15 / 22
Apr 2022

Okay, are you ready for the cast of everyone's favourite anime, Errant? :smug_01:



Subo! (wow it is really hard to get more masculine faces and medium skintones...)


Urien! (I kind of love this one because the personality came out on point).


I see this is kinda hard to do for my characters haha. For now I have done Cate but may do more

Andrew (well as close as I could haha))

Just imagine the red bangs and it is Danivere

Here are how my characters turned out! I think it went pretty well for most of them tbh. Thanks for creating this topic, this was really fun!

WaifuLabs Aeri vs Canon Aeri:

WaifuLabs Luci vs Canon Luci:

(I did a second attempt for Luci because there was an initial portrait that looked a lot more like her and it turned out a bit more accurate ig? She's still definitely not that pale though lol)

WaifuLabs Hanako vs Canon Hanako:

WaifuLabs Cynthi vs Canon Cynthi:

WaifuLabs Jin vs Canon Jin (prework design):

Lol, the fact that you can get from this.... whatever it is, to this awesome chara xD I need to find a place for him in my story xD

and this is my favourite accident so far:

okay, I stop spaming now.

Looks kinda cursed. xD


This one was hard. xD

Oh boy this one was hard...my main character isn't humanoid, but I still gave it a shot

The originals: From left to right: Freya, Rip, Erick

The new:


Erick. Couldn't get black hair for the life of me on this dude

My art style definitely doesn't match XD

Ok I think I have to give up cause I'm never gonna get any hot milddle aged boys or boys with beards :sweat_smile:

Here's thea as she is normally had to try a few times with her

I did Dimitri in his BL version cause ... You know, beards

And then Ralh I did because the audience voted for a AU human version of him :thinking: this app def dosnt like to keep the dark skin no matter how hard you try.

I also made an extra future character because he's such a pretty boy - and of course he was 100% the easiest one to make :smirk:

Well, this was entertaining. Especially the parts where it occasionally glitches out and creates an eldritch horror. :joy:







Bonus Azrael because I like how this is bringing that anime villain energy:


Monica - first try, not bad.

Light hair + medium skin tone + glasses is clearly too much to ask from this GAN. Was surprised it could do glasses though.

Lots of rerolls to make this happen but actually got a pretty cute version of Ellie.

I found it a bit of a struggle to do my characters due to the options coming out too pale. But I finally did it...

Ken (with his hair down, no options for ponytails for boys)


my sad attempt to make Zanna

Spent hours doing these for the main cast of Galactiquest.

Here's Mia. She's probably the most WaifuLabs friendly out of this group. I'm surprised some options gave her a somewhat full face, though I couldn't get the bangs and eye color right while keeping that intact. No freckles or ponytail : ' (

Next, I made Lorenzo. I'm incredibly surprised how close I was able to get, though his smirk in the second one makes me a little uneasy. RIP his sideburns.

Now for the poster boy himself, Leon. Couldn't get his hair quite right, but otherwise? Pretty close! He even has little teeth! Again, surprised it gave me a chance to give him a fuller face.

I had to make some sacrifices on Emil's. The one that hurt the most was his hair. Straight hair Emil makes me sad. :frowning2: Looking at them side-by-side, his skin color isn't quite right, but hey. Given how hard it is to find darker-skinned options on WaifuLabs, I had to settle.

Next is Roxie! Not close, but closer than I expected. She kind of ended up with a switched hair and eye color, but she's naturally brunette anyway, so whatever.

Jun was a little harder than I expected, to be honest. Turns out WaifuLabs is not a big fan of asymmetrical hair. I could barely find bangs that covered one eye.

Finally, Aiden. ...I tried my best. :rofl:

Bonus! I have more characters, so I decided to try the one I felt would be the most WaifuLabs friendly of all of them. It still took a while, but he came out spot on!

1 month later

closed May 19, '22

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