1 / 22
Apr 2022


Been spending way too much time on WaifuLabs. My character designs are not super WaifuLabs friendly, but I like a challenge. Here's what I got:






How close can you get to your characters?

  • created

    Apr '22
  • last reply

    May '22
  • 21


  • 1.5k


  • 17


  • 134


  • 1


My characters are definitely not waifulabs friendly either. It really doesn't seem to want to let me make them dark-skinned or curly-haired lol

But it was a fun challenge! Eventually ended up with these :]

Images on right are the comic panels I tried to copy- the first being Nora, second Kassia

Okay, are you ready for the cast of everyone's favourite anime, Errant? :smug_01:



Subo! (wow it is really hard to get more masculine faces and medium skintones...)


Urien! (I kind of love this one because the personality came out on point).


I see this is kinda hard to do for my characters haha. For now I have done Cate but may do more

Andrew (well as close as I could haha))

Just imagine the red bangs and it is Danivere

Here are how my characters turned out! I think it went pretty well for most of them tbh. Thanks for creating this topic, this was really fun!

WaifuLabs Aeri vs Canon Aeri:

WaifuLabs Luci vs Canon Luci:

(I did a second attempt for Luci because there was an initial portrait that looked a lot more like her and it turned out a bit more accurate ig? She's still definitely not that pale though lol)

WaifuLabs Hanako vs Canon Hanako:

WaifuLabs Cynthi vs Canon Cynthi:

WaifuLabs Jin vs Canon Jin (prework design):

Lol, the fact that you can get from this.... whatever it is, to this awesome chara xD I need to find a place for him in my story xD

and this is my favourite accident so far:

okay, I stop spaming now.

Looks kinda cursed. xD


This one was hard. xD

Oh boy this one was hard...my main character isn't humanoid, but I still gave it a shot

The originals: From left to right: Freya, Rip, Erick

The new:


Erick. Couldn't get black hair for the life of me on this dude

My art style definitely doesn't match XD

Ok I think I have to give up cause I'm never gonna get any hot milddle aged boys or boys with beards :sweat_smile:

Here's thea as she is normally had to try a few times with her

I did Dimitri in his BL version cause ... You know, beards

And then Ralh I did because the audience voted for a AU human version of him :thinking: this app def dosnt like to keep the dark skin no matter how hard you try.

I also made an extra future character because he's such a pretty boy - and of course he was 100% the easiest one to make :smirk:

Well, this was entertaining. Especially the parts where it occasionally glitches out and creates an eldritch horror. :joy:







Bonus Azrael because I like how this is bringing that anime villain energy:


Monica - first try, not bad.

Light hair + medium skin tone + glasses is clearly too much to ask from this GAN. Was surprised it could do glasses though.

Lots of rerolls to make this happen but actually got a pretty cute version of Ellie.

I found it a bit of a struggle to do my characters due to the options coming out too pale. But I finally did it...

Ken (with his hair down, no options for ponytails for boys)


my sad attempt to make Zanna