his husband is, but his heart is with dancing. He can't cook, and is pretty clumsy. He's not everyone's idea of what handsome is. But he has a beautiful and sincere heart.

I don't have the link with me rn, but my favorite character would have to be either Vance or Ezra.

Ezra is not really introduced until the second half of my novel, but they are an absolute spitfire. They're an elf mercenary that has connections to the MC. They're also nonbinary but quite short for an elf, so they often get mistaken for female. Think of a 5'2 gremlin that will stab you randomly.

Then there is Vance who is just a golden retriever (literally but that is spoilers). He is the knight of the assumed antagonist, but he warms up to the MC and the MC's princess. He is easy going and very under standing, always willing to help out or crack a joke. I would say he is one of my favorites because he doesn't automatically take to wanting to hurt anyone, he is a pacifist more than anything but is willing to stand by those he loves.

My fav character is Skully, the vampire skull. He’s a very grumpy and somewhat sarcastic character, but also just a ball of fluff underneath all that. He has no memories and can’t really do much since he’s just a skull, but he’s fun to write :3 His backstory is sort of the whole driving force for the story anyway.

Strangely enough, my favorite character from Grand Epic Elemental is one of the antagonists, Astatine. He was fun to write since he is very snarky. I liked the MC and ML too (pictured below), but their personalities were a bit more bland (although the alter ego of the ML was also fun to write).

I liked Astatine's character so much that I gave him his own novel (the sequel to the above). After battling with the MC and ML from the first novel and nearly losing his life, he has mellowed out. He has a lot of emotional baggage from his past that he is dealing with and embarks on a journey of his own where he meets a stranger who reminds him of someone he had unrequited feelings for. They become travel companions and slowly get to know each other better. In a way, they are an analogue to the MC and ML from the first novel (they even look similar ^^), although there is a lot more angst involved.

I have only three chapters published but I'm halfway in my drafts. It's the dragon of course. It's a challenge writing him to be a likable villain considering my novel is sort of enemies to lovers trope. Also I like beautiful people and he's the prettiest of the cast so far:

Hmm... Lol! That's a hard question to answer. I debated between three characters. I eliminated one because it would give spoilers and tossed a coin in my mind for the other two.

I'll go with Em.

Em has been sucked into a totally new world... After steadily get sicker and sicker for three years, expecting to die any day but stubbornly holding onto life, she thinks her sick brain is playing tricks on her and she's in an extended coma. At first, all she wants is to wake up and say goodbye to an older sister who'd taken care of her for years.

But she's too full of life to just sit around!

She begins to enjoy every minute in her well, slightly younger body and starts to forget the other body... Except the rare occasions she's sucked back.

Because she thinks she's in a dream, she does things that she normally wouldn't do. Like being straightforwardly honest more often (not 100% just more often. She knows when it'll be dumb for her dream happiness). Just to see what would happen.

She's not an over the top character, but she has meltdowns from the overwhelm of events, joyful moments when things are just beautiful, screeching anger and frustration when she can't help the ML more, tantrums she'd never allowed herself before...

She slowly regresses into the child she wasn't allowed to be as Em and grows up happier.

Ooh, this is hard, because there are quite a lot that I really love in "Damsel in the Red Dress."

I feel so attached to all of the main cast and love writing their emotions, growth and development. I love getting to see Kattar and Alicia interact with each other, and writing the complexity of their emotions. I also love writing Andrew and Jinho, and Kattar's mother, but if I have to pick just one, I'll pick the one who is the most fun and easiest to write, and that is probably Melissa. She's just so hyper and bubbly and cheerful. Every scene with her in it is immediately 1000% more fun.

In "A Dozen Morning Glories" I'm really attached to my characters as well, so I don't want to pick a favorite, but the most fun of the characters to write are Scarlet, because she's just so crazy and chaotic, and my male lead's older sister, Honey Giang. She's loud, passionate, but very loving as well, and a total queen.

9 days later

Toji Grace Helman.

Always Toji.

I have had so much fun with his character over the last few books I've written with him that I actually missed him in book 4. He and Natsu were meant to fade away, but I couldn't do it. His character development was one that I couldn't ignore and, mild spoilers, how he changes over time, becoming darker and crazier, made him much more of a dynamic character.

There are so many characters I love, and a few I hate, in every book I write, but Toji will always be my #1.

I feel this, i'm the same way lol

Honestly, depends on the day, the scene I’m writing, or the song I’m listening to. Currently, after listening to Million Dollar Baby by Tommy Richman and writing her silly grumpy mood, today’s favorite is my girl Sadie

3 months later

It's this guy. His name is Artair Callahan.
He can warp space like a cloth and breaks it like a glass.

One thing i love about him is that on the surface he shows his confidence, Like he can pull anything off. But deep down he understands his limits as well.

It's from my work VOLKERMORD. Do give it a try.

I love all my characters but my absolute favorite would have to be my character Naaririel. It’s just something about writing a non human character learning how to be human.My Mc Elyn is a close second.

For "Of Lowlifes, Lutes, & Liars" it has to be Khazmine. For as much hardship as I write for her, Khazmine's still my favorite in this novel. Her little brothers (Pavocinis and Aranthus) are close seconds though. :heart_02:

My protagonist is my fav, Sherry means a lot to me and represents a lot of things. She’s my Batman. She’s my hopes and my fears and my trauma and someone’s pushes past all that to become a symbol. :dragon:

Out of all the characters I considered as my favorite, I would choose The Countess of St Ives who is the mother of Viscount Mousehole. Even though this webnovel only released one episode recently, there will be future episodes that will introduce and flesh her out as a character.

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(post withdrawn by author, will be automatically deleted in 24 hours unless flagged)

Otto the lumberjack is the character I like the most from my interactive comic version of Jack and the Beanstalk1.
I always wanted to write a story about a Dudley Do-Right-esque hero:

8 days later

Can't believe I didn't answer this for Crystal Blue yet. It's tricky, but it might be a three way tie between three of my queenies. Judith is the ultimate no-nonsense tough as nails girl boss who takes no scrap from anyone and definitely won't tolerate it when it comes to Mora even if that means threatening to erm...exterminate her own boss.

Heloise Ray ford is a rather gruff and harsh but affectionate big sister who sort of was like a second mother for her little siblings and a confidant for her older brother. She KS TOUGH and the sort of person who will fight just as hard to save one person as she would to save thirty. She'd be the leader of a rebel army if this was post apocalypse lol.

Lastly it's Therese George. She's deceptively sweet, but she has bear-mamma blood just waiting to show itself when someone threatens her family.