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Oct 2021

As the title says, tell us your main characters mbti type

Dawn: esfp
Zoran: istj
Adrian: isfp
Alan: entp
Aiden: entp
Calisto: enfj
Alessia: esfj

I used 16personality for this but you can use other sites if you don't like this one feel free to use other sites

Link for my novel:

  • created

    Oct '21
  • last reply

    Nov '23
  • 52


  • 2.5k


  • 16


  • 45


  • 31


I'm not an expert, but from what i understood it's how do you/ your character see the world,
"The Myers-Briggs Personality Type Indicator is a self-report inventory designed to identify a person's personality type, strengths, and preferences. The questionnaire was developed by Isabel Myers and her mother Katherine Briggs based on their work with Carl Jung's theory of personality types."

This is what google said about your character
"A Virtuoso (ISTP) is someone with the Introverted, Observant, Thinking, and Prospecting personality traits. They tend to have an individualistic mindset, pursuing goals without needing much external connection. They engage in life with inquisitiveness and personal skill, varying their approach as needed."

Okay thanks! Here's my novel is anyone's curious. :wink:

Great! Here's my link.

Oh hey, I have those in my character info documents!

Aeri, the MC: ESFP-T
Luci: INFJ-T
Hanako: ENTP-A
Hyacinth: ESFP-T
Mysterious Antagonist: ESFJ-A

Mine is..... I would say ISTJ. Girl with Quill's two alias are a dead giveaway.

Idk how yall have time to do this for so many characters so ima just do Uptop and Downlow.

Uptop: ISTP-A
Downlow: ISFJ-A

The fact that Uptop and I share the same one (except I'm T) might be a sign that I need to check myself before I become kinda toxic like him :sweat_02:. I don't actually take MBTI that seriously, but I thought this was fun.

Hello! there are a lot of characters that still haven't appeared, but...

Ignis (my mc): INFP
Voda: ENFP

Asah: ENTJ
Yalo: ISTJ
Nala: ISFP
Ohen: INFJ

haha a little bit of everything! I used the same website xDD here is my comic!

Jake: INTP
Damien: ENFJ

Jake feels like his is fairly accurate. As much as these sorts of generalized tests can be, at least.

Damien is annoyed by this because he doesn’t want it to be as right as it is about him. And he wants to mention that the “E” was very close to 50/50 :sweat_02:

Halloween costumes from last year because I still love this pic :blusht:

It's like the first time I hear about MBTI :sweat_smile:

But here's the result for the MC

(Good for him I guess, it looks good for a main character)

and this is the result for the co-protagonist (that still hasn't appeared)

Oh,yeah i don't think that your mbti type is mold that you must fit in (i hate stereotypes like ENTP is the only smart type and the rest are dumb) but i like to see who is what.
None of my characters have the same type as i have (i'm INFJ)

I actually like typing my characters a bit too much. xD

Himuri: ENFP
Sakari: INFP
Kiyomi: ISTP
Shinu, Meiko: ISFJ
Naizu, Satsuchi: ESFP
Sayami, Iwao: ISTJ

Taisou: ISTP
Yuuga: ESFJ
Yozoku, Noshiwa: ENFP
Kahino: INFP
Reiraku: ISTJ
Hanayoru: INTP
Katsuo: ENTJ

Edgar: ISFP
Augustin: ENTP
Nieves: INTP
Eira: ESFP
Konstantin: ENTJ

That took me way to long :sweat_02: but oh well, I think it's quite accurate.
Kinda sad that no one is an INFP like me :blank: thought Edgar would be similar...