11 / 99
Aug 2020

I know! No worries :grin: I just see everyone commenting on how nice your novel is, so I should probs check it out

Tell me what you like about writing your story or your favorite part! A lot of people have to like it since your story's doing well (and I personally like it) :smirk:

Not that I'm feeling particularly discouraged or anything, but I put in my two cents:

What people like about my stories I've noticed tends to fall under the short, comedic gags with dark undertones in specific episodes. Ideally, id like my universe of comics to be light-hearted, but with a strong sense of mature themes to it. It's like most people have forgotten about the darker/grittier aspects of my comics and more closely follow episodes without a plot to it and laughs, but I guess I can't complain too much about it.

I don't know what you're talking about :slight_smile:

Emotional scenes are hard because I don't want to make myself sad writing them but I like to see people's reactions to things.

Mmhm. Suuuuure, lol. :joy:

I get very sad. I have a scene towards the end of the book that hurt my soul and I had to stop writing for a week. :broken_heart:

Oh geez.

I need to catch up. I like your writing style, it has a good flow and it's easy to see through Simon's eyes. I think that also lends what you said on another thread about we get his perspective so that's interesting to see

I've gotten a few reviews from people and the majority of them were mostly positive. The similar points people tend to bring up is that they enjoy the fact that every character has a very distinct personality and goals that make them feel more genuine, that the dialogue sounds like what real people would actually say (minus the mutant stuff), that the drawings feel fluid and very expressive, and that the main character is refreshingly human for being a villain. I was glad about the last part especially because when I originally started writing my comic back in 2015, I wrote her to be way more edgy, which seems to be the usual among young teen writers. I worked really hard to refresh her character and make her more understandable, less of an edgy ass, and more of just a bratty but well meaning teen. It's nice to know the hard work paid off!

People seem to really like the artwork. They think thr artstyle is consistent and unique, brighly colored bu not garnish and charming. They like the character designs alot, especially for the goddesses in my comic. And my readers also enjoy the dynamic between my three main characters.

I think they enjoy these parts of my comic because of the feeling of nostalgia it gives. And there's a genuineness I hope shines through in the designs and characters. It's charming and warm-feeling without being too serious.

The imagery/descriptions and the distinct narrative, which is great for my somewhat unedited version that's being uploaded on Tapas.

I also get compliments on the characters and how they act in that their drives and emotions seem honest and genuine. I'm pretty character-driven and how characters interact with each other is one of my favorite things to focus on when writing, so I'm glad it shines through.

Nice to hear you enjoy my writing style! Been wanting to increase my vocabulary though so the flow can be even better, more poetic and so I'll have less repetition.

Yeah, that's the good thing about a first person perspective like this. It's also crucial to another plotpoint I can't spoil yet sksksk. Otherwise I would probably have included Joey's perspective as well. Something for volume 2 I guess haha.

Big mood haha, would love to get more feedback eventually too, but I've noticed forums is pretty good for that and occasionally asking in the author's note helps too

I've had a lot of my friends tell me I write emotions really well, with some people reporting really visceral reactions to certain scenes. I'm really proud of that because I put a lot of work into making my emotional moments impactful, haha.

People also seem to enjoy the nuance I add to my characters, especially villains. I'm really proud of that too because I love writing nuanced villains.

Most of my feedback is that people love my atmospheric descriptions, so we'll go descriptions for what readers like hahaaa! but as people read on, they're also getting really fond of my two main characters and sympathising with how miserable my MC is, and I love that I've made both my boys come across so well! Especially Casper, as he had the potential to be quite unlikeable.

Every time someone comments they want to give him a hug, it makes me smile so much. Evoking those sorts of fluffy feelings is exactly what I set out to do writing.

My favourite thing about my novel is just how Casper's POV lends itself so well to a mixture of gritty descriptions and really snarky internal dialogue. I like writing him being salty about stuff, it's hilarious!

@alexlcuri07 you're soooo good at the emotional scenes too, the one with suri and trenton was just :sob:

@MeLovesTacos ugh I've read far enough now that your vague allusions are making me really nervous!! simon :sob: and considering im not very far in, that says a lot about how well you're making me care about the characters!!

@miss.monocle checked yours out based on this, and it looks really interesting! subbed :smile: