23 / 24
Dec 2024

Never really got into anime, but one of my favourite cartoons as a kid was Astro Boy, so I'd have to say this guy:

And I'd be remiss to not mention another favourite, but this one was more about the car:

Torn between my top three:

Bortz from Houseki no Kuni (one of my favorite character archetypes):

Kirika from Noir (always doing something interesting, great character arc; 'adorable hyper-competent child assassin' who actually comes off as a sweet impressionable kid rather than an obnoxious plot device)

Maria from Symphogear (shameless crush):

I'm also a huge Cell fan, despite not really following Dragon Ball at all since I was a kid. ^^; Perfect Cell is an S+++ design; seeing him was one of those moments that changed my brain chemistry as a young artist. Plus, he has a fun personality on top of that~

And if we're gonna include characters I know almost nothing about, Killua from Hunter X Hunter, Dabi from MHA, and Gaara from Naruto are also top-tier Best Boys for me; always happy to see them pop up on my Twitter feed. ^^ Their designs are great, and the little I do know about them is very intriguing.

I used to love the end of each episode where Astro gave his report to the computer, and he made a mistake in each one. The only thing I didn't like was that the next episode would never tell us whether we guessed right on the mistake!

Cant say my favorite, but my current favorites are:

Ichigo Kurosaki
Lelouch Vi Britannia/Lelouch Lamperouge
Goblin Slayer
Naofumi Iwatani

Favorite hero: Kenshin (rurouni kenshin)

Favorite villain: Sensui (yuyu Hakusho)

I always thought naruto character designs were really good too.. and the animators know their stuff also. The sauske vs naruto fight was really cool

It's Whisper from Yokai Watch. There are games and an anime.

It's hard to pick favorites, but these are a few that I really like

Both Mob and Reigan

Saiki K

idk how Law got in there, hate him :rolling_eyes: Jinbei and Luffy, Brook, and for some reason I can't describe I also absolutely love Big Mom
There's also a whole slew of fairy tail characters that I love (something of a comfort show for me) but I don't wanna get into it rn

Alphonse Elric from Fullmetal Alchemist, Hawks from My Hero Academia, and Ryuk from Death Note. :smiley:

@theyrebothakilogram I got a spot in there for Law...he's a good guy(as far as I've seen)


My fave villain:

This man is bar none as good as All For One, as far as contingencies upon contingencies upon contengencies...