27 / 43
Aug 2021

*proceeds to ruin the Avenger's plans and let Thanos escape *

Oof. Well taking into account my protagonist's backstory, his experiences, and the type of person he is he would most likely choose to save his loved ones at the cost of the world. He would choose the former option though if that's what his loved one would want of him. It just depends.

As a real answer however, Dimitri is holding a torch for someone so it’s a choice he would have to take a minute to think about- however.

She would absolutely beat the ever loving shit out of him if he picked her over an entire world of lives. She’s not into being used as an excuse to let a world die. You can move out of my house with that shit-

Rememebr folks, it’s always important to ask your beloved their consent if it’s ok to murder a world for them. :sweat_01:

So...this fits perfectly with my cosmic horror romance vibes. And being an utter deviant for horror, yes -- my protagonists would let the Earth take an L.

While Our Universe doesn't have that big of a stake (though it is a similar worry), Brenda is married to someone on another plane. And that love is so deep that "even if the world crumbled around us, I would still love her".

So while she wouldn't destroy a world for her love, she wouldn't be completely terrified about crumbling along with it. Considering what she's already seen, she'd accepted it.

Tone and genre, my friends

any of my heroes would go fight this wraith sacrificing themselves to protect those they love and the universe

My character Brad Bird don't care about the world he's in. He will say, "tweet, tweet"

My current MC has been in a somewhat similar situation.

He chose to preserve the world. He still carries the grief for the loved ones he left behind in the saving.

(And I have a character in a future story whom also has to make this exact decision. Not gonna say how that one shakes out, though!)

I think all of my characters except the antagonist would choose the world.

But would they succeed against a force of nature? How would the world fare without the cycle of life and death?

He's 12, mostly selfish, likes someone, a few details I can't tell now because of spoilers.
He'd save his most beloved over anyone else, but not because of actual love.

My protagonist has suffered enough that he will not hesitate to doom the world rather than saving it.

while mine is novel , topic was just interesting :smile:
Dawn would for sure put their beloved in the 1st place

Zessen is kinda desperate for meaningful companionship and any ounce she can get she'll cling hard to, and she low-key resents the world for the responsibilities placed on her. So...it would probably be barely a contest what she'd choose :sweat_smile:

In her current development in the story of course :wink: