25 / 30
Sep 2020

Hi, welcome :grin:

  1. Love colour!
  2. Hmm, semi-realistic if I had to choose
  3. Fantasy, baby!
  4. Both, I can't decide between haha
  5. I'm eating chocolate right now, I have a problem
  6. I like the agony of an incomplete

Welcome! You have no reason to apologize to me, your English is WAY better than my ability to communicate in any other language. It could possibly prove to be BETTER than my English too.:grin:

1- Black & White Comic/ Colorful Comic (or novel)...Can read both, lean more towards color unless the subject matter is better suited to greyscale

2- Cartoon Style/ Anime Style/ Realistic Style...like them all, but I'm personally more of a semi-realist artist

3- Comedy/Drama/Fantasty...Like it best when genres get all shook up and hard to describe

4-Comic/ Novel...comics, really I read novels a lot too but offline.

5-Vanilla/ Chocolate (okay that doesn't have sense but who cares :wink:) ...CARMEL!!!

6- Completed/ Incomplete (comic or novel)... Fine with both, just entertain me while you're in front of me.

1- Color
2- style doesn't matter so much to me, it is all about how it is done
3- Comedy
5 Chocolate, whatever that means
6- incomplete, as in: still keeps going

1- Depends on the comic? I like to have at least some color references so I know what people look like in the black and white ones. They tend not to have narration provide information like hair color like novels do.
2- Probably cartoon styles. anime is fine too.
3- Comedy with maybe a touch of drama for comics (or slice of life-ish with some of both), fantasy for novels
4-Comic/ Novel = Yes
6- Incomplete comics are ok, but I prefer complete novels.

1- Black & White Comic/ Colorful Comic (or novel) --COLOR, unless the B&W is stellar
2- Cartoon Style/ Anime Style/ Realistic Style --Anything that isn't generic
3- Comedy/Drama/Fantasty --All
4-Comic/ Novel --Comics; I'm too picky to read most online novels
5-Vanilla/ Chocolate (okay that doesn't have sense but who cares :wink:) --Vanilla
6- Completed/ Incomplete (comic or novel) --Either

1- Honestly, I've read so many amazing comics that are in B&W and in color. It all depends on if the colors add anything into the story. For example "Stand Still, Stay Silent" webcomic uses colors beautifully to set the scene and mood of each chapter - it wouldn't be the same without it. As an opposite, a webcomic "Say the Right Thing" is very charming with the B&W style and rasterization that can be seen in manga. The lineweights get to shine when there isn't color to distract and I don't think it would work well with colors.

2- I'm biased with the manga style as I've read manga most of my life. However, style itself doesn't really matter - it's how the style conveys the story that matters.
3- I like some light-hearted comedy and it's up to my ally, same with the fantasy.
4- I don't really read novels (at least in Tapas) so I guess I should say comics.
5- Chocolate all the way!
6- Definitely a completed work or a comic that updates regularly and in-schedule.

1- Black & White Comic/ Colorful Comic (or novel)

Color! I don't mind B&W, but I prefer color for sure.

2- Cartoon Style/ Anime Style/ Realistic Style

No preference. There are comics in each of these that I like and dis-like for various reasons.

3- Comedy/Drama/Fantasty

I'm mostly into Fantasy/Action, both creating and reading. But I like other types too~

4-Comic/ Novel

Comic... I don't read novels very often sadly :sob:

5-Vanilla/ Chocolate (okay that doesn't have sense but who cares :wink:)

This is hard! No preference I guess... really depends on what it is and my mood at the time loool

6- Completed/ Incomplete (comic or novel)

Completed is always nice because you can get through the whole thing and not have to worry about how long to wait for the next installment or the story being dropped, or etc. etc. Although I extend "complete" to even meaning like a certain story arc or segment of a comic/novel. Like sure if you get through book 2 of 5, the story's a long ways from being actually complete, but at least it will have left off on a satisfying note (hopefully!) in the mean time~

Jaja what a funny question!

I can read WB and color comica as well, but i rather drawing them in color

Cartoon and realistic over anime. I draw cartoon

Comedy, drama, fantasy...! Aall of them!!

Comic. Its hard to read novels on a movile or computers.

Vanilla.. im pretty vanilla.

Both. Completed or ongoing as long the end exist someday or sometimes. I hate that the series stop just when i got hooked up

  1. Probably color! Though I appreciate other kinds and still read those!
  2. Hard to stay with style because I don’t think I like any of those on their own...I prefer a fusion....but I think I like cartoon/realistic together the most?
  4. Comic. I just have the hardest time nowadays calming myself enough to read novels. Granted I love novels but with so much reading assigned for school I just want a break if that makes sense
  5. Only Chocolate if it’s fancy and good quality, otherwise I default to vanilla lol
  1. Doesn't matter, as long as it's good art.
  2. Anime style
  3. Comedy
  4. Novel. I'm so picky about art that I'd rather not have art at all sometimes. Thus, I read novels.
  5. Chocolate (??)
  6. Doesn't matter. Preferably it has enough chapters/episode that I can binge quite a bit early on. (10+ chapters)

1- Black & White Comic/ Colorful Comic (or novel)
either is fine - love colored comics but I will always love a heavy black and white detailed shading.

2- Cartoon Style/ Anime Style/ Realistic Style
i enjoy realistic over the other three, but I'll read any of them

3- Comedy/Drama/Fantasty
Drama mostly, I love fantasy but I loose interest pretty fast without good character drama, same for comedies

4-Comic/ Novel
Comic, I dont always read good and im also a slow reader so it takes a long time for me- if tapas had an audio book option id listen to more novels then comics XD

5-Vanilla/ Chocolate (okay that doesn't have sense but who cares :wink:)
Chocolate! Unless its icecream then its vanilla, but thats the only time.

6- Completed/ Incomplete (comic or novel)
don't matter

Hello! Welcome to Tapas!

1- Black & White Comic/ Colorful Comic (or novel) - I like black & white and color comics about the same.

2- Cartoon Style/ Anime Style/ Realistic Style - I love anime style, but other styles are cool too.

3- Comedy/Drama/Fantasty - Hm probably fantasy then drama then comedy. Comedy is difficult isn't it...

4-Comic/ Novel - Definitely comics. I hate reading novels. :confused:

5-Vanilla/ Chocolate - Vanilla? Nah, I prefer kinkier stuff, ty.

6- Completed/ Incomplete (comic or novel) - Well, like... 99.9% of comics are incomplete? lol Not much choice there... :cry_02:

1 - Probably Color, but I've seen plenty of BW comics that I really enjoy
2 - I lean more towards simple, cartoony comics
3 - Comedy, definitely.
4 - Comic
5 - Chocolate
6 - I tend to like ongoing comics, if that's what you mean. The kind that post on a regular schedule.

Here's 2 examples of comics that I think are awesome:

1- Black & White Comic/ Colorful Comic (or novel) color
2- Cartoon Style/ Anime Style/ Realistic Style cartoony
3- Comedy/Drama/Fantasty fantasy
4-Comic/ Novel comic
5-Vanilla/ Chocolate (okay that doesn't have sense but who cares :wink:) chocolate
6- Completed/ Incomplete (comic or novel) really don't think it matters imo

7 months later

1- I like both, just as long as the art is gorgeous.
2- I like them all, just as long as the art is gorgeous.
3- I think I like drama the most. Comedy can be tricky because something I found funny years ago may not have the same impact on me today; and too many fantasy stories with elves and dragons has given me an unfair bias towards the whole genre. Lol
4- comics, nothing like reading an epic story with awesome art.
5- can I pick both.
6- I love a complete comic, but as a creator I understand these things take time.

Honestly I like a mix of both for most of these. The only one I have a very strong preference is comics over novels. I guess I'm not much of a reader.

Welcome to Tapas my friend!

  1. Black and white for manga and colored for western comics
  2. Cartoons were my childhood (ed edd n eddy, Samurai Jack, Dexter's Laboratory, Powder Puffgirl, Avatar the last air bender, Spongebob and Invader Zim.) Anime because part of me in my early teen years, and I have barely seen show drawn in a very realistic approach.
  3. Comedy if i want to read or watch something that'll make me laugh. Drama if i want to get emotional and Fantasy to escape from reality.
  4. Comics mostly that doesn't mean i have time for novels. I'm actually halfway through the second witcher books right now.
  5. Both
  6. That depends. If it's incomplete in needs to be some i can binge a few setting then look forward to what comes next. Complete series, i know what I'm reading the next few months (depending how long it is.)

As a reader for comics, I don't really have any sort of preference for what read except for a few.

1) For this, I don't really mind mono coloured or colourful so long as the colours are pleasing to the eyes.
2) Manhwa/Manga Style, Im not a fan of realism
3) Fantasy
4) No preference
5) Vanilla (The flavour of ice cream right...?)
6) So long as the writer/author uploads consistently, Im contend with ongoing :3

this seems like an old thread but I wanna answer anyway lol!

  1. I prefer monochrome, though not necessarily black and white. Pastel, kinda sketch-ish colors are my fave! I don't really enjoy full color, especially when the color is so solid and popping off so much.

  2. Anime style when reading comics. Other than that, I enjoy slightly realistic arts.

  3. Fantasy first, Comedy second, Drama meh (lol).

  4. Nowadays, comics. But I love novels a lot too! I just don't really have the capacity to proceed novels now:(

  5. Chocolate is superior OKAY

  6. Complete! I can't handle the anxiety of uncompleted stories, especially not knowing if I'll ever get to see the ending or no lol

Hi! Welcome to Tapas! :slight_smile:

1 - Borh. For me it is more important to the comic's style
be catchy.
2 - Anime or cartoon style.
3 - All. :grin:
4 - I don't read webnovels but otherwise both.
5 - Chocolate
6 - It doesn't matter for me. If I have to wait for the next chapter I'm okay with it. I only don't like when the author gives up the story or moving to an other site.