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Dec 2023

any tips on how to make this more “Seussian”, if you will

here’s what i got sofar:

  • created

    Dec '23
  • last reply

    Dec '23
  • 7


  • 432


  • 1


  • 19


The Grinch, you say, from Dr Seuss?
Why, this is wonderful-ish news!
Your pencils suit his form just fine,
and Max's tail wag feels sublime!
The only way to Seuss it futher,
is ink, color, and maybe render. (I tried, derp.)
Maybe give the Grinch some speech,
for Seussian rhymes are what we seek.
For any Grinch that's worth his green,
must call our Christmas time obscene.
So, take my words with extra salt,
for I'm a Grinch as well, I thought...

You broke the first rule of Seuss: If you can't think of a word that rhymes, make one up!

I just looked up dr seuss memes on google and regretted it :skull::skull: but I did find this

It reminded me that I don’t have that song on my playlist, which must be fixed.

12 hours later and we did not give a single tip on the matter.
Personally, I'd look youtube documentaries that shows how he used to draw and paint. For better reference.