70 / 70
Sep 2022

Voted no for Uptop but I wanna use a couple more characters.

Uptop: His only option would be to run away, but if the bees hate him that much then I don't think he'd be able to stall them for long enough.

Downlow: Same, but due to no superpowers she would probably last less time.

Princess: Being able to create almost any tool, she could probably hold them off for long enough. But none of those weapons could be large or complex enough to do AoE damage (meaning hitting all the bees at once in an area), and I kinda doubt she'd be fast enough to figure out a different way. Maybe she could try a net or hiding inside a building...

Shadow: I did a Google search and apparently bees are attracted to light, so that would already be a major advantage. Add in being able to turn into light, move at the speed of light, turn invisible, fly, and other abilities I can't remember off the top of my head and I think that he might have a shot at making it out. I guess the one question is how would he actually fight back without getting stung. I guess flash-banging the bees so to stun them, then kill them from there could world.

Well, since I'm bored again and see the thread again, why don't we spice things up more with this question? xD

You vs. 10.000 bees :bee:

  • Yes
  • No


Same rules as above. Have fun. xD

Edit: Dumbass me forgot to click on "show who voted" :see_no_evil:

Nah bro me vs 10.000 bees, I'd have trouble with 50 bees already.

I feel ya. Can't even defend myself against ten. :sweat_smile:

I'm pretty sure the only possible answer here is "no", and whoever answers "yes" is lying :smile:
I know a guy who survived getting stung by 85 wasps though. So if we bring the number down by a factor of 100, maybe then yes?

Both my OCs clear no cap. Norah is an Apostle of Chaos (think heralds of Galactus but with Avatar of Chaos) that knows magic. She'll nuke the bees before they even know why they were angry.
My other OC, Mason, is an Apostle of Death so those bees aren't doing anything to him.

Practically all my characters can beat 10 000 bees in one attack, because they are at worst city busters for the most part. The strongest characters can beat 1 trillion bees easy.

Don't believe me? Check it out: ( smart promotion hehe)

Oh, I would most certainly lose, because I am allergic. The last time I was stung, I had to go to urgent care for some kind of allergy shot, and the allergy gets worse with each sting... So if one bee can defeat me, imagine 10,000! I have read instructions for how to escape a swarm of killer bees, so I have that knowledge, but still pretty risky.

That's terrifying to hear. I hope real bees treat you nicely by leaving you alone. :sweat_smile:

@CommissarTarkin "Making this poll was a mistake." Me probably.
(Seriously thou, if it were a reading mistake, I could understand it a bit. Luckily for them, I can't call them out for their bs. -_-)

@PapaDom yep, luckily it hasn't overly serious yet, but still something I'd like to avoid! I've only been stung doing stupid things so far (ex. trying to save a bee drowning in a pool, but then some kid splashes it out of my hands so the second time I try to rescue it, it is very angry XD) When I leave bees alone, they generally leave me alone too.

1 month later

closed Sep 28, '22

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