40 / 70
Aug 2022

@PapaDom Whey, that image of the 10K bees doing to a mf, yea he/she could do with some bee powered armor for sure

XD love it :bee:

Yes, The brothers Evan, Owen and their mentor Xun could each win the angry beez
In season 1, Evan and Owen would prolly struggle bec they still figuring out things but as they master their powers the bees would be an easy kill :crossed_swords: :sweat_drops: :video_camera:

[GAS] Owen Moriarty (advanced)
Owen's would transform into gas-form, to avoid their stinging. Physical hits will go right through. He would use his dissolve ability on them as they surround him (his only offensive attack without reliance, and ranged like telekinesis). Owen can flash step in Act 1 and his teleport range and capabilities expand though the series. An advanced Owen could rely on teleportation if something went amiss.
This might count as external source, but if he were in a location of extreme heat , over 10,000°, he could become plasma and melt them.

[SOLIDS, ] Evan Moriarty (advanced)

Hidden because lots of spoilers

Throughout the series he has the ability to calcify his bodily fluids into a solid material, indestructible like diamond. Saliva is his preferred method to craft shields, traps and melee weaponry but yep he could use his piss, snot and all the other gross ones too XD

A major spoiler is that The King of the Gods had a crush on a human woman eons ago and granted her eternal youth, but said woman got bored of her immortality, got busy with God of Death and birthed Evan. So his immunities improve when his demon inherited powers awaken in 2nd Act. Also means Evan and Owen are half-brothers

The slash em up method
In Act 1, in his un-awakened, human form get his butt stung if he plans to go the ol'slash em up style, but if he was sweating during his encounter with them, he could quickly calcify the sweat on his body as a protective layer against their stings. However his joints and eyes would have to remain bare for mobility. It may be a start to your bee powered armor but he may not bee so lucky with his for mobility XD
In his Act 1 state, a huge number of bees 10k plus bees could wear him out at some point in battle and disorient him.

In 2nd Act mid-latter portion, his demon abilities awaken and his tolerance to pain, stamina and speed improves tenfold. He could withstand the Bees' stinging and slash them up with his saliva based swords & daggers, plus lightning speed for high evasion and power.
His true enemies are God-level beings, some could create swarms themselves of animals deadlier than bees, so a ginormous swarm of bees would be nothing at that point.

Around 3rd Act, he also acquires the ability to transform his body into liquid so he can transform into a blob of liquid with acidic properties and melt them, similar to Xun (his mentor). Alternatively he could transform into the liquid at 1st engulf the bees and quickly transform himself into a solid mass to squash them.

If the bees were not instantly attacking and he had time to prepare, he could rely on his Quasi-solid abilities, allowing him to lay out explosive bubbles or spit out gelatinous blobs to use as sticky traps. Explosive bubbles would explode on the bees as they make contact so he could make a mine field (see the bubbles in image above). Sticky traps would be laborious and nonsensical as he would have to make a trap large enough to throw on them like a net or spit out tons of sticky blobs to throw at them, but once the bees attack he won't have time to keep spitting and tossing sticky blobs.

Unlike the brothers, he starts with combat knowledge and greater mastery of his abilities. Xun could transform into liquid (fully and partially) to either drown them or slap them away in a prehensile form. He can also change into an acidic state, melting them in the process.

The brothers and Xun are asymptomatic carriers of an instant acting virus:
Bees would be immune because the virus infects mammalian based life or those with mammalian qualities. The infected become Xynous (think zombie version of animal). So on the plus side, the bees will remain bees and not transform into super-monster bees.

Usually my OCs fail miserably at these, but I think Gen might actually stand a chance this time. :grinning:

He’d get stung (a lot), but if Genii gets overwhelmed the God Stone in his hand has a few failsafes. He’d most likely cower then release a powerful telekinetic blast. In canon it can knock back people and swarms of undead, so I think (if they’re ordinary) it might kill the bees.

Bellah would try to hop away and find a body of water.

Erras would just sigh with a resigned look on his face. Bonus points if Gen is responsible for this beegeddon. :unamused::bee:

None of my characters have powers or carry much in the way of weapons. It would not go well for them.

Andy: he carries some gadgets, but nothing with the area of effect needed to take out 10,000 bees (screwed)
Carolina: is almost certainly responsible for the swarm (screwed)
Joseph: if Carolina didn't cause it, he did (screwed)
Enkal: at first i thought he might be able to run away, but it turns out that bees can fly at 20 mph and even if his species is somewhat faster than humans I don't think he could maintain that kind of speed for long (mega-screwed)
Sybil-3: she's made of metal so she's technically immune to being stung, but she couldn't really do much to the bees either (stalemate?)

It is fascinating the number of characters who are very competent in their own right, but are completely undone by ten thousand bees.

My oc is an old woman who's both good at making pastries and a novice spy. She would throw them poisoned pies and hide somewhere while they make effect. Also, her name is Juanita, you can't defeat someone with that name (?)

Maybe... Maybe not... :thinking:

Bees are allergic to Darrel. In this case (and probably only this case) Darrel would win in a fight.

easy win foir each'

shadow fang- one word fire
blade star-drown and or freeze them
slam horn,-use big rock to smash
wind dagger-hurricane force winds to send to the next country
venom thorn- poison cloud

simply they dont have time to deal with bees

You made me wake up my newborn son by laughing too hard, you bastard!

@andrew17 I stay unbiased about every answer here, but if I had to give a gold star for the most clever one, then this would be the winner for sure. (I would even put it on the fridge for everyone to see. :smirk: )

@IzzyBloom91 Would be really funny seeing Xepholen trying to eat 10.000 bees angrily.

Voted no for Uptop but I wanna use a couple more characters.

Uptop: His only option would be to run away, but if the bees hate him that much then I don't think he'd be able to stall them for long enough.

Downlow: Same, but due to no superpowers she would probably last less time.

Princess: Being able to create almost any tool, she could probably hold them off for long enough. But none of those weapons could be large or complex enough to do AoE damage (meaning hitting all the bees at once in an area), and I kinda doubt she'd be fast enough to figure out a different way. Maybe she could try a net or hiding inside a building...

Shadow: I did a Google search and apparently bees are attracted to light, so that would already be a major advantage. Add in being able to turn into light, move at the speed of light, turn invisible, fly, and other abilities I can't remember off the top of my head and I think that he might have a shot at making it out. I guess the one question is how would he actually fight back without getting stung. I guess flash-banging the bees so to stun them, then kill them from there could world.

Well, since I'm bored again and see the thread again, why don't we spice things up more with this question? xD

You vs. 10.000 bees :bee:

  • Yes
  • No


Same rules as above. Have fun. xD

Edit: Dumbass me forgot to click on "show who voted" :see_no_evil:

Nah bro me vs 10.000 bees, I'd have trouble with 50 bees already.