Am I the only one who notices that siblings don't tend to have a lot of role in fiction unless they are evil, (including the evil/bratty little monster), or the whole cast are heros of some sort and one is a sibling duo?
I mean, I love my siblings to death (have five of them) and so I usually have siblings of some kind in all my series, who the MCs are really close with.
We're going to see more of Alicia and Andrew's dynamic in "Sun with a paper crown" but honestly, even the mentions to him in the first book are all positive. Yes, everyone has a different dynamic with their siblings and we sometimes (or often) fight. But that's the thing, everyone has different dynamic, so why are most siblings:
- Hero-worshipping little siblings
- Bratty and mean little siblings or jerk older siblings
- Off somewhere being evil
- The other half of your personality
(And yes, I say this while having at least two siblings who are the other half of my personality (yes two halves) and one I like to joke about having had a semi-psychic link with.)
But seriously, I wanted to write Andrew and Alicia's dynamic as a realistic sibling dynamic, largely based on my personal experience. And older sibling who loves and kind of is 'mommish' of her younger sibling because of sort of having to raise him, and a younger sibling who both loves (and embarrasses) his older sibling, but isn't afraid to show that he loves her.
How do you write siblings in your stories?