57 / 70
Aug 2017

Honestly latest book had been 25-35 year olds. It's so hard to determine, because it really depends on the book.

For my comic Osca1 , I make sure to appeal to myself first--regradless of anyone else's options. I've had a "former" friend who would constantly annoy me on how my story should go. It's called MY vision for a reason, haha. I'm my biggest fan and my greatest critique. Similar to my artwork, I critique the story to see if it passes by me (I'm really picky in my taste).& I love entertainment!

But at the same time, I understand my motives for making my comic is to inspire people through storytelling. My target audience would be directed towards ages 15+ . But, the comic gets a lot darker to be secretly 18+. At the end of the day, I feel everyone can watch and learn from it :slight_smile:

I'm not sure... generally I just make whatever I would want to read, but I talked with a publisher at a festival once and showed him some of my work, and he said early teen to teen girls, so I'll go with that?

I have yet to figure that out, but my style type is a mixture of manga and western style. Or that's what others tell me sometimes.

I agree! I'm an old lady with very little time in my hands, and because of that I'm a picky person. But, dude, when I like a content, I REALLY like a content; following it as a loyal fan (and buying the stuff related to it). And being a creator, I know how hard is putting a content together, so I have all the respect for all creations ^^ (but, I'm a fan of the few).

my target audience is girls 13-18. But my actual demographic is more like 16-25 according to where Dead End Florals was published previously.

me too!! :grin:
I am a real true fan to a very few things out there, but they hold a special place in my heart for a long time :relieved:

I guess that explains why sometimes target audience and demographic don't always coincide. I could have sworn I was writing for adults. But then, a bunch of teenage girls started reading what was, quite literally, my darkest novella ever. They didn't seem to mind it was about a Mistake Necrophiliac.

I guess people do have morbid taste sometimes.O_o

In fact it's quite weird thinking about it, it seems like teens are liking darker and darker material these days. I wonder why. I suspect I might know, but the sheer idea is quite strange.

It's the hormones. Teens are emotionally driven, and love submerging themselves in angst (and porn).
When I was a kid I was practically a guro fanatic, loved drawing/looking at death and pain. The darker the subject the better. I knew a lot of kids like that, though, especially the mall goths. I think it just seems like kids are more into dark stuff now because they have easier access to it.

I'm pretty sure my target audience is me and no one else is going to give a hoot. XD

I had a target audience, but I'm sure my only audience is myself too.

I started to draw my comics when I was around 15-16, so I would suggest it for anyone around that age. I draw fantasy, romance comics with comedy, so I guess most of my readers are girls, but I know I have some male readers too.

I've thought about this a lot. I guess you could classify almost all my characters as LGBT, but at the same time, I'm more interested in imagining a reality where those sort of concepts just don't apply. The MC in "Zoo" is part of a unisex race that shits out eggs, for example. So I don't know if that's something other LGBT people can really connect with, even if it's the sort of character I actually want to see as an LGBT person.

And as far as age, I think my stuff is probably too crude and stupid on the surface for most adults/young adults, and definitely way too dark and heavy for anyone younger. I am pretty much making it for myself with no expectation of outside interest. If I can make myself laugh while I'm drawing the page, it's a perfect success. :kissing_heart::ok_hand:

I didn`t think a lot about it, but when i showed it to my family and friends for feedback, the ones who enjoyed it the most are people who enjoy anime and/or any story about heroes (because it parodies those genres). About the ages, it varies a lot, ¿it is between ten and thirtysomething?. ¿ People who enjoy inanimate objects as protagonists? . But there is a huge difference between the target you planned to reach and the actual target you reach.

I think our target audience is people who like sci-fi and getting immersed in open worlds. It's basically a road trip through an alien planet visiting different locations. A lot of sci-fi is about traveling and visiting different places so I think it makes sense to the target audience.

Short answer: Not snotty elitist people who think seven subscribers is chump change.

Longer answer: Techies interesting in exploring a more contemporary setting their your traditional far flung local in science fiction. Using with a background in Ruby language, sneaker net, and UnWeb development. I also have some personal friends in Cybercult I'd like to get to know.

Very niche.

I guess my target audience is people around my age, which is 17, or maybe younger. I also like to write fantasy and romance so there's that~~

My goals were teenagers at first but now I say, anyone, because everyone has a different P.O.V on things so why not uses that as an advantage to create my novel. Gained feedback and comments.