31 / 53
Nov 2023

Yea I think it's alright for fictional characters, but as I said, function stacks are a bit more in-depth and could be a good took to develop a character.

Another cool personality thing is enneagram. Styrak is definitely a 5 (a reclusive nerdy type) and Bestia is PROBABLY an 8 (kind of a very assertive type)?

also big thanks for the sub!

ohh maybe i should do enneagram for my characters, it's just that since i have 6 main characters it takes some time lol.

2 years later

Someone said MBTI?
MBTI nerd is here.

I must say, since mbti tests are so horribly inaccurate that I researched on Tumblr character analyzer blogs and reading lots of material. Yeah that REEKS like INTP.
Speaking of intp, my main character Philip is intp. he might be even too stereotypical.

Chili is istp. Probably even more stereotypical. Silent, sometimes agressive.
Aurora is intj, Emano is probably entp and Moku looks like estj/istj.

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My lil guy is an ESFP

Sure sounds right

He’s a silly little social guy
Kind of socially starved tbh

Hold up literally him

Cool, his dad is a ISTJ logistician

Mostly accurate for my MC! She's got himbo energy, though, so I'm not sure the thinking category is completely accurate. XD ...Unless... it chose 69 because it's JUST THAT ACCURATE- 🤯

I gave it a go with Daecon (as he started the story - he evolves a lot as it progresses):

And for poops and giggles I did one for me as well:

I tried to write and isfj got esfp instead lol I will roll with it

Hmm, haven't really thought about this yet... These are just based on instinct lol

Hrann: INFJ
Ne Tomoi: ESTP
Makleela: INFP
Sora: ENFP
Ka Dovo: ISFJ
Galai Ne: ENTJ
Raiza: ESFJ
Hara: ENFP
Irimi: ESTJ
Divi Hei: ENFP
Mai Soloi: ESTJ

Last time I took the test I was an INTJ, but I think the descriptions for INTP fit me better. It's been a while.

How does anyone remember what all those letters are supposed to mean though?

That was fun to do!! :blush:
Once there are many characters I sorted out a few of them hehe~

  • Addai - INTJ
  • Mine - ENFP
  • Aarush - INFJ (same as me hehe)
  • Lydia - ESTP
  • Woltz - ESTJ
  • Fani - ESTJ
  • Younri - ENFP

For those who wants to see my work, here's the link of my bl romance fantasy series!

Tested the first two, guessed the others based on subtype/roles:

Alec Tryon: ESTJ (Executive, which fits!)
Luke Tryon: ISFP (Adventurer, open-minded, creative? Eh.)
Aldi Zemay: INFP - diplomatic, good cause(vegan)
Horace Apis: ESFJ- Consul (Mr helper)
Carl: uh, don't know. Brain mostly empty.

Friar: INFJ (He'd be an ENFJ type if others actually listened to him, lol)
Bucky: ESFP? (he's the village idiot, but fun)
Gallus: ENTJ (leader/commander)
Dr. Fowler: ISTJ (logistan, well, he's a doctor)

Maybe I'll update this later when I feel like taking tests for each character
Might never be 100% accurate, cause some are bound to change through story. Still a fun idea to help build up future chars.

Oh, this seems like a fun idea!
Definitely gonna try to do this for the main trio.

I'm leaving my own MBTI (did that several years ago) for reference and see how I compare to my characters.