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Apr 2020

You've just washed up on a deserted, albiet lush, island with only one of the characters from your novel/comic. Who do you wish it was and why?

And, to reverse this, who from your novel/comic would you least like to be stuck in this scenario with? Have fun and don't forget to explain why!!

Here's my answer:
I'd most like being stuck with Shilo, because (aside from being a small, adorable, raging ball of fuzzy fury) he has a vast knowledge of medicinal wild plants and food-finding skills, and is also wonderful at building shelters from the resources of the earth. He is also very powerful, despite being a smol, angry hairball.

I'd least like being stuck with Alise. She is also a very powerful angry furball, but is a highly jealous and competitive carnivore by nature. If I made a wrong move, she'd probably kill me, roast my flesh to eat, make jewelry of my teeth, daggers from my bones, and a dress from my tanned skin :scream:

Your turn guys!

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    Aug '21
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I think... I'd most like to be stuck with Thrush, his healing magic and affinity for nature would make things much easier, and he's no slouch in a fight with his thick wooden staff, which sports a crescent shape blade on one end.

I'd least like to be stuck with Tick-Tock. He's a small, cowardly Mimiven, a humanoid raven who can only mimic the speech of others, and he's a thief. He's got very little in ways of survival or combat skills and would probably just steal whatever food I get.

I'd prefer to be stuck with either Cress or Akros. Cress because he has lived a great deal of his life in forests so he knows how to make a shelter, which plants are poisonous and which ones are edible.
Akros because he is very hardy from the time he was a slave and practically can survive in almost any situation.

I'd rather not be stuck with Luna since she is a princess and therefore has little survival skills

I don't think if I'd rather be stuck with Sokar, Alphonse or Arckan.

Sokar would have 0 problems in finding a way to survive, BUT I'd need to find a reason to convince them I'm useful to keep around or they'd just leave me to rot x'D (This scenario is impossible tho, since Sokar needs to be tied to Shia or someone from her bloodline to survive and I'm not one of those people. If, by any chance, I was the one tied to sokar, it'd make things super easy. Sokar would need me to survive, huehuehue).

Alphonse would be my second pick because we would most likely get along and he'd know the basics of survival and knows medicine. Arckan... Doesn't know much about survival in the wild BUT at least we'd have a great time lmao.

I'd REALLY not want to be stuck with either Benjamin nor Geo

Benjamin is the strongest of them all and would be useful but he's impulsive and a prick and we'd get into a fight for sure hahahaha (and I'd lose for sure). I love him as a character but I wouldn't like to be stuck with him, thanks.

Geo....... Would survive just fine. He'd make an alliance with me but he'd not doubt for a sec about throwing me to a pit of piranhas if he thought that'd be beneficial for him x'D

No more right choice than Vertice1. He's got nature magic for healing and food, is a chill person with creative ways to kill time, and would happily be as far away from his father as possible.

Worst one would be Mortimer, of the characters revealed so far. His fascimile of nature magic is inedible, he'd be freaking out not knowing where his children are, and generally be more trouble than he's worth even though his magic is an all-purpose tool.

Eh, he's part of the main six, even if we don't know much about him.

It is a DnD inspired story.

Probably Otar, the goddess of water in my comic. She can fly and teleport through water. I wouldn't be on that deserted island for that long.

I'm sure Zerwan would love to visit a deserted island, but nope, I'll choose the one who's self sufficient for food and can make medecine out of plants. Sounds more reasonnable. So, I'd choose Hlaluu.

I think I'd wanna be stuck on an island with Chris, who's eventually gonna be the Poseidon of the god ensemble I've got going on in my comic. He's got a good attitude about shitty situations (literally the characters wake up on a deserted mountain peak), and once he came into his powers it wouldn't be hard to get back to civilization lol.

The answer to both is Roger McCrow.

On the one hand he has complete control over water, so he's probably my best chance to escape the island. On the other hand, he's a 6'4'' alcoholic with a violent temper and there's a not insignificant chance that he'll either abandon me immediately or beat me to death because the shakes have got him irritable.

Oh... oh no, I think I die.

Calamity Jane is known for being real wimpy, unlucky, and all around little-kid useless. So, eh, she's no help here and is in fact a burden.

Jaime is probably best bet, as he's good a menagerie of skills like darts and how to fish, but he's such a neurotic goober that he'd probably fall off a tree or get sunburned. And on the sun problem, Jade would probably die in about minutes due to the whole 'I decay in non-frozen temperatures' problem she's got going on.
And lord knows I can carry this team! Uh, yeah. Probably hosed! Thanks guys, you the best.

Obligatory links:

I would be stuck with Dagiel, because he is a merangel who knows how to breathe life into nothingness.

Yu. Because he's got good stamina and there ain't much to be done on a deserted island anyways.

Andras the pretty one:

He doesn't know much, but he tries hard. Also, he knows kung-fu so that's a plus.
The more I think about it, he's actually the least annoying of all my characters

1 year later

closed Aug 17, '21