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Aug 2022

Hey, PapaDom here.
For times more often than I can count, we've been asking ourselves this question at least once a week (especially the ones who make action comics with a passion burning more than the bars of a rapper): How strong is my OC compared to x?
And even though we've compared each other's OC to ours, we never got an honest answer to this question. But luckily, the times are finally over. This is the question that will put the debate to an end and turn the baby boys of power scalers with ridiculous numbers, to which no one can't grasp the understanding to it, to the manliest men with the chest hairs of the wisdom through logic:

Your OC vs. 10.000 bees :bee:

That's right, baby—no more dumb numbers. No more "oh, my character has the power of friendship and can perform all sorts of asspulls out of nowhere." This is the question you've all been seeking.
So, think and answer honestly: Can your OC defeat 10.000 bees?

  • Yes
  • No


Votes are public.

And before you answer yes and type your 10-paragraph-long answer, consider this:

The bees
-Attack as a group or alone, but don't stay still and wait
-They hate your OC. They really hate your OC. Like, your OC peed in their cereal, kicked their dog in the chin, and slept with their wife/ husband/ partner.

Your OC
-Isn't allowed to call for outside help, support, etc. (Unless they can summon someone or something by something they carry)
-Are only allowed to use the tools they have at hand (Weapons, magic symbols, etc. they carry with them)

I hope you enjoy this tricky question and have fun explaining things.
That's it from me, and maybe we'll see each other next time when I try to come up with a promotion idea for our works without the use of a blood sacrifice. See ya and have a good day/night. :wave:

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There are 69 replies with an estimated read time of 15 minutes.

I have several OCs that I think would be fun to answer this question for.

Z: No. They can walk up walls and have decent agility but nothing that could even come close to defeating 10,000 bees. For all intents and purposes they're just some guy.

Alena: Undetermined. She has powerful destructive attacks and at some point later in the story she might be OP enough for plot/conflict reasons to defeat 10,000 bees but in an average fight her attacks swing wide and have low accuracy, which would be great against one big enemy, but ineffective against an angry swarm of enemies.

Kyle/Edgelord: Probably. His abilities are about shielding and containment. With the number of enemies and how quick they are it wouldn't be an EASY fight by any means, but the shield would buy him enough time to methodically capture them all.

Marcus/Marc: Yes? I'm not sure if escaping counts as a win, but he has the ability to just pop out of reality. The bees would be unable to follow and he would have to either wait it out for however long is necessary or just stay in exile forever. So either a draw or a win, depending on the rules.

Michelle/Shelly: Unlikely. The rules state that she's only allowed to use what she has on hand, which makes this a bit tricky. Her base abilities have to do with "puppeteering" people and inanimate objects to fight for her. In an all out fight without any moral conflicts she would probably just throw as many people and objects in her way as possible and make them shield and attack the bees for her for as long as it took. In the case where that doesn't count or breaks the rules, it's a bit less likely that she would win. Her base attacks are pinpoint accurate and extremely fast "strings" which she can manipulate to either stab or restrain things, but this is a swarm. She could probably skewer several bees at a time if we're being generous, but nothing close to 10,000 at once. I don't think turning a handful of bees onto her side would help terribly much, either. She might be able to make a mesh or a net out of the strings? But that's a bit iffy and she probably wouldn't have the time to make it fine enough to prevent bees from getting through.

That's a pretty cool analysis you put together, ngl. :thinking:

I guess this is a draw. Neither side did attack the other. Escaping counts as a loss, but if Marc stays in one place while popping out of reality, it makes it a draw.


In his very absolute best day, KĂ´ra can. He would rather run away, though.

Keane will just burn them crisp, he probably takes joy in it

Given that they're in a large enough group of swarm, Iota can transport them (to your house or anyone of your liking)

Izky can turn into a massive version of bee predators (e.g badger, bear), or just being large enough to not get bothered by them. Unfortunately, he would rather move to Mars than seeing 10,000 bees

Lukas trudged through the forest, looking for herbs to stock his apothecary. The recent rain, in addition to the cold weather made the usually enjoyable task to become a laborious chore. He was just considering giving up for the morning when he saw, blooming through the cracks of a rotting log, a cluster of shimmery, near translucent mushrooms.
"What are you?" Lukas murmured as he stretched over to take a closer look.
The rain and cold, while making the weather miserable, also created ice patches, which Lukas slipped on and flew backwards into the truck of a large tree.
"Ugh," he winced, the breath knocked out of his lungs. "Could this day get any worse?"
The fates answered his challenge by dropping a whole hive, full of angry bees in his lap.

Wilt had only just dragged himself out of bed when Lukas stumbled through the door, covered in mud and looking like he had been in a fight.
"Woah, did you pick a fight with a swarm of bees?" Wilt joked. Lukas just glared, turned and stalked off to the washroom. "He's going to need a coffee... a large one."

This is how I think it would go. I spared Lukas' honor by cutting the part where he runs screaming through the forest, but I'm sure if you listen you can still hear it.

Hmmm ... I have two OCs that are reapers, one of them is also a sea deity and has some cool water powers. So they could technically kill/drown the bees. They just wouldn't because when you're Dearh you don't just do that kind of thing. Besides bees are an endangered species. The ocean deity could just turn into water and not get stung though ... if he's near the ocean that is. If not, well ... :slight_smile:
The rest of the cast would just run away screaming.

There is only one character in my comic that can take on the bees with lightning, but he's a villain so that doesn't count.

All of my characters can't take on these bees, there is one hero who has the ability to control fire but he's been dead for centuries so there goes that.

The least they can do is jump on a river and stay there, hold their breath until the bees leave. If they can't hold their breath for long, then let there heads pop out of the water and take a quick breath and back in the river and this repeats until the bees give up and left.

Andrew would get hella stung but he has the advantage of fire and smoke against the bees so I'd say he has a fair chance.

Danivere can't really kill the bees but her surge also makes them not able to sting her because it would be like trying to sting a car hull

Interesting question! :smile: I voted 'No' because most of my characters won't stand a chance–except Vitaly. He's a giant robot bird so his skin makes him immune to being stung, and he could activate his electrical abilities against the bees.

He's still a major softie though, so will probably choose to run/fly away than face the swarm. :sweat_02:

Even if Wasp himself exploded into 10,000 wasps/bees, its still Regro's job to get rid of them. Even if he had to do it without Misk, he'd figure something out.

On balance, the answer is no. However, I do have two in my ensemble cast who could.

Atria Silversword: If she had her mech, then it would be a cakewalk for her. However, since falling out of her story into the real world, she does NOT have her mech. All she's got is a gun with explosive rounds (which she lost in the first team fight), her sabre, and her wits. She's damned good, but I think in this case the bees have it.

Princess Stellaria: Back when she was an JRPG combat support mage, the bees wouldn't stand a chance. But, in the here and now she's a grad student studying quantum physics, and her powers are long gone. So, she wouldn't stand a chance.

Captain Infinite: He's a superhero who is bulletproof...and that also means he is bee-proof. The bees lose.

Daiki Yamato: Isekai protagonists with a magic sword can't do a whole lot about swarms of bees. He loses. The good news for him, though, is that he's got very good survival instincts and would figure out very quickly where to hide so that he can survive.

The Destroyer: He's a devil king with the powers of a god...the bees don't stand a chance.

Jenny Calhoun: Well, being a monster slayer from a long line of monster slayers does have its benefits - she's fast enough to knock bullets out of the air. That said, bees aren't bullets, and taking out 10,000 of them one bee at a time would be beyond even her. So, the bees win.

Jack Death: He's a rip-off of John Wick (and I mean that in-universe - his creators decided that they liked the John Wick movies, and made a trilogy of mockbusters). Could the bees defeat John Wick? Yes. Yes, they could. Jack doesn't miss, but he doesn't have 10,000 bullets either.

probably instantly dead, for my mc.
I have a side character that can probably instantly kill all of them if they're in a group, but even then I doubt it.
So, if it's my MC alone, she's dead.

I mean technically Evangeline could beat them but she's deadly allergic to bee venom, so one sting and she's in danger. There is no antivenin and this world either.

If Eva knew about it, then she could use magic to kill them but she needs to know about them ahead of time.

None of my OCs can survive thousands of bee stings, especially Daisy! She's allergic to bees!

Since my current story has characters with superpowers, they are capable of dealing with them but their personalities make the outcome vary. It's also an interesting question so I'd like to elaborate on it :tapa_pop:

I'll only talk about the main characters' different reactions (I'll add the headshots so the long text doesn't look bleak):

Brick: Would probably hide inside a river or some place until the bees go away. He is powerful enough to kill them (he has sound abilites and could probably just make them explode from the inside or blast them away cause #superpowers) but he is also sensitive to sound (psychological reasons) and would be pretty disturbed by the sound they make, he feels distressed with white noise and the sound bees make would terrify him, so, escaping/hiding is his best course of action unless he needs to protect one of his brothers or something like that. Basically, unless he is forced to, he'd probably just hide. (If he couldn't use his powers for any reason, he'd still look for somewhere to hide and if that's not possible he'd probably get stung by all of them and have bumps all over. He wouldn't die, but he'd be pretty angry at the outcome xD)

Butch: He can make a force field powerful enough to protect himself, so the bees would probably stop chasing him eventually if he can just get far away enough. He can also absorb positivity/life force so he could just kill the bees, but he is aware bees are important and wouldn't want to kill them (he wouldn't admit his reasons to his brothers though). He would kill them if left with no other choice but yeah, he'd rather fly away than deal with them, haha.

If he is unable to use his powers for some reason, he'd try to hide, if there's a body of water he can hide there, he can hold his breath the most between his brothers so he would probably survive the attack XD otherwise he'd be stung and be all like "dammit" but not on the angry side, just annoyed at his useless attempt at escaping.

Boomer: he'd have it easy since he has the ability to talk with insects and he has electricity as his superpower, so, he can just threaten them. I doubt the bees would still attack knowing he can fry them all lol. He could actually manage to convince them to do his bidding and redirect their attacks towards someone else if he feels vindictive enough.

If he couldn't use his powers, he'd probably just let the bees sting him and not really care. As Boomer can't feel pain, he'd be covered with bumps but wouldn't think so much about it.

Barricade: He is terrified of bees, although he has fire powers, he'd probably run away and hide as well unless he is backed into a corner in which he would then burn all of them out of panic.

If he can't use his powers, he is pretty much doomed XD He has a frying pan as his weapon, so, he can't do much with that and being powerless lol, maybe if it was a few but 10,000 is too much lol He'd probably just faint out of fright.

Brazen: He is pretty respectful of nature so he wouldn't want to kill the bees. He absorbs negativity from others and the environment thus he can solve the situation simply by getting rid of their anger.

If he couldn't use his powers he could also get away by holding his breath, but if not able to hide he would get stung and just stay whiny about the experience, being sulky or in a bad mood XD He'd probably use the situation to be pampered and comforted by Barricade (his brother).

However, Brazen is immune to poison so the stings wouldn't make him be in pain or have swelling, he'd just experience the pain from the initial piercing.

Bruise: He would not really care about them being bees and nature being important but he'd probably just freeze them a little and then get as far away as he can.

He'd probably be okay if the bees attack him, his skin is hard to pierce so the bees wouldn't be able to hurt him.

DONNIE: A normal human with only a bat a no special powers. DOOMED!

AJ: A normal human with only a paintbrush, rope, and duct tape. DOOMED!

LIBBY: A flying plush toy who seems to be able to feel pain. Hm... Perhaps if she's quick enough, she may be able to get away unstung. Though, if she is strung, she's probably experienced a LOT more pain then that. So... kinda complicated with her honestly.

THE MASKED STALKEE: Well, SHE lives in a special dream world hosted by Donnie and cannot possibly leave it. So if HE get's stung SHE'D be fine. However...

THAT'S what a bee looks in her world. (Convenient I had this drawn, right?) So... DOOMED!

Generally, the answer seems to be no. My characters would likely NOT be able to go against 10 angry bees.

I got way too into considering this questions, and eventually figured out the answer for each character:


Aviva - Absolutely, yes. Can summon golden fire at will, and if she doesn't shape it it will just go wild. If it's between her and ten thousands bees, it's an instant cremation.

Reyna - She's a normal person with a camera and a shotgun. Kinda screwed.

Vin - Close combat fighter with just about no ranged options. He can throw his gauntlets and pull them back for a long distant punch, but you can't really punch a bee. He might survive but he won't be walking away.

Calcy - Really depends on the location. She's capable of breathing underwater, and bees aren't known for their swimming ability. I know they can submerge temporarily, but they can't really outswim a mermaid. If there's a convenient river, lake or ocean, Calcy takes the dub. Otherwise, kinda screwed.

Matchlock - She's an excellent sniper and capable of delivering nasty kicks, but I doubt either of those will help her. It really depends on how long she can evade them. She's a survivor and mostly nocturnal (part owl, baby), and most bees don't fly at night. If she can last until night, she can escape will they return to the hive. If it's a species of bee that won't give up just because she's gone, or one that flies at night, it'll be harder but I like her odds of getting away.

Veech - He's a doctor. He can fight, but he relies on poisoning his opponent with barbs on his arms and letting them tire themselves out. His species is more closely related to plants than anything, but I really doubt that'll stop ten thousand bees from messing him up.

That's a win, three maybes and two losses. Poor showing from the Cherry Ransom crew.

I have two MCs, and the answers there are... very different.

For Adi... she'd lose. She has no magic, and all of her weapons are mundane. She eventually gets very good at wielding them against much LARGER targets (people, animals, etc), but there's only so much that even a fantastic swordswoman is gonna be able to do against thousands of angry bees.

Koreal.... is a completely different story, however. He's a wizard who is covered with magical tattoos, one of which just makes him totally immune to minor physical damage, and bee stings would definitely fall into that category. Even thousands of bee stings. And he's more than capable of fighting back, because magic. The bees wouldn't have a prayer.