3 / 16
May 2017

Just wondering, I think this whole tipping idea is great for free webcomic,
but do you tip the same series more than once?

I have not tipped yet, but I bought physical copies of a few webcomic I found here on tapas,
and once I did something like that, I felt like I already did my duty as a customer and less likely to tip the same creator once I start tipping :-/
it's kinda like I don't buy the same book twice, ya know what I mean?

Would it be a good idea if tapas enabled an easy way to buy a digital download or physical copies?
For now I went out of my way to go to the creators site to order the physical copies,
but if the app and website makes it easy to buy stuff, it would be another way for the creator to make monies, imo

  • created

    May '17
  • last reply

    May '17
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I tip creators multiple times, especially since I know, as a creator, tips are only a few cents. You're never obligated to tip, but since it is free to get coins, it's the easiest way to show monetary support to a creator's work that you really enjoy. Buying a physical copy is fantastic, but if you have options to support further, I'd take them!

I personally would rather people go to my site and buy my merch there, since I don't have to worry about my hosting site then getting a cut of whatever merch I make. If the mobile site made wall posts and links easier to find, I'd find that way more helpful.

i think ive only actually tipped one creator, but multiple times. im lazy and never use the app, so i rarely have the coins to tip - when i do they just all go to the one person because i really really like their comic.

hmm... digital downloads could be interesting, but i dont think printed copies is in tapas' area of interest at all. but honestly, id say if you want the download, if you want the print, go 'out of your way' to get it. especially if going out of your way is, say, supporting them on patreon. thats a lot more meaningful, and not a lot of effort at all.

I also try to tip more than once. I don't have time to go through each comic and tip them all the amount that I wish I could, but whenever there is a new episode that I particularly enjoyed, I will tip them again. So the more a creator updates, the more likely they will receive multiple tips from me.

Although, if I have tipped them a fair amount more than other creators that I follow, then I hold back on tipping them for a while so that I can tip other creators first.

I'd love to be able to support creators in other ways, such as buying their merch, but as someone who moves around a lot, I don't really have the space for more things. I'd be afraid to ruin or lose it in the move. My moves aren't exactly small either. I tend to hop around my country (and soon the possibility of other countries), and that's saying a lot since I live in the second largest country in the world. :smile:

As for digital copies, call me old fashioned, but I prefer physical copies if I'm ever to own one. There's nothing quite like holding a book (plus new book smells! ^^).

That's what makes the tipping program so enticing to me. It allows me to support these creators without actually having to buy anything. Patreon is always a solid option as well if you want to give more regularly without having to actually think about it all the time!

I used to try and throw a tip every time a series I followed got updated. Kinda a show of appreciation that they are still working hard on the series, and tips are small... after all 50 coins is 2 cents or something (and that's BEFORE tapastic and google/apple take their fees) so it's not really like I'm 'buying the same book twice' since it may as well be theft if I think I paid off a book with 2 cents.

Unfortunately I don't get enough ads to try and even tip once a day x.x so I don't do that anymore, maybe I will go back to it when ads are available again but it seems for my country it's 1 ad a day that may not even give me coins after watching ;_;

If I have coins to give, I typically toss some after I read the new page. If I read a comic by batch then I tend to tip a bit more based on how much I liked it.

I only follow a few series so I can tip each time there is an update or when I rack enough coins that I feel like throwing them at someone. So yes, I tip the same creator more than once.

Personally, I wouldn't consider tipping and buying a physical copy of your favourite comic the same thing. Tipping is ongoing support, something that continues your investment in a creator's body(/ies) of work. Buying a comic is brilliant financial support but it's a one-time thing. You can pick up, re-read and re-enjoy a comic for the rest of time, multiple times but the creator doesn't get paid anymore unless you continue supporting them by either promoting their work to potential audiences or donating a few cents/dollars each month.

In response to the question, I love finding creators on tapas with the tipping feature enabled and donating coins. It's like a rinse/repeat ritual with the coin system. Continuing support of ongoing series by small, independent creators is one thing I really, really appreciate about tipping here.

Depends on how much I enjoy the creator and/or their work. If I really like them, I'll tip every so often, so multiple times. If they're okay, I'll maybe leave a 500 coin tip once, maybe another if they update and it's really good.

Yeah, of course!
I usually tip back as I don't get that many coins to tip with, if at best I get like 500 on a good day. However, there's times where I can't earn coins for several weeks OTL.

But yeah, I enjoy tipping, usually tip around 100-500 depending on how much I've earned xD

Usually I only tip once for series that I think are high quality, but not my cup of tea, since I still appreciated having experienced the story.

Otherwise I try to tip whenever I catch up on a series I follow, though it's hard for me to sit down to enjoy them often as I have my own work to do. :'D

Most comics I'm reading on tapas don't have a published print version yet, so the only way to show your appreciation for their work is to become a patron or tip.

I tip often. Out of the 80 comics in my bookmarks I must've tipped to 20 on a single occasion. I tip repeatedly to 4 or 5 comics, because I think they deserve a continued support. (I would tip all twenty every time, but they are already popular and don't need my support as much as the lesser known)

The frequency with which I tip depends on the payout of tapas ads. I usually collect 1000 coins and then tip my fave comic. If it takes less than half an hour to get that amount, I'll collect another thousand and split the tip on those other 4 comics. However, if it takes more than an hour, then I'll just tip my fave creators and call it a day. Such is the law of supply and demand.

Yes. I get very few ads 'cause I live outside the U.S. and I save them to tip my favorite comics, which are mostly not very popular. It's important to keep the artists motivated, specially when they can't even print their works.

^^^^this is very true and important ongoing support is amazing and so unbelievably appreciated it helps creators a lot and is faster then ad revenue for us so tipping multiple times is like you giving us the warmest of hugs

Unfortunately I can't tip because the app doesn't work on my phone, but if I did have it I'd definitely tip my favourite creators multiple times. And besides, the tapastic coins aren't worth that much anyways and I'd like to help out people as much as I can since I can't always buy merch online.

I've considered picking a few authors to start with and do it as a rotation. Just go down the list and tip a different person(s) every week, then start again. Now that I just got a more solid job, I'm thinking of putting away a certain amount of money every paycheck specifically for webcomics. Even if I'm poor, I still wanna support my fellow creators!