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May 2021

He scoffed. “This is nothing.” I leaned over to gently poke him, but he was fast. He scooted over a little and grabbed my wrist, wincing a bit with the action. “See…” he gritted his teeth as he spoke. “I’m fine.”

I wanted so desperately to wipe that look away from existence, but before I could take a step forward, Petite wrapped her arms around me, and put her face against my back. “I love you, Dessie-wessie!”

“And please,” the zirka added, squinting, “don’t kill anything while doing the job.”

scifi + romance + alienXhuman + future + slowburn + MPREG + lgbtq + tentacles + asexual characters

A sharp sadness went through me. “Samara?” I whispered, slowly sliding my back off hers and gently placing her head on the ground beside me. In the dimming light, I could just make out a glittering of tears coming down her face.

“Nooo!!” Petite screeched as she yanked her arm out of my hand so hard that she managed to twirl herself around and land in Jack’s arms.

Both their auras glowed pink when they touched.

"He could see the signs: runes scrawled in blood and dead rats."

Jack - “You think a deer kidnapped my daughter? I can’t believe I’m lost in the woods with you. Dead deer don’t kidnap kids”

Helen - “They don’t dematerialize either.”

"...Me and the Whole Duck kingdom will judge your butt!"

"In my next life, I wish to be called the name I refer to when I imagine myself as a character in the novels I've read and never the name that the people in the orphanage gave me…

…Name me Alist Glassheart."

Excerpt from Episode 2 The Dying Girl's Wish, RUWS by SurvivALIST

“We narrowed it down to twenty,” Hye-Jin said, scanning the paperwork. “Sun hated most of them.”

“Sun hates most people.”

From my novel, "How To Kill A King":

This is the end, Drake thought, I'm really going to get killed by an ant! But just as he was about to get eaten, the Grasshopper landed on the ant.

(Chapter 3)

That bastard! I growled, ready to charge in between them. She’s not Azlin! Why are all the gods so stupid lately!?

Hunter kept his gaze on mine. He tried to hide his amusement, but he could hide nothing from me. “I think I might enjoy that.” He took several steps away before he spoke one last time. “La Reina, the witches, they will come for you. If I found you, it’s only a matter of time until they do.”

"How do you get your beard so smooth? It is like touching a fluffy kitten...here kitty, kitty!"

Stranger danger, screamed his mind. Keep him talking, screamed his ears.

"Alright. Alright. Enough with the dead people," Keenin said watching his feet squish into the earth.

“I took all that for granted, and the whiplash I felt when he left me burned me up from the inside.” Tears started to well up in her eyes, but she still exuded confidence in her words. “I’ve known him for too many years now. It’s not that I want to love him; it’s that I can’t stop loving him.”

I haven't posted the chapter this quote comes from yet, but I will be soon.

Natalie steadily breathed in and out. “Well, you can rest assured I won’t be getting drunk tonight,” she joked and self-chuckled.

“Hahaha, yes,” Matt Kennett pretended to understand, “it sure would suck if someone drank you.” He coughed into his fist and stood silent for a while.

I took a step away, releasing a silent sigh. That was too close. I swallowed a lump in my throat. She’s not Azlin. I told myself. She’s… she’s not.

I wanted to howl. I wanted to let loose this cathartic cry, and with it, my problems would hopefully dwindle. But I held it in. I did not want Hunter to hear me. To get a sense of my feelings. Because, even though, I told him he would feel my fangs—which wasn’t completely a lie—I knew that if the time ever came, I would hesitate.

"The clash of blades still is easier to understand than the clash of words.” Callis pondered philosophically to himself as he went down a set of stairs, leaving the flustered provincial noble and arcanist behind, still trying to fight off the sense of almost making a huge mistake.

8 days later

Hadden looked at Lil disgusted, “How dare you. How dare you look down on me. You are nothing but a useless omega, who’s transform is just strong enough to get you into the Hunter’s program here, even without knowing your transform.
