10 / 73
Jan 2023

I'm not letting this one go quietly under the radar. If the word "Kiss" can be shadowbanned in titles, how can we feel safe putting that word in our comics and novels, or having panels of characters kissing? It's absolutely ridiculous, so I hope they come back like "oopsie! That was an error! It's all fixed now!" soon. It's been several hours of sitting nervously over here in the GMT timezone... :sweat_01:

Kiss is a word that can easily even be used in non-romantic phrasing! And yeah, if it's going for titles most probably will extend to the body of works...

I hope it, too, but tbh I've lost all hope for Tapas. People complain about Webtoon, and they have good reasons, but things here are becoming unbearable.

It's not just the kiss word, apparently there's a search bug on the app that people reported, that their novels and comics don't show up when you search them by title. It's being investigated right now.

I tried searching a bunch of words though, including ones that might be banned, and it's not that all searches aren't working.

Words that don't work: "Sexy", "Kiss", "Omega"

Words that do work: "Screw", "Grind", "Kill", "Rim", "Gay"

Searching "Errant" works just fine, for example.

Looks like a bug similar to the one that replaced the description when you share link with an ad for premium series then...
I wish they would at least provide a list of banned words and would not allow you to use them in the title instead of making you confused by your series being unsearchable

LMAAO! Not to throw shade, or start conspiracies, but this is a very convenient bug... :joy:

I believe it is due to some ruling by the app stores.
For Tapas itself to impose this would be ridiculous. While all novels are experiencing trouble being searchable in the bar in the app, there are ones being flagged for amendment to this new rule.

I suspect that once the devs sort through everything and the majority of series are searchable again, those that breach the new app store ruling would be in essence shadowbanned from the app. The series would still be available, but not searchable through the app, like any explicit comic.

I don't know how many times it needs to be said.... but seriously, peeps, stop buying Apple products. They haven't had a good innovation since Jobs died and they're just overpriced versions of the same tech in any other laptops or phones in a fancy metal case, and they keep doing this crap to creators.

It might be easy to ignore when they're just coming for LGBTQ+ people, but now they've banned the word "kiss"? Isn't that far enough? For all of us?

I lost interest they removed that DAMN earphone jack. Oh and human right violations overall involving children. I've been using the same cracked Samsung phone for six years now. Thing is a MULE (although I'm not sure if that company is safe from sin).

Anyway just to be safe I'm just gonna be censoring kiss to k*ss. Or maybe make that the only censored word while I refrain from using swear words overall I dunno (@$%$). Would be a funny statement.

Is this real? I mean I had overcome as an artist that people in the world don't have nipples anymore on Tapas or Webtoon or anywhere and now even kissing is gonna be banned? lol That doesn't look good for the artists who are drawing any kind of romance. So instead of kissing they're maybe gonna kick each other on the butt lol Would that be more appropriate?

The act can still be shown, the word just can't be in the title. The search bar won't pull it up.
Maybe apple thinks that anything that with Kiss or Omega in the title will inevitably lead to doing the dirty and oooh can't have minors looking for that with easy search terms :expressionless:

I guess you can try and go around it by spelling it Kizz or 0mega (with a zero). And test that once the search bar is functioning again.

Recommend swapping out the word "Kiss" in titles for "Grind", "Finger" or "Lick". Definitely no sexual connotations there! :rofl:

Better yet, just replace it with "Kill." That'd get everyone looking at your story!


Well somebody's got the right idea already!

Wow, what? Even more reason why I'm glad my comic isn't on the app, don't even want to indirectly associate with Apple, but that really sucks for all the poor romance authors on here. As little of a fan as I am of the genre, I can't like that it gets crapped on the most.

New titles to make creators safe, starting from the top search results!:

  • Lick Lick Fall in Love
  • Grind/Kill
  • Make Babies! ('Babies' wasn't on your list, but it fits, and I assume it's app safe.)
  • Ghostie Fingers
  • Grind Storm
  • Lick n Karess
  • I Fingered a Boy