20 / 31
Apr 2021

I wrote my first book in first person present tense because I wanted the wonder and discovery in real time vibe, and that works best for my MC. Sentence structure and keeping the flow was a little challenging but I got used to it fairly quickly.

My latest book is in third past and it took a little minute to get used to writing in past. And there was a time when I was writing both at the same time so tense slips were common. I found that I would go from past to present more than present to past. Past works better for the story I’m writing and third fits my MC because I can still be free with how I write and add his thoughts.

Honestly it depends on your character and how their voice best comes across. Each have their challenges, but do what works for you.

Yeah I see what your saying. I guess from my perspective, writing in first person and in past tense makes people feel like they are the MC and that the story has already happened. However, what I am aiming for is you are being told a story as it unfolds? If that makes sense lol

Yeah I find myself trying to force the present tense, but I've read online somewhere that it's fine to switch between the two tenses if it makes sense. But then again, I'm not too sure if it makes sense when I write it lol

Yeah thanks for the heads up. I read your first episode as well and it sounds a lot more professional than mine lol
After the first episode/ prologue, I switch to a close 3rd person narrative as well. Hopefully, it doesn't turn readers off too much.

I don't mind feeling like I'm "stepping into the MC's shoes" as a reader, but it depends on the personality of the protagonist and how well first person is written. I do understand your aim for readers to "watch" the events unfold infront of them. It can kind of be like a movie in that regard.

Haha yeah. When I'm writing, I'm imagining everything in manga panels lol My plan is to write my story on paper first and then to a light novel and then to a manga. I'm just waiting for my drawing skills to kick in. I think that's the main reason as to why I am writing in present tense + first person.

Drop your story so I can read it. I can't seem to find other stories that write in the same perspective/ tense.

Yes, I remember you left a comment on my story, so I thank you greatly! I agree with you. I wrote in first person initially, but I quickly hit a wall in my writing.

This is also my first novel so everything is pretty much new to me. I try to write as much as I can but I'm also working a full time job, learning to draw, and attempting to stream lol so sometime my brain isn't there.

One of my biggest walls was how do I insert internal monolouges in first person when I've been writing in third person. Hopefully, the way I "fixed" it, it will work out lol.

I write in both: I have a series of two novels that are written in first person POV, but I also have a novel from third. It all depends on what feel comfortable for you and for the story: if the story focuses on the mind, thoughts and emotions of a singular character or if there is a major group of characters. I also do a strange thing where I will have at random chapters be of different points of view where the major plot points are not centered around the main character. It all depends on what feels right to you and your story

Ah, I’m having the opposite problem :sweat_02: I have to constantly remember to add in the “thoughts”

Here you go!

I've read a bit just now and it's sounds really good. Like a professional novel lol

Ahaha, thanks. Just had another look and the switch-over could be a bit jarring for some people, especially because of how different it is. I've read books that go from third to first (and vice versa) where it's clear the first-person parts are a character telling a story to other people. Maybe do something similar at the end of the prologue just to transition a bit more gently?

Only a suggestion anyway, if you want to stick with what you have then go for it :slight_smile: Experimentation is always good!

Aayyyeee, thank you! I've been writing for quite some time, so I'm glad to see the work I put in is amounting to something!

Lol i can see why its jarring to some readers, but I hope this creative choice works out. I want to leave it vague for worldbuilding purposes,