Will steal your shiny gold coins
My coin horde hole tapas.io/series/Recollections-of-the-Prince/info
My comic:
Yeah… he was drunk and she enjoys messing with people.
So I got to thinking the other day, “I don’t have any characters with wings or tails!” (Besides these three winged children that I don’t care about much) Then I started thinking that Felix would look really pretty with wings maybe I can cook up some excuse in his story for him to get wings at some …
When I originally started making Recollections of the Prince it was just a side project I didn’t care about much (it also had a different title) then I got invested and had to redo things proper and nice-looking for my own sanity. [image] [image] His face is kinda funny in the og XD An even better …
🥹 It’s beautiful. He does look like Snape haha. (Her hair is always judging) For your’s, all I can imagine is blue hair guy singing “Pizza Angel” (from silly songs with Larry) and then realizing that there are people watching him.
Man, Ian would be really excited if that’s what she really said. XD Unfortunately for him, Mev can’t read and doesn’t appreciate books like he does.
My first drawing device was a Wacom intuos. It worked pretty well for me, but it wasn’t ideal. Next I got an ipad & apple pen. For some reason the slippery feel of an ipad screen doesn’t bother me. I’ve been using it ever since.
I had one other story cooking before I created and started posting my first comic sometime in 2022 (August) which was but I never actually wrote it down. There were a few stories I wrote for school a long time ago or weird little books I made with my sister when I was maybe 6-9 but I don’t remember …
Felix’s age is kinda important to the plot of his story. Every birthday of his that’s divisible by seven he gets super unlucky. And the events of this story start out on his 21 birthday. Axel is 23 if you don’t count the decade it took her to hatch out of her sparkly egg. [image]
I’ve posted these two a few times before. I thought it was about time I updated them. Axel’s design has stayed the same except for her skirt, and I changed Felix’s face to be round instead of squarish. I realized that I had no adult male characters with round faces and I thought it would show his ch…
Genuinely the most legendary creation. Find it on YouTube plz it’s 5x as good when paired with the music video
[image] It is Mev’s way of life.
Don’t worry. You haven’t missed anything. He hasn’t actually held/been around any of his beloved books. So far in the comic. Now that I think about it, I should’ve put some books around his room…
I swear I have some… Besides distant future Ian, who I can’t post bc spoilers. Oh, actually Daevon and his wife Diemey are pretty fashionable. Which makes sense because they’re the king and queen, so they are the fashion pretty much. [image] Diemey used to be a peasant, so she’s pretty into all the …
Every time I draw him with his books I give them stupid titles. Here’s some more that were from this cool thing I made that was 95% comic spoilers so I can’t post most of it [image] [image] Some of Ian’s other favorites include the diary of his ancestors (It’s a diary passed down from kings of the…
Silly doodle I drew yesterday (It is unclear whether Mev made leaf day up as an excuse to pinch Ian) [image]
My mom lied to me and said that today was st. Patrick’s day so I drew Mev and Ian’s equivalent holiday “Leaf day” I’m not sure whether Mev made it up as an excuse to pinch Ian or not. A day early, but who cares. Also, while in my comic Ian tells Mev that he “works at the castle” he never said what h…
I liked how this one turned out. The weird cows were kinda fun too. [image] The dark foreground with the bright and vibrant background satisfies my eyeballs.
She likes getting into random people’s business and titled herself “a public nuisance” she’s also a rock enchantress
(she can bind very simple spells to rocks)
Mev happened [image]
I may be good at naming characters, but I’m terrible at naming my stories half the time. There have been some that I like the name I came up with, ex: Star Hunters and Catelynn the Destroyer. They just sound right and tell you a little bit about the story. Then there are others like Recollections of…
I think I’ll have this episode done sometime this or next week. Then we’ll get to see what he’s cringing about
I don’t really name chapters, but the episode names are pretty interesting. Alright, we’ve got: Reflection The Island A lovely afternoon Public nuisance Where Wait… Oh no Brother No Sam (R.I.P. Sam. Oh nvm he literally can’t) Escape Exit Gasp! Poisoned Smile! Friends Gossip Servants Misunderst…
Mob Psycho 100 for sure
Dunno what to call this expression, but this is Ian’s current mood. [image]
So I just came up with this story the other day- Basically, she used to be a little girl but her father made an electronic copy of her brain and put it into a war robot he was prototyping. He was planning on erasing most of it and just using it as a starting point for the robot’s AI, but from Catel…
Man, both of the relevant characters that have yet to show up in my comic are massive spoilers. :l they’re also so far away I’ve barely gotten to sketching the pages with their dialogue.
Well, I’ll put Bohemian Rhapsody in my top three someone’s got to. To be honest, the reason I love it so much is that the story it tells genuinely lines up perfectly with one of my characters and his story which makes me feel like I relate to it. I was so befuddled with joy when I realized it was p…
[image] Her name is Catelynn and she’s 9 <3
[image] SO LIKE I HAD THIS IDEA FOR A NEW STORY (send help) But anyway I have a new oc who is a robot???? Insane??? Gremlin draws mechanical thing???