89 / 97
Oct 2024

Hah! I literally just updated Ugh Not Again with my main girl Dola ordering Pineapple pizza, Fylson dreading it, and poor, sweet, clueless Eirlan having no idea what it was.

I think for mint chocolate chip ice cream; Fylson would like it because it would remind him of something he's had back in his world, Dola would hate it because she'd think mint shouldn't be frozen; it's overkill. Eirlan, again, would have no idea what it was and be convinced Fylson was trying to trick him into eating something gross.

Dread seems kind of extreme for pineapple pizza lol, but ok

16 days later

Mora doesn't like mint chocolate chip ice cream because it smells fake to her. She has a very sensitive sense of smell and she can detect the chemicals used to make many extremely artificial foods, for that reason, she doesn't really like eating anything that isn't homemade at all. No pizza from pizza parlors either she hates eating at restaurants because she can often smell their restrooms and cleaning solutions and it makes her nauseous.

She does, however, like offals. A man her grandmother used to know hunted a lot, and he gave a portion of everything he caught to her and her grandmother, so she spent a lot of time eating wild game, including the organ meats.

Leander: Will eat pineapple on pizza, and tries to eat as many green foods as possible, therefore mint ice cream is the dream come true.

Stace: Thinks pineapple on pizza is horrible and should be illegal. He enjoys bland foods, and therefore prefers chocolate ice cream.

The cats will eat anything because... cats.

what? what? since when is chocolate ice cream bland?

Also, cats have a tendency to be pretty picky by nature, at least most cats

19 days later

Mrs. George never eats anything artificial/not homemade, so she doesn't eat mint chocolate chip ice cream very often. She tried making it herself once, just to see how it would turn out, but she didn't care for it. She's made pineapple pizza once two, but pineapples are hard to come by in the supermarkets where she lives in Montana and the environment isn't write for her to grow them herself

21 days later

Mora actually likes Anchovies on pizza. Probably because she loses so many minerals from sweating when she runs, she likes rather salty things, and she generally prefers savory foods as well, so Anchovy pizza is one of her faves

I guess this isn't more of a controversial food, but more of a weird food. Princess Arjana's favorite food is a grilled snake on a stick with a savory sauce. It's one of the staple dishes of her kingdom. It's the one time where she will eat with reckless abandon for manners.


would eat both pineapple pizza and mint chocolate.
He enjoys ketchup on everything, even pizza. In the Q&A / dare the brothers, one reader dared him to eat frog-legs and he enjoyed it!


"I love pineapple pizza.. :smiley: but mint Ice-Cream....mehh too minty :weary:
Nothing weird as he doesn't explore foods outside what his parents provide


"Get that greasy pizza out of here!" :wolf: He loves pineapples on their own. From your choices he'll go with the mint chocolate chip instead for a refreshing minty breath while out on the job (though he may not be a fan of the high sugar).
Controversial foods would include chomping on fellow superhumans and infected monsters (in his wolf form).

My character Vita is a demon, but he died over 2000 years ago. Back then they had no way to make ice cream. If he were to try mint chip ice cream I think he would be weirded out. With pineapple pizza he would be concerned at what he was looking at, but then come to like it, as foods with meat, cheese, sauces, and bread were popular in his time.

Another Character of mine, Adebayo would hate either option. He's not the type to eat anything other than the meat he can hunt and the fruit/ vegetables he can find. Even when he lived in a city he would eat rather plainly, staying away from strong flavours.

Andrew hates pineapple pizza. He refuses to even try. He also hates tomatoes, and anything with tomatoes on it. Andrew likes mint chip ice cream, but it's not his favourite.

Due to his hybrid nature, Larry likes to eat fish raw and cold...
Meanwhile, Spring eats almost everything with no salt, or at least not white salt, since she's a demon, she's allergic to salt.

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Funnily enough, I fit all three categories :skull:

As for weird food, Yossele eats paper and Jafina drinks bubble tea nearly constantly

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Claudita normally doesn't need to eat. If ever, as vegetarian as possible...

Morgan: loves pineapple pizza but hates mint chocolate ice-cream. she says the "chocolate" tastes like chalk.
Luther: loves mint chocolate ice cream, but hates pineapple pizza. he says that its a crime against pineapples.
(Luther and morgan often tease each other for these preferences)
GM: will happily eat pineapple pizza with mint chocolate ice-cream on top (almost entirely to upset people)
Vincent: doesn't really care one way or the other, food is food. but if he had to choose, he'd pick the ice-cream.
Penelope: Wont touch any of it, to gross.

10 days later

Mandy loves most flavors of pizza, but she's kind of a pizza connoisseur, who is very picky about what parlor makes what pizza the best way. One is best at pineapple pizza, another at pepperoni, another at anchovy, and she WILL change locations three times in one day to get the best versions of them all

This is 100% not what OP was intending when they said controversial foods, this isn't "liking pineapple on pizza" or anything like that. this is a whole other ballpark of controversial.

Just like with the punishment of Prometheus, several sinners, including some humans, in the torture levels of Hell have their organs harvested and grown back as their punishment.
Just because they are demons, doesn't mean that they let food go to waste, so several demons eat the harvested organs. And being the princess of Hell, Kno has definitely done this, and has likely eaten human flesh before

In the context of living in Hell, you could say that her controversial food opinion is that she much prefers hunting food than having it provided for her.

And because she is a diplomat of Heaven who constantly makes business trips to Hell, Esen-Ali probably has as well