60 / 75
Dec 2021

The trolls are fat enough already from all the goat meat they ate under the bridge. They don't need any more. :sip:

Can't have arguments when frogs are around! Real scientific fact!

By this time it is clear that community in Tapas Forum is as against NFT.
One of my poll is to learn about whether one is for the NFT or against NFT.
Thus, with assumption that each frog posts by the user, it means against.
while the other users who reply to the topic, are the one who is for the NFT.

How can anyone be against Nice Frogs and Toads? They're all so very nice and lovely.

See? :frog:

that's the point, because i count your reply as sarcasm,
so it means you are against it.
the poll's purpose is more like to know the community's response towards the topic
it has been hostile regarding the NFT topic since I've seen 3 times the topic been removed in Forum.
that's why, i'm surprised that it hasn't been removed up till now.

You're making Frogge feel a bit sad thinking that he will be removed by the Mods just because he shares his name with something controversial.

See? Look how bummed out he is thinking that he has no place on the Forum now. :cry:

I'm intelligent enough to understand your joke,
but really thanks, counting the number of unique replies here is the indicator for the answer I'm seeking.

Yup, but if you read the trolls, the whole point of understanding is there.
That the trolls here may have views against NFT.

no worry toad, being a troll is good! Do ask more trolls here to express their views too, it helps me to figure out the population!

yeah, great, no new frogs and toads post by other users? Just you guys the frequent few?
Minting them is free on opensea by the way.

Really appreciate your time a effort to keep this topic alive and on top.
Seriously! Coz time is making a living for some.

Thanks for your vote,
I've seen audio NFT, most of them are rap music,
the lyrics are bad, but the rhythm are good.

Yes. He can drink all my peppermint tea as well and I would thank him for doing so.

I'm gonna break character here and say that if you wanna go poll people on their actual opinions on NFTs, GO MAKE YOUR OWN TOPIC. STOP HIJACKING OTHER PEOPLES' STUFF FOR YOUR OWN GAIN. It's honestly really rude and makes you look like you're purposefully trying to start trouble instead of genuinely wanting a legit conversation about these things.

Poliwag and its evolutions were always some of my favorite Pokemon. Something about their general designs was just so fascinating to five year old me back in the day.

Controversial opinion- politoed is my favorite amphibian Pokemon. Sorry, mudkip (you're still good, though).

closed Dec 1, '21

This topic is temporarily closed due to a large number of community flags.